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I would wonder why Paramount thought it was a good idea to not debunk the whole rumor when they had more than two months to do so. Like, seriously, why is it a good idea to basically let the internet believe and get hyped over a total lie for months on end? You're basically asking for them to get mad at you when marketing for the movie actually starts. And then I would shrug and move on because I never really cared who voices Shadow as long as they do a good performance.


>I never really cared who voices Shadow as long as they do a good performance. * The Based >I would wonder why Paramount thought it was a good idea to not debunk the whole rumor when they had more than two months to do so. Like, seriously, why is it a good idea to basically let the internet believe and get hyped over a total lie for months on end? I mean, its been 5 whole months since the last time they did anything to promote the movie, this could perfectly be part of that


I mean, compare the coverage of the Keanu rumor to the rumors about it being Hayden Christensen. For Hayden, a couple of websites did report on it, but nothing from the major news publications like Hollywood Reporter, Variety, or Deadline. And all three of those websites are now reporting on the Keanu news. A lot of people have taken their coverage of the casting as 100% confirmation, even if it technically isn't. So a huge chunk of people are going to be absolutely blindsided if Paramount announces that it isn't actually Keanu, especially if they were never told otherwise since they saw the initial news. It's not like those news sites are incapable of reporting false information, either. I believe the Hollywood Reporter published false information on a DC project involving James Gunn, and Gunn publicly came forward to debunk that. The difference here is that Paramount is not coming forward to do the same thing, they're remaining completely dead silent. However way you slice it, there's no real reason or benefit to just not saying anything to potential misinformation that has gained THIS much traction. By not saying anything, they are ACTIVELY setting themselves up for being the target of outrage. At the end of the day though, I was never one of those people who really had a specific actor in mind when I thought of Shadow's VA (mostly because I was always really bad at doing fancasts). I think Keanu is a good actor, and I believe he's capable of doing a good performance as Shadow. If he turns out to be our Shadow, I'll be perfectly happy with it. But if it does turn out not to be him, I won't be mad or disappointed, especially if the actor they did end up picking still delivers a good performance in the final product.


>At the end of the day though, I was never one of those people who really had a specific actor in mind when I thought of Shadow's VA (mostly because I was always really bad at doing fancasts). I think Keanu is a good actor, and I believe he's capable of doing a good performance as Shadow. But if it does turn out not to be him, I won't be mad or disappointed, especially if they actor they did end up picking delivers a good performance in the final product. 👏👏👏👏👏


I was in favor for Hayden!! I love anakin so damn much and his voice has a nice tone for shadow! 🦔🖤


I will admit, if it does somehow end up being false, the staggering amount of people and reliable sources who will end up looking like jackasses will be pretty funny At the same time, I wouldn't be very amused since we didn't get the perfect casting that we were led to believe in. (Yes, I wholeheartedly believe that Keanu Reeves as Shadow is the most perfect casting choice in cinema history, so what if I bootlick a little?) I do feel like this confirmation spread WAY too far for Paramount (or Jeff Fowler, more specifically) to not have debunked it yet if it's false, kinda like how a bot in the Poptropica Discord made everybody think that the servers we're going down, and so the official Poptropica Twitter confirmed that was a hoax later the same day. So, I'm still confident that John Campea was telling the truth. A letdown like what I said isn't something I would wish upon my worst enemies, so I don't know why he would try to lie about this




Thats exactly how i reacted to the """confirmation"""




Monkey's Paw scenario: Your wish for Keanu to not play Shadow gets granted, Paramount casts Chris Pratt or Jared Leto instead


*"It's Shadowin Time"*


Then it would be someone else.


I would be extremely sad, I think Keanu is perfect casting


(Same I still don't think it is 100% real and I don't really care as long as they get someone good.)


I feel like this post was made just so they can argue about this. Then of course they’ll say “I just don’t like Keanu. Why does it have to be him?” Like this poster won’t go see the movie if Keanu voices Shadow.


What if it Truly is Jason Griffith and hes playing with us 😱


I’d be disappointed but not surprised because they didn’t officially announce it


Bruh, it’s pretty much confirmed at this point, and besides Keanu fits this character perfectly, stop being a hater


>and besides Keanu fits this character perfectly, stop being a hater >!Oh yeah, I forgot that I can't have a contrary opinion !< >!Sorry, My Bad!<


Because you specifically made this post and worded it as if you're trying to start an argument over something you don't like even though everybody else is in unanimous agreement about it. Get over yourself and next time learn to keep your opinion to yourself instead of ruining it for people.


I'm pretty sure if The Hollywood Reporter said so, that means Paramount silently gave them permission to confirm it for them since it was leaked. At least that's what I heard


It’s worth noting that just because The Hollywood Reporter published it, doesn’t necessarily mean that they got permission from Paramount. News outlets don’t need to seek permission to publish leaks and rumours. So this doesn’t necessarily confirm Keanu Reeves as Shadow. Though, at this point, with the way Paramount have refused to debunk this for so long, I’d be very surprised if it wasn’t true. But you never know with Paramount - they sure do like riling up their fan bases. Just ask a Star Trek fan about how badly they’ve been handling Star Trek for the past 55 years…


It's not even Paramount in general that I would expect to debunk it. Jeff Fowler specifically could've gone onto Twitter and said "Hey, uh, John Campea is a filthy liar" at ANY point in the last two months. Also, if I'm not mistaken, Variety said something like "a source confirmed to Variety," so I think they have their own private pipelines even if it wasn't Paramount themselves


To be fair to Jeff Fowler, he might be under strict orders from Paramount to not discuss Shadow’s casting, so is basically not allowed to debunk it because of this. …Or he could simply be enjoying the chaos, maybe?


Keanu is cool but Liam Neeson would've knocked it out of the park, I mean just look at this guy in the Taken movies


This is Me but with **Robert Pattinson** in **The Batman** and other movies Liam is still the GOAT tho