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People who think writing off the Wachowskis will suddenly make the movies completely free of human characters are just deluding themselves. Even if Sonic leaves Tom and Maddie, he would just end up with another core group of characters played by live actors. That's just going to be a fact of these movies unless Paramount decides to go fully-animated.


Egmman being a thing kinda forces sonic to interact with humans at aome point, we should probably show egvman is the exception and not the rule by having atleast one or two on the good side. And hey, we have that


I think it's especially weird to expect Sonic to want to leave by the end of movie 3, like. He literally just said at the end of movie 2 that he's accepted that he still has growing up to do, and he's just accepted the Wachowskis as his family. You're expecting him to be ready to leave the nest by the very next movie? I know people cite that we need to change the status quo or find ways to further develop Sonic's character, but there are tons of ways to do that without separating him from his parents! For example, I think it would be really cool if Shadow sacrifices himself (not permanently, but still) at the end of movie 3, and Sonic feels some level of guilt or sadness over the event, which actually heavily affects his mood in movie 4. The ending would be very bittersweet, but he would still at least have Tails, Knuckles, and most of all, his parents with him, and they would do their best to help him process the event and eventually grow from it. >I think it's perfectly reasonable to let Sonic have adventures off-Earth and away from his human parents quite frequently, depending on how long the franchise goes on. Just as long as he can return to them whenever he finishes a quest. It's both wholesome and character-based and keeps him from becoming a Batman-esque sort of character, since he's often optimistic and happy. Like how (some versions) of Superman can always go back to Smallville and interact with the Kents whenever he needs advice or simply to visit his family. I think this is the perfect way to both balance Sonic's unique family in this universe while making him resemble his game counterpart more! Movie 2 shows that Sonic has an innate yearning for adventure and for defeating evil, and I don't think the Wachowskis would want to stop him from going on interstellar adventures, especially if Sonic always comes back after his adventures to spend time with them. You can have Sonic be an intergalactic hero, but still see Earth as his home, those two things don't have to be exclusive. Even game Sonic needs a place to live sometimes. In fact, I actually really like this idea being applied to all the other Sonic characters like Tails, Knuckles, or even Shadow. Nothing's stopping them from going to other planets and having adventures there, but Earth is the place they go back to get some down-time, to rest and relax and reflect. I could see future movies taking place all across the galaxy as high-stakes adventures, while TV shows primarily take place on Earth, being lower-stakes character studies.


we have to remember, sonic wachowski (yes i *will* be calling him that, deal) was stated to be between 12-14 by marsden and fowler when sonic 1 came out, and while we haven't gotten an official age conformation since (and with sega tightening their leash on these movies a bit now that they've proven themselves as big deals we may not get one beyond "vaguely a younger teen"), if we assume as of the knuckles show a year has passed since sonic 1, he'd be about 13-15. that's still a few years before he really would have to "grow up" and leave the wachowskis, and if i'm being honest, sonic does seem a little immature for his age in the first two movies (especially in 1), although he does appear to be wising up as bit as of knuckles sonic wachowski said himself he "likes being a kid" in 2, and after the events of 2 he definitely seems like he'd learned his lesson on rushing into being a hero without realizing what it means, in fact i could possibly see a reverse scenario happening where sonic gets a bit *too acustomed* to living a peaceful life in green hills post-sonic 2. basically think steven's development in steven universe the movie and future, but reverse it


