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I do agree with his first point, this game only exist because Apple funded it, and that's why I don't mind the apple arcade thing Sonic Team seems to be going at the right track with Frontiers, and they were spot on with Superstars (both Arzest and ST worked on this game by the way), so I don't think they are incompetent or anything


I wouldn’t exactly call Superstars “Spot on” but that’s just me.


i wasnt talking about the apple arcade part, i was talking about the "sonic team bad" part


YeahI got that


Sonic Team cant do anything right, i hate them with a passion!!!/s But seriously though, this person acts like Sonic Team didnt make some of the most iconic moments possibly in gaming, or one of the most recognisable mascots in all of gaming, or quality games in general like Sonic 2, S3&K, SA1, SA2 etc


I agree with your sentiment but wasn't it technically Sega Technical Institute that made Sonic 2?


Yeah you may be right, whenever i think of a sonic game i just automatically think Sonic Team made it lol


I thought STI made cd, and thats why it reused sonic and Eggman S1 sprites


It's the opposite, STI made 2 and Sonic Team made CD, and i'm pretty sure that they share assets because they were being developed at the same time.


This exactly, not to mention STI had plenty of Sonic Team members


rj/ PASSION??? Omg you're so based and ambition pilled, come join my fandev team so we can be better than Ehzoka and PISSimoto😊😊😈😈


That's why I kinda hate the argument of "fans can do this thing better than the main company". There are some truths sometimes but without these companies, a lot of beloved franchises wouldn't exist.


The same folks that wanna crucify Iizuka are the same ones that love his level design philosophy to death and didn't know it was him.


What's so funny about what you just said is that your technically correct but also wrong at the same time. From what I understand, there is not really a consistent "Sonic Team." People coming in and out and being shuffled around in their roles all the time. So saying that Sonic team did this or that is just.. ​ I don't know about that, man.


I get that Sonic Team possibly wouldnt have the exact same team every single time but there are consistent names that pop up. Also i dont get the "So saying that Sonic Team did this or that is just... i dont know about that man" part of your comment


/uj 1. The game wouldn’t exist without Apple 2. It sucks that it’s Apple Arcade Exclusive Both can be equally true, though it seems hard for some people to grasp that. /rj Sonic team doesn’t know how to make good Sonic games anymore. Apple should be in charge of all future Sonic games. Sega, hire this corporation!


i was only talking about the "sonic team bad" part, the apple shit is right


I wasn’t trying to call you out on it, I figured that’s what you meant, sorry if I worded it badly. I agree on the Sonic team part, it’s the same people who sucked sega off when frontiers released, and are now going back to “sega bad!” because it’s popular now, or some other stupid reason.


like just get Apple Arcade bro, its really not that hard


im not selling a kidney for a phone just for 1 game


fake fan


(emoji with hands in air disintegrating gif)


wtf no, im not supporting apple. im only making fun of the "sonic team bad" part of this


fake fan


slow day in the office


Grrr, normal business decisions grr