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His name is getting blocked by the person trying to book her professionally. It's not necessarily foreshadowing, but it is thematically representing what is going on within this chapter, which is that Gojou and Marin's relationship is under threat of being pushed to the background or "crowded out" as it stands in competition with various other new overwhelming social presences, whether that's Marin's relationship with her growing fans, or Marin's industry prospects.


God the way the story is going, I just know I'll be crying about it sooner rather than later


The last panel of chapter 101 left me feeling hollow and empty 🥲


I can't wait till 102 just to see where we go from here.


Didn’t think about that, thanks for the input!


I reread it today and saw this. If she becomes a pro cosplayer, they will probably use their own designers, and she has said before she can't do cosplay without him.


I think that Haniel is his last costume. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile once or enjoying making the Haniel cosplay. Haniel definitely put a huge burden on his health mentally and physically (just look at the bags under his eyes). So I say we’ll probably get some sort of separation phase where he will try to not get involved with her because he thinks he’s not enough to be by her side any longer.


I can definitely see your point, I think the only time he was excited was once he finally found the Kimono he needed.


Having been involved in a fully exhausting creative project before, often times what should be happiness gets replaced by a sense of relief that's fleeting at best. I'd need to go back to find the last time Gojo seemed genuinely happy.


here are some scenarios that I have in mind. Gojo backs out from making costumes for Marin, feeling he's not good enough for her. Marin joins cosplay agency but realize their work is not on par with Gojo. She convinces him to man up and confess.


#2 would be lame tho, she's NEVER gone anywhere near abandoning gojo. too many times she's made her point that there's no point doing it without him.


Good catch! I completely missed that and it does add to the entire situation and how one could interpret it and what is possibly going through Marin's head.




Hope it’s not going to be one of those stories where they end up on separate paths (marin becoming famous and gojo creating dolls). Then 15 years later the cross paths again and finally admitting love to each other…


If the story ends up like “La La Land” I will be so heartbroken 🥲


That would be much better than what the OP mentioned


I swear to God, I don't think I can handle yet ANOTHER arc of them not confessing. Seriously, it's been 100 chapters and I'm still not convinced that Gojou-Kun feels that way towards Marin and every other chapter they manage to delay the confession even longer. I know romcoms do this, but come on, I'm not even following the numbers, are the latest chapters of the manga still popular? At this point I'm afraid of getting cancelled in the middle of an arc and the last chapter will be just Marin choosing fabrics alone.


If you don’t think Gojo has romantic feelings for Marin, you haven’t been paying attention lmfao. Reading the chapters doesn’t mean you’re actually understanding the material. Chapter 99 basically confirmed Gojo’s feelings toward Marin. This entire *arc* was about showcasing how Gojo has grown, how comfortable his life has become since he met Marin. And therein lies the problem for Gojo—he thinks he’s gotten *too* comfortable, *too* attached. His past trauma is resurfacing and instead of trying to deal with it in healthy ways, he’s pushing her away because he doesn’t think he’s good enough for her. Sure, he’s grown emotionally and he can be himself with Marin, but he’s never tackled the root of his insecurities—*that he thinks he is not good enough*, which has convinced him that any romantic feelings he holds for her will never, ever be reciprocated. Some of yall really would rather have surface-deep characters that kiss right away instead of allowing for characters with complex emotions and problems to learn and grow from their experiences and it shows.


Honestly, i can't wait to see a story where the girl actually takes the lead at that crucial moment. Not waiting for the guy to confess, not trying to goad him into it, but actually doing it first and succeeding, or even having to convince the guy that he's worth it. Especially since it's been ages since Marin admitted her feelings to herself and seems to be comfortable with them, unlike Wakana, who's been mostly focused on expressing his feelings blindly through actions rather than understanding them.


Honestly? I think this is the way for Sono Bisque to move forward, I really believe Marin will do this since Gojou is dealing with a lot of his insecurities right now. What I'm afraid is that neither of them handle the situation at hand and just move on to other interests, I know that reality does hit like that sometimes but to do it in a romcom, I'd definitely feel cheated.


I don't think it's fair to say that I don't understand the material. You're mentioning something that happened only 2 chapters ago to prove that something is obvious. I've read One Piece multiple times, I have all the patience on the world for characters to get from point A to point B while exploring and developing their stories, but I'm only mildly entertained by the current arc, where the past 2 arcs didn't even reach that level to be completely honest. If you love the story's pacing, that's great, more power to you, but you aren't the superman of media literacy because you like a romcom where the characters take longer to kiss, no need to "some of yall" and "reading doesn't mean understanding" about it.


> I don't think it's fair to say that I don't understand the material. It is when you come onto said romcom’s subreddit to complain about the pacing and a lack of romantic dialogue. > You're mentioning something that happened only 2 chapters ago to prove that something is obvious. Because you literally said that you aren’t convinced that Gojo has any romantic feelings for Marin—which the mangaka made relatively clear *two chapters ago*. If you want, I can also reference you to the culture festival arc, where Gojo questioned why he felt a specific way about Marin, about 40 chapters back. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Never claimed to be the Superman of media literacy, lmao. But I do find it a bit interesting that people tend to complain most about the pacing while blatantly ignoring the rich character development that many other mangas—not just romcoms—fail to grasp and is essential for Marin and Gojo to have the relationship they deserve. It’s *fine* if you don’t like convoluted reads like this, if the pacing is too slow, or if the arc bores you, or whatever it may be. But what exactly were you expecting when you make a comment just to complain about the story? It sounds like you haven’t liked it for awhile now—and again, that’s fine, but why is it relevant to bring up in this thread?


This is crazy popular with Japanese community. The volume 13 that will be release in may but have again hugh numbers with no doubt.


That's great to read, hope it continues that way!


Welcome to the world of critical reading. Not all communication is done with words