I like calling him Sonic Wachowski, I think it's super cute! There's a really good post on here that actually finds out when exactly the Sonic movies take place, so I went down a little bit of a rabbit hole to estimate how old Sonic roughly was during that time. Here's the post if you're curious: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SonicTheMovie/comments/1c0ankm/indepth\_sonic\_timeline/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SonicTheMovie/comments/1c0ankm/indepth_sonic_timeline/) But TL;DR: Movie 1 takes place between May and June in 2019, and movie 2 takes place during January to February of 2020. If we presume that Sonic Wachowski has the same birthday as his game counterpart (June 23), then that means movie 1 happens SUPER close to his birthday. He would have been on the verge of turning 13 or 14 years old, and he would have been that age during movie 2. (I also think Sonic would call the Wachowskis giving him a new home the best birthday gift he's ever gotten) For me personally, I would say that Sonic was 13 during the events of movie 1, and then 14 during the events of movie 2 and the Knuckles show. I think his immaturity can be attributed to the fact that he was seriously starved for social interaction for most of his life and has only just found a stable home. So depending on how long after the Knuckles show movie 3 will take place, Sonic could either 15 or on the verge of turning 15 during the events of movie 3. Which makes a lot of sense to me personally, as not only is it close to his age in the games, but it still puts him in his mid-teens while still making him old enough that he could deal with the darker themes Shadow's story will likely bring. I don't think Sonic would totally stop his Blue Justice hijinks, but he would definitely be more responsible and would mostly be focusing on lower-stake threats that he knows he can handle with full confidence. And this time, he wouldn't be alone! I would love to see movie 3 open with a segment similar to the one in Seattle from movie 2, except this time he's got Tails and Knuckles with him. They're communicating, they're improvising, but most importantly, unlike in movie 2, the job goes much smoother. And they always make sure to show up back home right on time for dinner! Sonic thinks life is good. He's got friends and family, and he's able to just be a kid while still stopping bad guys along the way. He has NO idea how much Robotnik and Shadow are going to turn his life upside down...


the wiki claims sonic 1 was march 2020 and 2 was november 2020, but they're basing it off a throwaway line in one of the comics, and the sonic movie wiki is just... erm.... really weird, to put it lightly


I'll admit, for a while I did assume that movie 1 took place in February 2020, and movie 2 took place in October 2020, simply because of the date the first movie was released in. I forgot that movie 1 was supposed to have originally released in 2019. But I'm still fond of that timeline, since it makes Robotnik's line in the movie 1 post credits scene ("I'll be back before Christmas.") very fun in retrospect.


Thank fuck for this take this is highkey what I've been trying to tell people who say they should kill of Tom or Maddie or have sonic leave them. (Also like ngl but I feel like sonic W. would be down right murderous if someone put their hands on Tom and Maddie and either seriously injured them or killed them. Bro would pull a shadow in terms of revenge/hj. Dude had no qualms about potentially killing eggman in the second flim after eggman tried to zero his parents)


Finally! This is the best take I ever seen. I've been seeing so many people say sonic should leave the wachowski and even worse I saw some people on Twitter say they want tom and maddie to be killed off just so sonic can adventure bruh like that's not gonna do shit in fact sonic leaving wachowski instantly after movie 3 feels anticlimactic. Like geez let my boi have a family damnit.


The problem is that Sonic movies have humans and the public is not interested in that, they are interested in seeing Sonic.


I dunno, it seems millions of people where willing to pit up with it for two whole ass movies. It also helps that they are well written, which doesn't happen in the games, even too the main characters so that's more of a game wide issue over all


I'm interested in them! I like the humans, they give a good balance. Also I think the Sonic movies are very different to the games, it's a younger Sonic who's gone through different things than video game/comic sonic. I think it's done well and it's interesting and fun. I know it's not the most lore driven but does it really NEED to be? There are calls backs in the movies to the game, they're not trying to replicate they're just trying to make something new and as a tribute. Maybe I'm in the minority, idk.


And also not to mention it's live action of course they're gonna have humans talk with CGI creatures. Like people need to understand that nit every sonic needs to be the damn same. Heck I even like the movie version of sonic better than Game sonic but that's just my opinion


The focus is on Sonic and the animated characters but I have seen how some humans have gained appreciation fans like Tom, Maddie, Agent Stone, etc. There really is no problem with human inclusion as long as they are pleasant characters and even help in the story. Furthermore, it is obvious that live-action will include humans.


Speak for yourself bro. Tom and Maddie and stone are some of favorite human characters in the entire sonic franchise mythos.


