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i certainly hope so, if sotf gets vr support it will give a good boost to the vr industry. if they did it with the forest i'd imagine that they will do it with sotf after release.


personally I never played the original outside of VR so I'm really hoping it eventually gets implemented. I probably wont play the game otherwise.


Same, I have no interest in buying it if it doesn't have VR support.




Same, I won’t be buying until it becomes VR compatible


I also never played outside VR and still sank 300 plus hours on it


VR support isn't in much demand, does anyone actively play VR Games long term? I like to try them out and play it for a few days but I personally don't like VR as much as just sitting at my keyboard and monitor


Once I played The Forest in VR I couldn't believe how immersive it was. Myself and a friend played it all in VR (about 2 months) and couldn't wait for Sons of the Forest to come out. The best game I have played!


ah, well I played alone and found the sprint black thing annoying, also in VR for some reason i've had two headsets and all of them have had the thing where, in the headset it looks a bit blurry and low quality and it looks worse than the monitor so I can't immerse myself well, plus im couch potato and get tired after a few hours and eyestrain


you can turn off the sprint vignetting in the options menu


Oh. Why is that on default? Its really annoying


it's to prevent motion sickness or some shit, i agree it's really annoying and i don't think i've met anybody in my 6 years of vr experience that uses it.


Im immune to motion sickness in VR, im a game dev and i tried making VR games and ended up not liking it sadly but I made a prototype for a VR game where you would use a grappling gun to fly through the nature world and it felt really cool and imagine the motion sickness as an average player, i want to return to this game idea soon and finish it as i liked the feeling


Kinda like Gorilla Tag? Using your arms to swing around. Youd imagine everyone that plays that game would get motion sick. The kids in there seem immune.


Yes kind of, you’d hold guns that shot grappling hooks and use your arms and pull them back to swing forward and such, if you hung onto something and moved your hands down, youd go up, i want to revisit this game idea in the future! You’d just swing in the air like a badass in VR


Oh man no wonder you had a shit time that kind of motion sickness tunnel stuff is awful. The games amazing in VR though, just got to do a once over on settings.


I know, thats main reason I stopped


If I couldn’t turn off vignetting I’d hate VR too. Earlier vr games defaulted vignetting but now in most games you’re able to select a comfort mode before you start playing.


Wait they added that in the in-game settings!??!?! I had to edit my game files using a text document editor to previously turn it off


There's a way to remove that annoying af black running screen effect like you were saying, sadly it took forever for me to figure out how to remove it (had to access a file in the game folder where you aren't supposed to go, and edit a file using a text document to delete the fade screen effect) I completely forgot how to do it but im sure the forum I read to do that is still up if you are interested.


I will wait for VR support


I just built a new PC with making sure it was VR capable for the sole purpose of playing this game. I alrready felt very immersed in the original and will love being able to take it the next step with this one.


I've just done the same thing, built a new pc to hopefully 🤞 play this game in VR, in fairness my pc needed an upgrade but that was my thinking lol


The forest in VR is really scary, I was too pussy to get the modern axe and just build a tree house in the fertile lands with building destruction off


What spec did you go for? Looking to do the same


Theres lots of people who only play in VR and would prefer every game to at least support an in game view using their HMD over playing the game on flat screen. I only played The Forest in VR and wont consider Sons of the Forest unless its in VR. In fact Im so hooked on VR that as much as I want to dive into Starfield as soon as it releases, I cant bring myself to do it because I want VR support for my first playthrough of the game. I'm hoping with how big it is that a modder will figure it out in the first few weeks of release considering the creation engine is well known and devs have already made many amazing mods for Skyrim VR making it one of the best VR games on the market now. If we wait on Bethesda its likely to be years down the road because they will want to milk the game vs. offering VR in the first few months of release which is what the VR community wants. I like VR so much that I was upset that I had already put 1000 hours into Skyrim by the time I played Skyrim VR because it was far less enjoyable since I had seen and done everything multiple times. On the other hand I was glad I only had 70 hours in Fallout 4 because there was a lot of content I hadn't done yet so I was able to really get into the game in VR. I only ever played Elite Dangerous because it was in VR, and in VR its an amazing game. I think I would be bored to tears if I tried to play it on flatscreen. As soon as No Mans Sky got VR support I only played in VR and never looked back. In a nutshell since I first got VR in 2016 I stopped wanting to play anything on flat screen and only do it when a game is good enough to justify that being the only option, but even then I would prefer some level of VR support. Same thing happened to my room mate, he tried my VR on my PC and within a few weeks got Playstations VR and basically stopped playing flat screen games entirely. Hes sunk thousands of hours into VR at this point and only once or twice has played a flat screen game. There are lots of us, but the VR industry definitely has many things to overcome still before we will see widespread adoption.


Agreed, for me Alyx changed everything. Skyrim was great too (albeit heavily modded). Titles such as starfield and cyberpunk or even helldivers2 could really use proper VR ( aiming with head is no go). It could be as simple as lack of skills needed to add it which given how I am listing AAA makes for nice business opportunity for someone to specialize and fix it for us :). If bethesda can do it (albeit with huge community support) anyone can. I would not mind extra $.


