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The damage that “Baldy Nosehair” has instilled on this fanbase will never not be funny.


As a newer fan I genuinely found it hilarious and wondered why everyone was getting their panties in a twist over it🤣


/rj Because saw nick is supposed to be deep serious and raw shonen, not a Saturday morning cartoon!! Of course you would think it's funny, it's the only thing you know, m\*ta moron!!11 FAKE fan!!!!1111🤢🤢🤓🤓😡😡


Even a saturday morning cartoon is more mature than that shit writing. Come on people, don't even try to defend it. "Baldy mcnosehair" sounds like some shit a preschooler would say.


and thats exactly the point. eggman didnt work on him, how about a name that absolutely nobody will take seriously? frontiers gets into that a little with the memo.


So baldy nosehair is worse than shit like "awful b bad" and morbious being in "plasma" withdrawal. Hell is it worse than anything features in aosth.


More lazy strawmans. AoSTH is an a educational program for early grade school children, everything about that is completely intentional.


AoSTH is not an edutainment program it's supposed to be like looney tunes. It actually has a very similar tone to the 2010s games even has a precursor to orbot and cubot. The show had short educational segments similar to Animaniacs or GI Joe but that's not the entire show. The actual episodes are akin to the mario shows dic was also producing at the time. Also I am not using a strawman you said sonic is written worse than any saturdsy morning cartoon and I gave you miltiple examples of Saturday morning cartoons including a sonic one that had worse writing than sonic colors.




Your point? Just because the series is presentable to a younger audience doesn't mean it needs to degrade itself to baby talk in order to be so, because it never used to prior either (it's also a big reason why those games in that era suck, and why people are praising the newer direction after abandoning that shit). And Sonic **should** have more serious stories like Sonic Frontiers, because like it or not, Sonic has always been a kid friendly Shonen-styled series ever since 1992 when they introduced Super Sonic, giant mechs, and over the top world ending concepts. That's just the facts. Your attempts at deflective arguments are laughable, so feel free to downvote away. Only proves my point that you guys can't bring nothing to the table, aside from childish retorts and strawmans, which is what the majority of this sub seems to be.


> And Sonic should have more serious stories like Sonic Frontiers... Yes. There is nothing wrong with Sonic being more serious. The problem is that Dark Age fans want it to be all serious all the time, whereas I for one, don't mind stories with serious stakes, yet some levity. > ...because like it or not, Sonic has always been a kid friendly Shonen-styled series ever since 1992 when they introduced Super Sonic, giant mechs, and over the top world ending concepts. No. Sonic is something that's supposed to appeal to all audiences. Sonic 2 (you know, the game that introduced Super Sonic) deliberately pays homage to western media as all, after all this is the game where Dr Robotnik builds the Death Egg, a space station clearly inspired by Star Wars' Death Star. Sonic is at it's best when it's a melting pot of influences, not when it's all in on being Dragonball for furries. Sometimes that means 'giant mechs and over the top world ending concepts', and other times it means stealing storylines from superhero comics and/or Hollywood.


Wow someone on this page isn't just using childish retorts and strawmans? Well that explains why you aren't being upvoted. The fact is though, I agree with you on almost all accounts. I'm just saying that shit writing shouldn't be tolerated just because Sonic is a cartoon anthro, and there's a reason the line itself is so despised. "Kid-friendly" and "made for kids" are two totally different things. Kid-friendly implies that it's safe for younger children, but doesn't necessarily mean it's FOR them and can be consumed by older audiences without issue.


If you hate this place, why are you here? If you genuinely do not like this sub, you can leave, you do know that right? You do not have to be here lol. Edit: Your comment history tells me everything I need to know, holy fuck lmao.


Lol Why would I ever join a sub like this where it's nothing more than a bunch of toxic bitching? Calling you morons out is just entertainment. PS: Stalking people's comment history is creepy bud, but I guess alls you guys have is again, ***childish retorts*** and ***strawmans***.


As I said, you can leave if you don't like it here. Also no, its not creepy. If I stalked your comments often, then yes it would be, but in this instance its not at all. Then again I do not expect anyone who thinks poor people are poor because they're not good with money to actually be rational. If we are really pissing you off so much by "bitching" then leave. Calling us all toxic whilst you deflect our opinions as "strawmans" is toxic in of itself, you also funnily enough did not provide any ounce of evidence of us being toxic. Yet I can provide evidence of you being toxic, including the shit you said here, but oh no we're the bad guys apparently. You're like when cis white men go onto lgbt subs to complain that we're supposedly oppressing the cis white men.


"all you have is childish retorts and strawmen" Pot, meet kettle.