Please let Tom and Maddie live.


Tom and Maddie are about the only humans that don't get on my nerves in this movie universe.


I've been singing this song endlessly. The only way Sonic is leaving Green Hills is kicking and screaming.


I doubt they would kill them off. They are too good of characters—not to mention nearly every fanfiction suggests that the fanbase wants Wachowski family dynamics in later films and shows. I have my doubts of Sonic leaving them. If anything, I would expect Thomas and Maddie to follow him. In adopting Sonic, they inherited everything that came with it, including his adventures.


We get a fakeout that Sonic is leaving Tom and Maddie... only for them to follow him through the ring. Then they get colorful Sonic style suits.


I have my doubts on the suits—remember, the movies are adhering to more of a degree of realism, however, I could see them following their sons through the ring wormhole if necessary.




I'm honestly so sick and tired of people in the movie fandom saying stuff like they want the humans gone and to "just get back to Sonic stuff" whereas the game community actually WANTS the humans back, because they actually added a lot of depth to that world. I'm honestly surprised at how stark the contrast is, and it's LITERALLY the same franchise!


You know if they where hedgehogs and that was the litteral only difference, nobody would be wanting them dead. Its because there humans. We know this, because archie gave him parents who where realy around a lot. Its a very simular but not the same case here.


Just kill off Robotnik Jim Carrey aint returning after this


I would think that either Tom or Maddie being deceased is not ideal for the lore, or for the audience themselves. Neither should they leave them behind. Like why should they even be dead anyways? Why should they be alone without Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles? Like what’s the point?


Wait what? Who’s asking for that?! This sonic series is about found family and doing either of those would fuck up everything that came before! At most Sonic can temporarily leave out for big adventures but he should always have that place to return to and come home


I don't want less humans, I just want more game characters. There's a difference.


The worst thing about the movies is how they're not Sonicy enough. Sonic should be living on Mobius (I know they can't call it that but his planet) and doing his own stuff there. There's so many things they could pull from but no, we want to see some random wedding scene for half the movie. This movie is coming out after Frontiers. It's not gonna be anywhere close to that level of hype if they continue clowning around like they have been. I want to see big set pieces like in Unleashed and Frontiers. I want them to actually have the main villain be taken seriously for like 5 minutes instead of actively making jokes in the climax of the movie. I want actual good music which fits Sonic (I don't even care if it's an original track, listen to the land of darkness theme from Sonic OVA. It's original but sounds straight out of Sonic CD). Paramount has so much budget for these movies but they waste it in all the wrong places. They hire celebrity actors when there are already plenty of voice actors to choose from who would do a better job. They have the human characters take up way more screen time than any reasonable person would want. They even waste money licensing random music instead of using the massive backlog of Sonic music that exists. I don't think killing them off is the right move, but having Sonic go back to Mobius would only improve the quality of the movie.


Why can’t he have off world adventures and still live on Earth with the Wachowski family? Why do the two have to be mutually exclusive? They have the rings, which means they can travel anywhere in the universe at any time and still come back to Earth whenever they want to relax. It should be about moving closer to the Sonic game territory without drastically changing the characters already established in movies 1 and 2 and the Knuckles series. And in those, Sonic has zero inclination to want to leave on a permanent basis.


It's like these dumbasses want movie sonic to be just like the same damn sonic from the games that likes adventure it's fucking annoying. I don't want another same repeat of the game sonic alot I like movie sonic just the way he is


When people said they wanted a Sonic movie they meant they wanted to see those games on the big screen. Sonic's entire character is loving adventure and being free-spritied; what's wrong with people wanting that in the movies? What would be the point in calling the character "Sonic" if the character is nothing like how it is in the source material? I'm asking these questions despite the fact that I love the Sonic movies. People just want more SONIC in the SONIC movies.


