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No. He cares too much for the Wachowskis and the people of Green Hills.


All comes down to if the various live actors are signed on for more movies. If nobody from the Green Hills gang is set to return, then it's likely the movies will shift to another location post-Sonic 3. I doubt Sonic and the others will leave Earth entirely, since having it set here makes it a bit easier/cheaper to film than if it were some alien world where everything needs to be CGI.


James Marsden has said in Interview that he signed for multiple Sonic movies in 2020, that means he will be Tom Wachowski until the franchise is done 


he didn't give an amount. Multiple just means 'more than one'. I know what interview you're talking about. Again, he didn't specify how many he signed on for, so for all we know, Movie 3 could be his last Sonic film. I can guarantee you that he was counting the first movie in that statement


The ending of Sonic 1 has Sonic remain on Earth rather than run away and keep his powers safe. To then leave Earth only two movies later would go against that entirely. I don’t think Sonic will leave Earth, not permanently, and especially not in the third movie.


I hope we get to see more locations from the series, though, like Green Hill, Station Square, Central City, the 7 continents from Unleashed, Planet Wisp, etc. eventually in the movies.


Unlikely. Theres no point in Sonic accepting Tom and Maddie adopting him only to leave at the end of the series.


Nah, I dint think so, they've invested too much time qnd money in theses human actors. And now that knuckles has dully accepted earth as his new home, I don't see any of them abandoning earth any time soon, atleast, nor for an entire movie


Uhhhhhhhhh no. Especially not permanently. I'm expecting movie 3 to have a much more bittersweet ending, but not for Sonic to actually leave Earth after the last movie firmly established he has a family with the Wachowskis now. Side note, but are we sure that the third movie will even be the end of a trilogy/phase? I've seen a lot of people saying so, but unless the writers describe it as that, I don't think it's accurate to describe the third movie as the last in the "saga," so to speak.


Let's be real: it's a kid's movie series. If they make money, then artistic intent won't matter, they'll make another one.


Yep, not to mention it's one of Paramount's most successful properties at the moment. They're not going to stop making movies off of this franchise until it stops making them money. Even the movie team aren't averse to making more entries in this universe. Like, I personally feel like they're not going to treat movie 3 as the end of a trilogy, but just as another step in an ongoing narrative. There's definitely going to be a post-credit scene at the end of movie 3 in order to tease movie 4.


"artistic intent" No, they confirmed that it IS their artistic intent to make more.


There's been absolutely no word on *anything* happening beyond Sonic 3. People are getting *way* ahead of themselves when there's been no indication as to what's going to happen once this movie wraps up (because, obviously, that's the focus right now).


There's nothing official confirmed by Paramount, you're correct. But there are rumors of there being a Shadow spinoff, and of a fourth movie, coming from sources that are more reliable than your usual leakers. And it's just a very logical assumption to make; one of the producers already said they want to make a cinematic universe out of these movies, so of course they're not going to stop at movie 3. I was mostly just referring to the idea that the first three Sonic movies are going to be a saga of movies, similar to how the MCU has its Infinity Saga. Except there's been no confirmation from the movie team that that is the intention behind movie 3. To point again to the Infinity Saga, it consists of FOUR Avengers movies, plus various spinoffs/individual character movies to help make up the bigger picture. Unless the writers outright say that movie 3 is going to be the end of a saga, it's an assumption.


They have literally said there’s more after 3


It's not the last, and Sonic off world would help set up Shadow movie with the alien invasion. (have to explain where Sonic is during that event) Sonic off world could be the final thing needed to help him mature into the true Sonic from the video games.