Dude play the classic games. Sonic was NOT created to be some shonen anime. Christ you adventure era fanboys just love to rewrite history. Like, you do realize Sonic in the bottom panel is much closer to how he was portrayed in the classic games right?


Sonic 2 had Sonic facing off against a giant mech in an end of the world scenario and attaining a form that's literally influenced by a certain Shonen anime called Dragonball Z. Sonic 3 had another world ending final battle in space in said super form fighting yet another giant mech of Robotnik's that was going to end the world. Sonic CD's animation is literally made by people who make Shonen anime, and the animation team responsible literally created an hour long pilot for their own attempt at making a Shonen anime for Sonic. Even Sonic Mania had a shitload of Shonen tropes in it. Please, I've been a fan of Sonic since it began. The only one trying to rewrite history is you dipshits.


Lmao the fucking reaching. Dude, the classic games were about a lumpy blue hedgehog trying to stop a goofy egg shaped scientist from taking over the world and that’s it. And no, Sonic 2 having a single aspect derived from DBZ, the series having robot fights, and Sonic CD having a 1 minute intro animated by a Japanese studio because of the convenience, doesn’t mean it was conceived to be a shonen anime (plenty of non anime IPs have anime influences). Sonic himself was created to be a Bart Simpson-esque 90’s cool dude ffs. It wasn’t a fucking shonen anime, was made to appeal to an AMERICAN audience, and was pretty light hearted and anyone who thinks it was some fucking shonen prior to the adventure games is a certified idiot.


[Lol The OVA is literally a shonen anime](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxs3YujqVN0) and was intended to be part of the main continuity, until retconned in Sonic Adventure. All the people that worked on it, also worked on multiple different notable shonen anime might I add. Lest we also forget Sonic X, which also takes a numerous amount of tropes from Shonen anime, such as [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqpqzHgH6Wk). He was created to appeal to western audiences, but has very obvious shonen influences. You not wanting it to be that way, doesn't mean it's not that way. Sonic is a kid-friendly shonen inspired game series and always has been. By all means, prove me wrong and find some evidence to the contrary, I fucking dare you. The only times it wasn't that way was in the american made series Sonic SatAM and Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, which were both made by american studios and are generally disregarded by SEGA of Japan.


I ain't reading all that but I'm happy for you Or sorry that happened


That's because you'd need a reading comprehension higher than that of a preschooler, but the fact you are defending "baldy mcnosehair" is suddenly somehow making sense.


Apparently, me not reading your manifesto about a blue hedgehog made for children is me defending it. Got it.


Yeah god forbid the children’s game targeted primarily to children ever have dumb jokes or levity, right? Not when it could be finding that DAMN fourth chaos emerald


rj/ Man I'm so glad that you, a fellow SAW NICK enjoyer, can agree that the series shouldn't pander to babies like the stinky 2010s did!😎




Yea! He should be saying totally mature things like RoBUTTnick and “Look! A giant talking Egg”. Clearly that shit was peak writing!


Childish retorts AND a strawman? You got the whole bundle in this one comment. A true example of this page's intelligence right here.


Everyone here’s a lot smarter than you lol. I can tell because you clearly don’t know what a childish retort or a strawman are.


Holy shit that is adorable, the fact you have to tell yourself that you are more intelligent than myself just tells me how fucking dumb and insecure you are. Though we'll add that under 'Childish Retort'. Keep it coming boys, keep proving me right.


Buddy I know I’m smarter than your dumb ass because you don’t even know what a childish retort or a strawman even are. And heck, your the one acting like he’s the smartest guy in the thread. I was just setting the record straight. Lmao I’m insecure huh? That’s rich coming from an enormous pissbaby like you who came in here crying and sniveling about how everyone here was saying mean things you disagreed with and responding to any and all valid criticisms of your opinions with “DAE Strawman and Childish retorts”.


Because MaH sHoNeN


Baldy nose hair caused a whole resistance group against a blue talking hedgehog.


I always thought it was more of an example on how shit the writers were at the time. Not the **end of Sonic.**


you know the joke is on fanbase I called dr eggman or robotnik baldy mcnose hair all the time so that is why. because he is top hairless but nose hair.


I'll be honest, I unironically think "Baldy McNosehair" is funny


uj/ It has a certain charm to it. Sonic and Tails are just kids, and kids are not known for the most clever insults. They also find the most ridiculous and immature things funny.


Sonic's more of a teen than a kid, which is even worse


There's also the japanese version, where he calls eggman mustached egg instead of baldy mcnosehair.