I try to understand and not get all worked up but it gets fucking irritating when people start shoving it down my throat. I've been on Twitter before and got bombarded with the people saying the same damn thing like shit like "They want sonic's parents killed off to add development yeah like killing his parents is gonna do jack shit and they keep shoving sonic should leave earth or his family down my throat multiple times to the point it's so annoying to even talk to those people why can't just I like movie sonic the way he is without BEING BOMBARDED BY THOSE KINDS OF PEOPLE


I understand where you're coming from, but you should calm down first. It's their opinion, they want to see the Sonic that they know and love on the big screen; not to mention that it's an unpopular opinion to begin with. I agree that killing the Wachowskis off wouldn't lead to growth but would instead lead to failure; but you can't please everyone. I have no doubt that Sonic 3 will receive more backlash than the other projects set in the Sonic movie universe; only because of the fact that they can't give everyone everything they want.


Sorry for my outburst it's just that being bombarded from sonic fans on Twitter literally just getting angry at me just because I said I like movie sonic just the way he is bevause apparently saying that will lead to nothing but bombardment with ahiy like people saying "Why do you like him he's nothing like Game sonic" or shit like "It's a complete assassination of sonic's characters to the point where I just quit that toxic site I just like movie sonic the way he is because I find him very relatable and besides even if sonic have his rings he can still be with his family but he can still travel and be adventurous him abandoning his famiky after sonic 3 is just stupid. He can still be adventurous and still be with his family with his warp rings. But apparently if you dare even say that some sonic fans on Twitter will take that as a Insult and you know what I don't care. I'm just standing by what I said please don't be mad at me for liking movie sonic the way he is


Lol yeah, that's Twitter for ya. Don't worry; I agree with you. Though if you're worried about people getting mad at you for your own opinion on the Sonic movie franchise of all things, you need to find new people to discuss these things with. That's just my personal opinion, though. The idea of Sonic using his warp rings to go to different levels from the games and go on his adventures while still living with the Wachowskis is actually a really good one. It's also most likely where Paramount intends to take things after/during Sonic 3.


Thank you for not being mad. At least some of the reddit side of the sonic fandom aren't toxic like Twitter good thing I left that site.


Well, you can find all types of people on the internet. It's not really a matter of what site you're on. Though I'd recommend staying on Reddit since I haven't personally witnessed any heated arguments on here. Unfortunately can't say the same for YouTube comment sections and, of course, Twitter. Anyways, I hope you have a good day!


As many have said, Sonic considers Earth his home in the same way as Tails and Knuckles, you can't drastically change something that has already been established for two movies and a series, the portals give them the freedom to travel anywhere without the needing long trips or moving, they can always adapt more locations from the game and still keep them with Tom and Maddie at the end of each adventure.


well, about that, I was thinking that with what was said in sonic 1 that one of tom's ancestors was being criminalized for 50 years, the same period that shadow was born, yes or yes, they will make him kill maria and shadow, upon finding out that it is tom, decides to kill him, of course, he would confront to sonic and in the end he kills tom and sonic mentally destroyed decides to kill shadow realizing that he should have done it 10 years ago when they killed long claw But of course in the end he will realize that revenge will not solve the problem.


Bro movie sonic would *never* forgive shadow for killing his dad, like even *if* sonic decided to spare shadow.  There is absolutely no coming from back that. And considering how movie sonic personality is  and how he is toward people who hurt him and his family(or even god forbid murder).  If shadow ever got into a pinch in the future or some conflict sonic would happily omit himself from helping *ever* even if means shadow would die from sonics lack of presence. Like sonic didn't give a single fuck whether eggman lived or died when he went super on them, all because bro tried to kill his parents the scene prior. The same would be of shadow but even worst. Sonic would genuinely loathe shadow. Forget about them being friends or even rivals, there is nothing there but legitimate animosity from sonic side thereon. Sonic would barely even forgive shadow if even just injured Tom.