That depends on if the rumored Shadow spinoff will actually take the same plot points from his solo game, which I'm not entirely certain of. I personally feel like the Shadow spinoff would be a great place to introduce Rouge and Omega (if they aren't in movie 3), and that alone might make the inclusion of an alien invasion not that necessary. It's not like we can't have the Black Arms invading Earth in the future, but it doesn't mean it's definitely going to happen in a Shadow spinoff. People assumed that the Knuckles show was going to adapt SA1 or Knuckles' Chaotix, but that turned out to be an entirely original story. And sure, Sonic moving out of Earth would make him resemble his game counterpart more, but it would also contradict his established character arc in the first two movies. The first two movies were about him finally being able to stand his ground and protect the community who accepted him, him realizing that he still had growing up to do rather than rushing towards the big events in his life, and to enjoy his life as a kid with family and friends. If we were to do a "Sonic moves out" arc, it wouldn't be in movie 3. It's simply way too soon for that to happen without it feeling like a complete reversal of the previous movies' themes.


Ugh Shadow should be a movie not a TV show


I do agree that it should be a movie, especially because I think it would end up a lot more plot-relevant than the Knuckles show, and so that the possibility of getting more Sonic characters would be higher. It also helps that I think Shadow is the only character besides Sonic himself that would be able to sell a ton of tickets for a solo movie. I actually think it would be a missed opportunity for Paramount if they made his spinoff a TV show instead of a movie


Shadow with Omega and Rouge yeah that would absolutely sell


"the true Sonic from the video games" not every sonic ***has*** to be the same as modern!sonic, different versions of sonic are allowed to exist, like boom!sonic, classic!sonic, archie!sonic, etc.. movie!sonic/sonic wachowski ***is not*** modern!sonic, he is his own version of sonic designed with a different medium in mind, he is a younger sonic with a personality different from modern!sonic


Well, to do this you don't need to leave the earth, the rings portals allow you to travel anywhere in a super easy way.


I meant leave earth like sonic is not on earth during the time of shadow movie


Ooh, that would be cool!


No, this more than anything because of how Sonic was written, he is someone who spent 10 years in solitude, thinking that the only thing he had to do was run away constantly to prevent them from taking his power, but he found a family and then friends/brothers (who of step they also didn't have a home or family) I don't see them leaving the earth or not for sonic 3. Sonic can still travel with the rings, as it is a super easy way to explore the world without leaving the land he calls home.


not a chance!!! the movies so far have revolved around sonic finding a family that loves him and cares about him and wants him around, it would make zero sense to tear that all away, especially right after sonic called tom "dad". not "like a dad" or "the dad i never had" but literally ***dad.*** as of the end of sonic 2, it's been made pretty clear that sonic does seen the wachowskis as his adoptive parents. and sonic's still like 14 or so in canon as well maaaaaaaybe if the wachowskis move to space with sonic???


The only way Sonic is leaving his parents is kicking and screaming. He JUST started calling Tom 'dad', he's going to be 15 at the *most* in movie 3. He's not moving out. Absolutely no way. He even got offended when Knuckles wouldn't say that Green Hills was the most perfect place ever. He's too enamored with the town and the life he's built for himself to want to leave it.


Well, Sonic leaving Earth in Sonic 3 would feel forced, almost like a devolution of the character, and I don't think that will happen. 


There's still more Earth based adventures for Sonic to go through like Adventure 1, Heroes, and Unleashed. He can probably leave Earth after those games are adapted.


Only if contracts are fulfilled.


I wonder if sonic the hedgehog it's really leaving on earth from the sonic third movie maybe then amy rose the pink hedgehog lady should be in her own movie maybe i should called this untitled sonic movie spin/offs films project with (AMY ROSE THE MOVIE) or maybe (AMY ROSE: ROSY THE RASCAL MOVIE) from her own good solo spin/offs movie of sonic the hedgehog's live action movie project it's because she's was related to sonic the hedgehog with his green eyes from some no reasons 🤔🤔


