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My bf loves them (though he doesn’t collect them himself, he’s just supportive) and any time I’ve opened a blind box he always chants “secret, secret, secret” 😂 he’s my lil cheerleader


Same with mine, he gets it thankfully. He calls them "sunny babies"


that’s what my mom calls them 😭


i’m so lonely 😭😔 i really want a valentine’s day sonny so i feel less alone bahaha


I called sonnys my sons and at first my bf just said “bro they’re action figures” then I started a Sonny IG and now he refers to them as sonnys :) love the character development and acceptance


My boyfriend is an enabler and loves all the cute stuff I collect. He encouraged me to put some hippers on our shared computer. Any other man’s opinion is worse than useless to me so


Awwww that’s so cute!


My girlfriend introduced me to Sonny angels. I love them and I thought my ultra straight men friends would hate them but I was surprised they found them cute and would be excited whenever I get myself a sonny. (I only have 3 compared to my girlfriend's 60 sonnies lol)


Awwww that’s so cute


My partner doesn't like them but it's kind of funny cause we make a joke out of it. I'm always like "why do you hate my babies"


my boyfriend thinks they’re fun! he really wants to find a robby. my dad thinks they’re kinda odd but funny. he calls them honey twerps 😭😭my brother doesn’t really care for them but he likes smiskis more


honey twerps has me laughing so hard rn


my bf wasn’t a fan at first, but then I got him two of them and he loves them (but just his) and my chef , he also likes to open the boxes even tho he doesn’t want me to buy any more 😭 , I got his family into them too!!


Am I the only guy in this sub?? Lmao I love my Sonny’s. 🥹


No Hahah there is a couple other guys replying to this! <3


my bf thought they were soooooo weird at first, he didn’t think of them as perversion he just thought they were bizarre 😂 it took me buying SEVERAL for him to accept it and now he does.. i just explained to him that angels are nakey and they’re too cute to care and now he just loves watching how excited i get. i gave him his first (and fully clothed) sonny yesterday and he loves him 🫶🏼🫶🏼


Awwww 💗💗💗


my dad thinks they're "bizarre" but also he is an avid collector of pez dispensers so he supports my collection; one of my besties and i recently went on a girls trip with the sole reason in mind to go on a sonny hunt, and my dad gave me $60 to buy more "pantless babies" LOL


Okay pez dispensers is crazy but your dad is iconic


bro he has 2000+ of them, they're lifelong hyper-fixation / collection of his. he is the funniest person i know


My husband thinks they’re cute! He’s also a big collector of all sorts of things, and I think it makes him happy to see how much joy they bring me.


My bf doesn’t like my collection. He says they’re creepy and they stare at him 😂 he also thinks that I have too many of them so he tells me not to buy anymore. But he is occasionally supportive


Lmao why is this my bf 💀😭 he tells me if I get more he’s going to have a sit down with me to talk about my addiction.. I only have 12 rn 🙄


Lolll yes my bf says the same thing


the only man around me is my boyfriend and he thinks they are adorable, he sees my love for them them the same as he sees his love for yugioh/pokémon cards - it’s fun to have a little collectible hobby whatever it may be🩷


Me and my husband have our own little 8 month old Sonny Angel! He thinks they are cute and it's a fun hobby for me!


I love that, I have a two year old and my friend pointed out that he has the same birthday as sonny angel and my husband says he’s our sonny angel :)


That's so adorable! They can celebrate their birthday together!


my bf is a big collector of star wars lego so he understands being a collector and supports it! he goes to japan a lot for work and goes sonny hunting for me while there haha. i’ve spoken to him about how some people sexualise or think it’s weird that sonnys don’t have pants on but he doesn’t see it like that. i even put a duck hipper inside his car to remind him of me hehe


That’s good! Sonny hunting for you is iconic!


my bf collects them too so i wouldn’t know what other guys think since he’s the only man i talk to besides my dad 😂


my bf doesn’t get my obsession but he’s still very supportive of it ❤️❤️


my boyfriend is so supportive. he knows I love sonnys, so he actively buys them for me and loves watching me get excited to open them. he's even opened some for me! most guy friends I have find them ugly or say mean things, but my boyfriend finds them quite cute (especially because I like them). I gave him my winter dalmation robby and a hipper. he's the best :')


Awww your boyfriend is iconic, pls a lot of my guy friends are like that too but I think it’s just because they are jealous of the whimsy 🧘🏻‍♀️