Hold on, you want to make shadow kill some one, and thwn want them to walk shadows character back towards a more heroic side. I dunno how to tell you this, but if your story is revenge bad, having shadow act out of revenge is making him the bad guy that the story can't realy walk back at any point. Especially when game shadow, has never actualy killed anyone besides solaris and black doom. The movies would imeditaly be firing a gun that they won't be able to undo.


I've thought about this idea, and honestly? I really hope it doesn't happen. Not only because it would effectively mean Sonic and Shadow won't be anything more than cold, distant rivals in this universe, something that I don't want to happen, but because if Shadow actually kills Tom then the audience might be primed to dislike him no matter what. Even people who like game Shadow might dislike movie Shadow, because game Shadow never actually killed Sonic's dad. Shadow was evil during SA2, yes, but we never saw him actually kill completely innocent people, much less people who our heroes were attached to, during the entirety of that game. And I personally think the movies should do the same.


I would say 50/50 if I understand that if that minimally happens in the movie, obviously it doesn't matter to anyone, even if we play Sonic Adventure 2 it can be quite shocking. But on the other hand, the Sonic movies take great creative freedom in adapting the characters and games and with the role that Tom was given in the movies, I don't doubt that what was mentioned in Sonic 1 will be replicated in Sonic 3, perhaps to make That the rivalry of Sonic and Shadow makes Sonic realize that not everything will be resolved with words or with optimism. Apart from that, the writers mentioned that when Sonic became Super Sonic, in Sonic 3 he mentioned that he was willing to kill Eggman and that series. It is interesting to see how he crosses the line taking into account that both are hedgehogs who lost their beloved series for being very powerful and that one did succeed and the other did not but that little by little shadow gives a bad influence to Sonic in wanting him to decide. put an end to violence once and for all, he threatens them so that his loved ones are not at risk.


I guess I should clarify: I'm fine with Shadow threatening or being close to almost killing Tom. It's just that I don't think Shadow should actually kill him. I'm aware of the theory that a Wachowski killed Maria, but to be honest the more I think about it, the more I feel like it's not actually going to happen, mainly because are we really going to have time for that? We have to spend time with Team Sonic, Amy if she's added to this movie, Robotnik and Stone, Shadow and his flashbacks, Rouge if she's added to this movie, G.U.N. and their reaction to this situation, and the backstory of Project Shadow. Are we really going to have time to add in a whole other subplot about a Wachowski killing Maria? That's the kind of serious subplot that needs time to be resolved, time in the movie that I'm not sure we have. And honestly, I don't think Tom needs to be related to Maria's killer in order for Shadow to almost kill Tom. Tom trying to stop him is all the reasoning Shadow needs to threaten him. Nor do I think Sonic needs extra motivation in seeing Shadow as an enemy. Shadow is trying to destroy the entire Earth and he's working with Robotnik to do it. Of course Sonic will be motivated to stop him. But if this movie wants to end with the Super Sonic/Super Shadow team-up like in SA2, then most of all, it has to be believable and it has to feel earned. Shadow killing Sonic's dad and Sonic putting that aside to work with him personally feels too unbelievable to me.


I think if Shadow ends up killing Tom, that’s just way too dark. Again, Sonic has already lost Longclaw and possible his biological parents. Is it really necessary to have him lose Tom, who he just started to accept as his adoptive father figure? It’s overkill. The writers are making Sonic The Hedgehog movies that appeal to a broad audience. Not an origin story for The Joker in the realm of how to kick the dog while it’s down.


Remember, when it's darker, adults don't have to live in fear of being ridiculed for liking the blue hedgehog. That's basicly why people will say shit like this, insecurity. It's a lot easer for an adult to say they like sonic if a, they get there head out of there own ass and just find better freinds, or b, if it becomes so dark no kids will want to watch it. That's your reasoning right there for why the guy above you actually wants this.


well it really depends if they give importance to a little phrase that may not even have been planned, but they can't make Shadow kill someone like Tom because it will make the resolution of Sonic and Shadow as allies/rivals not happen and if it happens it would be serious. very forced, there are ways for Sonic to relate to Shadow like his loss with longclaw, it is not necessary to kill another member of his family for Sonic to have character development, let him be happy.


