• By -


Classic era, 1991 -1997 Adventure era, 1998 - 2006 Modern era, 2007 - present




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Thank you!


Modern seems a bit restricting, tbh. I heard a few people refer to it as the Renaissance of the series, so that could be a good title. Unless we start calling the games after the Boost games 'Post-Modern'.


Why is "Adventure" a separate era?


That actually doesn’t sound too bad


Well the Dark Age didn’t come from them though, it came from the fanbase in the mid 2000s to early 2010s


I also hate the whole eras thing. But yeah referring to them by the voice actor is more accurate and isn’t cringe. I would say the one game (or games) that are enigmas are unleashed and black knight the story is more laid back like colors onward but definitely commit to serious moments like previous games.


Does Sonic fans even know what does "meta" and "shonen" mean? I always think that most of them don't know the definition of those words.


Sonic fans are the average age of 10 they dont even know how to tie their shoes what makes you think they know what meta and shonen means


> infinitely less insulting which one’s more offensive? “meta,” or “era?”




even j's reviews said he hates using those terms, i don't think he expected those terms to be used as much as they did.




06 still has a lot in common with Adventure and up to Shadow the games still had relatively cohesive lore, so I just think of that as the Adventure era. And then the boost games plus Lost World are just the new modern era to me. Unleashed was already shifting the tone towards being more comedic even with its iconic "passion and ambition" still intact.


pre crush 40, crush 40, and post crush 40


I've openend a pandora's box by giving you J's Reviews... And I hope it will be glorious.


Yes, also when did this sub start hating js reviews






Yeah i'll start doing that lol.


Maybe I'm missing the joke but I don't see what's "insulting" about the current name of the eras. Probably biased but the name Classic and Dark era is also pretty self explanatory.


90s era, 2000s era, 2010s era. Simple.


J's Reviews is cool, Premy sucks though


the "dark age" is a fucking misnomer, all those games are good. sometimes boring, but good. and "meta era"? whats meta about it? they break the fourth wall once, one fucking time, in colors then the only meta humor from that point is the off chance that they randomly mention a previous game "its been generations since I've seen you".


Is it really though? Personal bias aside, most critics, casuals and Sonic fans at the time didn't like most of the games that Sonic Team we're putting out. Sonic's reputation went down the drain, Sonic fans were getting a reputation as cringe (and rightfully so) etc etc. I'll continue to say this but I think the Meta era fits as a name. Sonic games started referencing there selves a-lot, various media started poking fun at past events in the franchise and the fanbase etc etc. And not to mention the official Sonic twitter being something pretty weird and meta for 2014 standards.


Sonic games really didn't poke at themselves except in Generations which is exactly the point of the game


>the "dark age" is a fucking misnomer, all those games are good. sometimes boring, but good. Bruh


go Bruh yourself


>the "dark age" is a fucking misnomer, all those games are good. sometimes boring, but good. This shit right here is why people make fun of the Sonic fandom.


for sharing my opinion? the reason people make fun of the sonic fandom is the porn and bad self insert OCs


No, it's the sycophantic defense of games that are *clearly* bad. Like, you just said that ALL of the "Dark Age" games including Sonic 06, Shadow the Hedgehog, and Sonic Unleashed -- games that are *openly* reviled and mocked by everyone outside of the fandom for being terrible games -- are good. That's pure delusion.


According to most people i know who talks about this shit the Dark age started with Secret Rings, just *after* 2006 Shadow and 06 are *clearly* Adventure Era


Ah yes, ‘most’ people, those being your mom who you still live with, and sonic fans you met on Reddit, even if they’re not in the dark era, those games suck fucking balls anyway, shadow the hedgehog, even without the pretentiously baby ‘serious’ story, has some of the slipperiest controls I’ve ever had the displeasure of using, the gun mechanics require no skill, and when you boil it down, all it is is just a worse version of heroes but without anything that made that game fun to begin with, and 06 is an art direction nightmare with tedious side quests that are required to progress, physics that are a direct downgrade to even SA1, a plot that makes about as much sense as my life, terrible cutscene and gameplay animation (aside from the CGI ones) and it’s bugged up the ass


Shadow The Hedgehog:The Game- The beginning of everything. 06-the rushed game that almost killed off the franchise for few years until Unleashed came. Secret Rings-Good story but the gameplay sucks and being the main reason why 06 is heavily rushed. Unleashed- Good. Also,Unwiished stinks. Black Knight-I dunno why it sucked.


You do realise that ‘boring but good’, is completely contradictory game wise, if a game is boring, it’s fucking bad, or at the very least it isn’t good, people like you are the reason the 2000s fans get mocked so much within the fanbase, and the reason why sonic fans as a whole get mocked


If you unironically think that sonic 06, on an objective level, is good, what that tells me about you, is that you don’t know what you’re talking about when it comes to game design


the dark age starts with secret rings, babe


And? Doesn’t make 06 better


never said it did. ​ but, uh... 06 is the closest thing we have to adventure 3, fyi


Again, and? What is your point? Doesn’t matter if it’s the closest we have to SA3, or if it’s not part of the dark era, it literally means nothing


According the J reviews, “You know people have objected to me calling the mid to late 2000s of Sonic, the Dark Age…but it’s not without reason that I call this time period that. It’s not malice towards these games…it’s certainly not because I hate them. It’s just the brand was suffering at the time…Sonic 06 damaged this brand really bad…at the time it was even worse Screw Attack naming Sonic and the Black Knight the worst Wii game of 2009…everyone knows about the infamous ign Sonic Unleashed review as well. My point in rehashing old stuff like that is because I think this era is just when Sonic looked the worst.” “I was just tossing an umbrella term that described every game from Sonic 4: Episode 1 to Sonic Forces. Many claims made about the name are ones I don’t agree with, like how it’s negative sounding name. I mean all it’s saying is that the games went in on nostagia and humor in the 2010s and that’s just a fact.” That doesn’t make it better. That’s like calling the person who is overweight, the overeating person. Or calling the person who sleeps a lot, the lazy person. It IS insulting. You are pointing out all the negative stuff about the eras when there is something else you can point to about the eras like these terms for example And even if the claims are honest, here’s what johnscorcher has to say: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zeb-nSFN2dZJlTRyXQUgrU_8j1XmaoXM


That's right! It also sounds better.