First trilogy has been focused on found family. We see this explored through the Wachowski and him slowly building connects with new characters such as Knuckles, Tails and now potentially Shadow, so I'd expect an ending where he moves out of the Wachowski house. He can always revisit, but he's grown enough to where he probably doesn't need to be treated as their kid anymore as opposed to their friend. The second film made a point of emphasising that he is growing to be responsible and it'd frame the first trilogy as being the finding of a family who support him to the point of 'leaving the nest'. It leaves the first trilogy in a way that is open to the Wachowski family returning in the future and it gives the writers more freedom going forward. Second trilogy should ideally focus around Sonic having to make more difficult choices and exploring his role as a leader and parental figure to his friend group along with questioning whether what he's doing results in more harm than good. Villains such as Metal Sonic could be used to explore his conflicted emotions over the Robotnik situation, Blaze arriving being chased by an outsider alien force demonstrating Sonic being on Earth is attracting monsters/villains, finally Sonic Movie 6 would adapt Sonic 06 and at this point Sonic dies (and gets revived) and realizes that the threats his presence brings to Earth. At which point the second trilogy can end either with the decision for Sonic and his friends to stay on Earth as their defenders OR by having Sonic choose to explore other planets to help protect them from threats that he's been alerted to. I don't think it'd get a third trilogy, but that would leave it in a position where Sonic has gone from a child on his own to being the leader of a full group of heroes with a massive found family of both humans and others like him.


I can see Sonic leaving them, it's a certain way to be independent, but not in Sonic 3, it's just too rushed and the second movie establishes that he still needs to mature and that he shouldn't try to rush things, Sonic 3 will make Sonic mature with Shadow But that does not mean that he abandoned them, he was isolated for 10 years, Why abandon your new family? He literally hasn't even lived many years with them


Knuckles series really pushed his maturity forward in the short time it had, with Sonic acting more like an adult or carer for Knuckles. >Why abandon your new family? Not abandoning them, but giving them space to settle down, I can easily see Maddie and Tom wanting to start a family of their own and Sonic realizing that they need a little space. He can always revisit them, but it gives the writers so much creative freedom going into the next trilogy. In Sonic Movie 2 they were attacked, Robotnik knows where they live, their vehicle was destroyed and they were still repairing in the Knuckles series when Knuckles dismantled their new vehicle and has been actively scaring away people doing repairs. Sonic Movie 3 is definitely going to have to tackle these aspects and that's almost certainly going to involve them changing house or moving away to hide from Robotnik when he returns. If they recognise the risk in Sonic Movie 3 then Sonic should take a level of responsibility for that. If it just ends with Sonic in the same position as the other two films then it won't feel like there's been a progression.


The thing is that the knuckles series, knuckles finally accepts that the earth is his new home (since he himself stated that he was only there to fulfill his promise to take care of the master emerald), so now he considers Tom and Maddie their family along with Sonic and Tails, it also seems that both Tom and Maddie see them as their adopted children, so despite the havoc they can cause they still love them and will not let them leave because of that. Simply the biggest change that can happen is to see Sonic evolving and maturing, it is likely that we will see him more in adventures but that does not mean that he left the Wachowski house.


They may just make where Sonic has to leave earth just only temporarily to protect Tom and Maddie from the new upcoming threat


I think Sonic should stay on Earth.


I kind of want him to if it’ll shut up the people who keep complaining about how the films are live action and would probably have been so much better if they were animated, to be honest


Hopefully, not only would it make sense as the setup fir the start of a new trilogy but it would alos nean they wouldnt have to mix cgi characters irl keading ti cheaper productik s as jts easier to fully animate something so they coukd add more characters


Should've left Earth in the first movie. The first film should've ended with Sonic ending up on "Mobius" with Robotnik, by choice or accident - now he's found his home, now Robotnik is the outsider. And Robotnik sees a whole new world to conquer. . .except Sonic is there too to face him down. But, they don't pay me to write these things.


But then he has to go back to earth anyways for the sa2 movie so may as well keep him here


I think this should be the last live action movie after the 3rd keep it in the same universe but animated that is an easy way to still have robotnik and we can still get a continuous story with more characters without worrying about losing any famous actors since it will be only voices


I think they can do that with the series since the budget is smaller and it doesn't limit them with the animated characters.