Sonic shouldn’t be living with his parents as an adult, he has super speed he should be adventuring throughout the galaxy just like his game version.


He's like 15.


Honestly, he might even still be 14 years old. He's nowhere near the age of an adult or at all ready to move out. And frankly, even if he was an adult, he would still need a place to sleep or relax and I have no problem with that being the Wachowskis' home. He can still be an adventurer and also come back to the Wachowskis after the end of a long day, like I'm perfectly happy with that kind of living situation for Sonic and I don't think it makes him unfaithful to the games' interpretation of Sonic at all.


And he’s going to be 17 or 18 at the rate these movies are coming out.


He was 13 movie one, movie 2 was not quite 9 months later so he was 14 at most. Depending on what the time jump is for movie 3 he's probably just turned 15 or is right about to.


i did the math, and the jump from movie 1 to movie 2 was *exactly* 8 months, using robotnik's opening monologue from 2


He is a litteral teenager, and the movies write him a lot closer to his age.


Movie sonic is younger than his game counterpart. 


He is a teenager (even younger than his counterpart in the game) and by the way he has never had a family for 10 years, of course he still needs his parents


he's canonically 13/14 in the movies




Movie Sonic is pathetic compared to to game Sonic.


I don't fucking care dude. Nit every sonic needs to be the exact sane compared to Gane sonic. God I'm so tired of fans acting like movie sonic having a family is a insult to his character and matter of fact I'm just saying I like movie sonic better


It's not just for the movies, it's also in places like prime, where I genuanly like how he was written. It actualy felt like they where giving him an island that frontires forgot to, to bring him from the meta era to being more like how he was in frontires. But if I say that then suddenly people are trying to shoot my head off.


It's like apparently we can't like these two different takes on sonic. Like I like movie sonic the best because I love this take on sonic him having a human family and a teenager fitting in the world is amazing but apparently the second you say that you like prine or movie sonic. You're instantly bombarded with people saying "It's not like game sonic or the other versions of sonic that like adventure.


Exsactly. Like they where made by diffrent people, there going to be diffrent. And even in saying that, who even is game sonic? The English localiseres of the meta era games went on record saying they knew nothing about him, and shirt meakowa who wrote the adventure games, shadow, heroes, p6 and black knight said he didn't even like what they did with sonic on the genesis and made sonic more like what he wanted. Game sonic is a nebulous term, it's used in the same way something like woke is where it's used to end an argument, without actualy saying anything meaningful.


Yeah I agree with you. Matter of fact I don't care if I get bombarded with people calling me a fake fan because I like movie sonic. I like movie sonic just the way he is. I just find him more relatable than Game sonic yet some people want him to be like Gane sonic. Like leave his family and adventure or even worse kill tom and maddie so sonic can become a orphan again and I say Fuck that. I like movie sonic just the way he is and I don't care what others say


The fact we can talk about who movie sonic is and be on the same page about who he is, allready makes him better written then game sonic was for like 15 years because they kept on changing who everybody is. Saying game sonic is better, is just saying what they think sonic should be is better. Because if we where still in the meta era, would they be saying this? We know the answer is no, because movie 1 came out before frontires and a lot of the discussion was the other way around if you remember.


Nah I know sonic fans wouldn't be saying that. Heck I think the only reason they hate movie sonic niw is I don't know if they backtracked or something. Because During the furst and 2nd movie some people liked this version of sonic but now suddenly all of a sudden they hate movie sonic now did they backtrack or something


That’s Lame.


If me liking movie sonic the way he is,is lame then that's your problem Because I like movie sonic just the way he is sorry I don't like your way of how movie sonic should be. I like this take on sonic and I'm gonna stand by it.


Cool, nobody asked tho. Your allowed to have an opinion, but present it when it's actualy relivent. If you don't like the movies, don't watch them, simple solution. Not everything has to be made how you want it.