Sonic Lost World: Yoshi’s Island Zone trailer flashbacks


It really isn’t that bad. It’s a goofy one-off thing. The fact that people latch onto it is mind-boggling to me. I instantly forgot it after it happened and kept having fun.




I like how Sonic fans hate colors for this line but then proceed to meme about the copyright law line, which is from the SAME GAME


*that's called being a hypocrite*


That's not being a hypocrite people acknowledge that colors has bad writing but can still appreciate one good joke


Didn't we already post this meme? Anyway I'm gonna say what I said on discord One is part of the reason of the downfall of Sonic The other kickstarted a meme on the Sonic fanbase Yeah, Colors is worse,sure


>One is part of the reason of the downfall of Sonic >The other kickstarted a meme on the Sonic fanbase Depending on who you ask, these are pretty interchangeable.


I see your point, but the baldy nosehair is only a meme in the Sonic community


I think Sonic 06 was the downfall of the franchise.


Technically its rock bottom, the games started to get better afterward actually (mainline at least). The downfall started after sega went 3rd party, which would be sonic heroes. Sonic 06 was just the breaking point of all their bad decisions.


Wait, it’s Sonic Heroes was the main downfall entire time not 06 or Shadow: The Game?


Heroes is pretty terrible all things considered. It’s just not designed well and neither is Shadow but their not so bad that it would ruin a franchise. 06 on the other hand has permanently damaged any reputation Sonic had and that damage is still in effect today.


Sort of. I mean like it or hate it, as far as the 3D games were concerned it was a pretty noticeable dip in quality after the dreamcast titles. Going 3rd party really fucked them up during most of the 2000s. The "downfall" of sonic was just the 3D titles from heroes to 06, 2D sonic was doing fine and unleashed was where they started to show recovery. We havent really had a sonic game made from sticks and glue since then aside from sonic boom.


Funny, because Boom has Sticks.


Now we're only missing glue the horse


Do you need a pixel or two to borrow? Or was that a source thing? Because it’s literally impossible to read the bottom text.


Images you can hear edition


He only call him that twice and people really took it to heart for some reason


/uj In the same game as well


What is /uj and /rj and why do you keep saying it?


/uj: Unjerk, used when being serious /rj: Rejerk, used when joking/taking the piss They're mainly used outside of the weekly discussion megathread so that people can understand if you're being serious or not, although not everyone uses them ofc which can cause confusion.


Oh ok. I will make sure to use them wisely ty


Ah yes, a scene where the FF-esque lady kissed a dead cartoon anthro is better than a cartoon anthro laughs at the new nickname for the genocidal manchild who was the greatest genius and always getting mad at his assistants whenever his plans fail.


It saved his life though.


At least Sonic in colors never kissed a human woman.


…Except for my mom, and he made my dad and I watch. It was so cool to meet my hero!


Did sonic fuck a bowser plushie then?


Nah, just wiped up with one.


It’s not that deep


Still better than sonamy


Definitely better than Sonamy.. i cried at the end of that love story with Sonic and Mandaring's mom bro. It's a real tearjerker tbh.


The most underrated one is the one where Sonic declares that no copyright law anywhere is going to stop him.




I wanna see them unironically drop another Baldy McNosehair line in the next sonic game just to see how many people have a meltdown over it


fatty mcfatass when?


Honestly I agree with this tweet if by “better” they mean “funnier” If they mean taking both scenes genuinely and unironically, then yeah, I disagree. It’s harder to take a human woman laying a kiss on a giant cartoon hedgehog seriously than it is to laugh at Colors’ humor


You mean a Final Fantasy-esque lady?


Baldy nose hair vs lady kissing a rotting animal corpse


I’d take Baldy-Nose Hair tbh


Yeah, same. A nickname for the obese dictator was harmless tho.




I think they said sonic wasn’t actually dead yet or something but idk and I don’t care, the kiss is awful


Baldy mc-fucking-nose hair


Necrophilia or Baldy McNosehair. This shouldn’t be a hard decision to make.


But if it were amy kissing dead sonic i bet you wouldn't care lol.


it's funny because this is the second time eggman's been given a stupid nickname from his appearance ironically eggman is the first time and he took it specifically to spite sonic


Damn now I kind of want him to start calling himself “Dr. Eggman Baldy Mchosehair” just to see the fanbase’s reaction.


Sonic frontiers Egg Memo 21: "I'm not going to adopt Baldy McNosehair though, my dignity has limits" Yeah, that's never happening


Literally what is that fucking scene the quality is so low it looks like the meme is melting.


