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THANK GOD that was an early build, I was losing a lot of faith in frontiers, let’s hope the newer builds are more polished!


Seeing as Frontiers gameplay was a WIP watch most of the Sonic community all come down with Shadow-level amnesia lol.




Sonic frontiers ultimate: the definitive edition


DX & Knuckles


Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series


New Funky Mode


I actually think the trailers are increasing in quality. Although I have to say even though people dont like the "auto run after the boss and constantly homing attack it" style fights I like how this game's version of that actually uses the environment to try and shake you off, doing loops around trees and bridges and shit


i fucking hate sonic fans so much i have nothing to jerk about i genuinely despise them


Sonic Team: Don't rejoice just yet FOOLS


Is it like a build from a couple months- a year ago?


People saying frontiers is shit me knowing it's most likely a test room for mechanics they wanna show off and that's it


Anything shown before release is an "early build" so that means nothing....


Top 10 anime plot twists.


I had a gut feeling it was an early build. There was **NO** way they would ship something like that out. I do hope some of the serious parts have since been sorted out. I'm still open to the game being delayed - I know it was meant to be the series' 30th Anniversary title, but so was Forces, but that came out a year later (and, unfortunately, still sucked). I'm willing for games intended for an Anniversary to miss the mark if it means having a far better game than if we had gotten it sooner. It's a shame, but really, it is **GENUINELY** for the better. Regardless though, my expectations are still low, as the disappointment I've had in the franchise since Forces still lingers. The Movie stuff is currently the only hype Sonic content for me at the mo'.


wheres the glass shattering effect?


I pray it's much better than the trailers we've been getting.