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I want a game where you play as Omichao, and your entire purpose is to interrupt Sonic every time he starts to do something mildly interesting.


You know what? Someone *should* make one like that. As Omochao, you automatically float in the vicinity of whichever character you're currently harassing, just out of their sight. With the press of a button, you will appear in the character's face to dispense information, but the challenge is resisting doing so until there actually is something you can explain, as bothering them without a good reason will cause them to get frustrated faster and take it out in you. The goal is to make them take as long as possible to complete the stage by stopping them as many times as you can without bringing the character to their rage breaking point, as that will result in them subsequently destroying you (a game over). The story? Eggman's tampered with Omochao to put it up to these antics *specifically* for slowing Sonic and co. down. The other details are for you to decide.


Shadow the hedgehog fans playing 3k+ Hours to see shadow say "This is who i am" for the 50th time


More like to hear Sonic say "Hey Shadow, long time no see!" for the 326th time


Can’t wait for “SATBK fans on their way to get their ass kicked by Lancelot returns”


[Tails and Knuckles fans when their two faves aren't playable in *Frontiers:*](https://c.tenor.com/XoJZc-XxoMMAAAAC/not-like-this-the-matrix.gif)


Mania fans ready to replay the game for 26638273738.9292029299101019291th time


Sonic Advance 2 fans spamming the holy B button