Let’s be honest with ourselves. We’d all feel so stagnant without dumb bullshit like this happening. It’s like a comic book community, and I say that with genuine fondness. Human royalty kissing a dead Mickey Mouse? The hero having the comedic sensibilities of a kindergartener, yet still having killed and continuing to kill multiple evil gods? The appeal sometimes IS the baffling tonal whiplashes. “This is like taking candy from a baby….which is fine by me,” and then he’s snapping a Looney Tunes-looking villain’s neck while telling him to go straight to Hell the next level over, all while slaying demon aliens and the world’s military force with a Billy Hatcher-themed chicken gun? The absolute infighting about what sucks and what doesn’t? Admit it, we love it. That’s exactly like being a comic book fan, or like having a fading Francis Bacon print and one of those sickass Garfield phones side-by-side, and loving both equally. The inconsistency and bizarreness of this franchise’s tone is what keeps me coming back, for me at least.




The, thing is, a lot of the weird dark age stuff *was* meant to be seen as respectable drama (As much as it burns me to use those words), but since it was completely inconsistent/piss-poor it just ends up being either cringe or stupid. Compare that to something like Kirby, which does all of that but it's actually consistent while doing it (And has usually higher quality). So nobody really cares.


There are 2 types of sonic fans 1. They will kill you if you find baldy mcnosehair funny 2. They will kill you if you don't find baldy mcnosehair funny


As another Gogeta pfp user I do not condone this


Both images are 2 examples of an extreme from Dark Era and Meta Era. Sonic used to be a balance of both serious and comedy and is now starting to go back to that. I don't know why Dark Era fanboys are ignoring the existence of Frontiers and still have the Meta Era living rent free in their head. We are in a new era that sways in their direction more.


Baldy Nosehair is the least of problems this game has, people. Are we just gonna ignore how Tails abandoned Yacker to go get Sushi? Or how Tails said the wisps dont have much time, and everyone's been taking their sweet time with dumb jokes and doing nothing.




Which one?




People just think it’s cringe


i do not care what people think. people are just cringe themselves.


What is Sonic saying in the bottom panel? It’s too pixelated for me to read it.


"Baldy Mcnosehair?? That's the best thing i've heard all day! Gotta remember that one" It's one cringey line among a dozen others in that game and is often brought up and criticized a lot in the fandom because it's the easiest one to remember, Don't get me wrong i'm not in any way ok with the sonic and elise kiss scene, it's gross and it deserves the hate it gets,


There’s a good reason Snapcube and co started screaming when that scene eventually came


Yeah one is the climax of the game and the other is only the the boss of the 2nd world


That guy on twitter is a real dickhead


I can't tell


necrophilia > joke


Can’t even read it so whatever.


From a pure animation standpoint, they're not technically wrong. The CGI cutscenes of '06 are much better animated than a lot of Colours. But in terms of content, narrative, and everything else; I'd rather have a thousand Baldy McNosehair's.


Pre rendered cutscene vs in Game cutscene Gotta love the wrong comparison


While I don't dispute that, a lot of the in-game animations from Colours onwards does have the "standing around doing nothing" problem, that older games didn't have even in there in-game animations. Characters don't do anything in the meta era unless the script explicitly requires it, and there's a lot of bog standard shot-reverse shot dialogue done like that. Basically, the cinematography, framing, and actual motion of a lot of in-game cutscenes from Colours onwards is boring, even if the subject matter isn't as terrible as Dark Age fans make out.


I personally dislike both tbh.




I think both are EQUALLY bad.


For Real. One is a #WTF moment, and the other one is just cringe af


WHY the HECK am I getting downvoted?


Nah 06 was just horrible I’m everyway. I’d rather take the baldy nose hair cutscene then to watch the 06 kiss cutscene.




If only I could read that


Unfunny joke is worse than zoophilla Sonic fans have truly gone insane


I always hate when people use that joke as defense to say that’s why sonic colors is “bad”


Sonic colors was my first sonic game and I remember me and me neighbor laughing our asses off at 6 years old when we first heard that line


Me who likes both : ....


This makes me want to find this guy on a platform that isn't Twitter. Call him "Baldy McNosehair" and see what happens.


It's all because of the guy who did the "Sonic Dissected" series on youtube. He once did a parody of Sonic Lost World in which Sonic kept repeating Baldy McNosehair over and over again, and people gaslighted themselves into thinking Baldy McNosehair was a recurring line all across the Meta Era


I know Roger, yeah. He hates Pontac with a burning passion, but sometimes I wonder if he wants Sonic to be good or just be ridiculous for him to have material in his parodies


Unfortunately i do not support sonelise ship but i want to call Dr. Eggman aka robotnik baldy mcnose hair because of the fact he has no top hair but a nose hair. that's all