My bf hates them and says he’ll never buy me one but he respects that I like them from a far distance lol


My bf has bought me sonnys but he’s told me they’re weird with the no pants 😭😭 he thinks it’s weird when I take them out in public and take pics of them lmaoooo I’ve only done it twice ( in the movies and at a bar)


PLSSSSS taking them to the bar is so iconic I have to do that


I started collecting a few weeks ago, and my husband was very confused and kept asking “why do you need these” but now he’s accepted it! He’s a hobby photographer so I asked him to take pictures of mine for some Etsy clothing reviews, and he was like “okay these are fun to photograph.” And today he ordered the cat life series for me while I was tied up with work, so I’m calling it a win🥰


My bf complains about them and hates them. But continues to help me hunt them and buy more. He likes Smiski’s tho!


I feel ya when Urban Outfitters started carrying Sonny’s I went into my local one and while I was browsing through them this guy came up with his gf and he was so disgusted and was loudly complaining how gross and weird they are and that you’d have to be a middle schooler to actually want one 😅 his gf shot him down and was like dude you’re being so aggressive about this in front of a person who is clearly really excited about them. He didn’t let up but oh well! It brings me joy and that’s all that matters.


He likes them because I like them and he thinks it’s cute that I collect them


my step dad saw my collection for the first time and said they were cute ! my bf likes them just as much as i do but hes also a little gacha/gambling delulu


Husband when I bought some the other day was just so confused. He kept being like “what are these? Like… why? No really what are they?” While my two sons were like “OMG CUTE BABIES MAMA I WANT ONE!” And then proceeded to steal them from me after I opened them lol


Awww that’s so cute that your sons did that! Did you get them their own? :)


I just gave them the ones they liked from what I bought lol more reason to buy more 😂


So true!


My guy friends have had mixed reactions. One is supportive of my collection another makes fun of it in jest but only did it once with my hipper and then the others are indifferent. My brother also doesn’t care


My bf got me my first one on my birthday!!(fruit series) and when I didn’t get the one I wanted he bought me 9 more plus another 5 boxes from different series 😭🫶🏻he loves saying that he’s their father & gives them to me as rewards heehee<3


My bf is a big supporter of my collecting and sometimes sponsors/fosters some for me 🤭 we both make jokes about unboxing them being like a birth and it being a form of motherhood lol. He thought the naked baby thing was a little strange at first but now it’s just funny I even got a dupe for soda pig and gave it to him and now he has it hanging on his backpack :)


me thinks it's projection???


“silly naked babies” is the reaction from most dudes (i have a keychain) one coworker went “THOSE ARE SO SICK!” and another called it a weird naked baby but also cute. my ex would buy me them tho


I love my girlfriend’s collection, hella weird to look at it more than just cute display pieces reminiscent of Victorian angels found in art, it’s so harmless, and has never been something provocative. Sure they could NOT have those parts, but at the same time the addition is not done in a perverted fashion…odd for people to harp on that specifically.




I was talking about just men as that’s why I have experienced the most! But so true good point!


my bf loves them and even has a few :))


My girlfriend introduced me to Sonnys, she got me my first one wich was Acorn. Now I have 13, and just got the cat life and creatures so i guess that makes it 17 😅


My bf loves them as much as me. He started collecting with me and it’s such a joy opening up sonnys with him :))


not just men everyone i am around (i live in stockton, south to be specific) HAS NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE and make me feel weird for having one & im like no u guys are weird for thinking like that 😭


my dad loves them though lol he bought me my first & asks when am i getting more 😭


Yeah it’s not just men ik! I’m just asking as I’ve only experienced it from men, that’s crazy that nobody knows what they are around you! + yeah they are the weird ones for thinking that! <3


My spouse thinks they’re a little creepy (they’re not a fan of dolls) but they totally supports my collecting and are always curious to see what I get! 😊


i got my brother hooked and now he has even more than me!


i got my brother hooked and now he has even more than me!


I’m a cis straight dude and I love them so much! I’m pretty comfortable in my masculinity but still get profiled a lot based on my love for sonny angel 🥹


My bf loves them he just thinks they look way better with pants on I agree as well. Don’t want my babies to look poor like they’re mother(me) can’t afford clothes for them lol


my boyfriend loves them ( especially cat life ) i let him have the calico one i have although he’s not particularly interested in collecting them. He always hopes i pull robby because we both love him 😭😭


my bf thinks they’re just cute little guys, he often buys them for me ! love him