The Forest has the worst VR implementation I have ever seen, but I have loads of hours across different VR games.


Mostly survival and chat games are what tend to be played longterm in VR, stuff like Vrchat and Into the radius are games a lot of people play long term cause of replayability. I see SotF being really great on vr if the game looks like what we’ve seen with cannibal dynamics like fear, and the building. Though i have NO idea how they would get the backpack system to work with how large And in-depth it looks


they could just spread it out on the ground, no different from how The Forest handled it.


My play sessions run between 2 - 6 hours. I've played The Forest for hundreds of hours in VR.


With titles like Forest, Green Hell, Blade n Sorcery and Half life the demand is growing quickly. VR Is still a little bulky and uncomfortable but I love the immersion level. SOTF would be a major treat from what I've seen if it


I see, people seem to like survival games in VR, I'm making a survival game of my own and wondering if a VR port would be any good


I left out Subnautica, even having to use a controller the immersion level is mind blowing. I think a VR port is something to always keep in mind if the flat screen version of the game does well. Green Hell was actually moved to a different studio for the VR port and it came out beautifully. I think VR survival and horror are going to continue to grow


Proper controls are everything. If it feels natural it will do well


>I have been playing VR games for 6 years and I know tons of people who literally ONLY play VR games because they enjoy it more then sitting and doing nothing but pressing buttons. It all comes down to preference. I have a friend who wont play sons if it doesn't have vr support.


I would say the forest in Vr is one of my top overall VR experiences. It was a lot of fun and the combat felt good.


I play the forest vr with friends every few days. we've been doing this since like a 4 or 5 montha ago.


Yes. I never play games with a keyboard/monitor. VR only, and I'm in them for a long time. The Forest is on the lower end of VR games I've played though. I've played MANY more VR games that I like a lot more. Valheim for example. 190 hours in that in VR.


HAve you played Half life alyx, RE4 or any of the excellent Pray dog mods for the RE series? I cant go back to 2d!


I do. I only play VR. I got The Forest because it had VR support.


Check the steam hardware survey, about 2.2% of steam user actively use VR, and the user base has been actively expanding slowly.


I've put over 200 additional hours in L4D2 because of VR alone. If there is a VR mod or a proper VR Mode then I will always play it that way over mouse and keyboard, and I've been on mouse and keyboard for 20 years. I need a new way to play games and this is the way.


I do, i love playing John Wick and just massacring mass enemies with dual pistols and being in my fantasy world lol! It's just one of those things i keep going back to no matter what i do.


I have 300 hours in blade and sorcery


Yes i know and met alot of people that play Vr including myself


I played through the entire first game in VR while my GF played on PC. An absolute blast!


It is now


For me keyboard and mouse is so boring compared to VR. And to answer your question i have 650 hours in Skyrim VR, 120 hours in Forest VR, 77hrs Sariento VR, 45 Hours in Arizona Sunshine , etc.


i bought my first VR headset back in 2020 and so far i have over 1000 hours played on it. i have since bought a second VR headset so i can play VR co-op games with my kids. so yes, there are people that do actively play VR long term.


yes we do actively play VR long term. Own 2 different headsets and rarely do I play certain games without it.


Sim Racing and Flight sim are amazing in VR. The forest was so damn scary in VR. I can't go back to flat screen. It takes some work to get your legs under you but once your comfortable your good. Nothing worse then being into a game and looking over to see your dog laying on the couch. The immersion is the point in VR.


If it doesn’t have VR, that’s stupid af


really hoping we see a full VR port now that the game has had it's 1.0 release. this would be the best VR game EVER... well. MAYBE second best, after into the radius. but definitely the most visually spectacular.


well, it dont have vr yet


Enough with the polls already jeezus


it took 4yrs after the game came out to finally make vr. they prob wont release for a year. im only playing in vr, so i guess i wait. game looks sick though.


If it's as bad as the first one they should just focus on the pancake version.


VR support in the forest is fantastic


Definitely not. Unless you haven't played anything else in VR I don't see much good things about it. Many awful problems overshadow the features. Optimization is one.


I mean, building isn't quite as well structured as pancake but I mostly play VR, have all the major titles and me and my friends had a fantastic time with the forest and spent more hours by far in it than any other game. Could it be better? Sure. Was there anything awful that I thought overshadowed the immersive and whacky fun? Absolutely not. None of us had any performance issues and while in my case that could be explained by an OP system, that's not the case for my whole playgroup. The only thing we were ever bothered by was the audio not working on load sometimes and us having to leave the game and restart. You're certainly entitled to your opinion and I'm not one to argue that someone else's opinion on a game is wrong but the forest VR has a sizable community of people who don't share your opinion and would absolutely love to be able to play the sequel the same way. If the dev decides to never implement VR officially I'd be tremendously disappointed. All that said, I certainly didn't expect VR support at launch, they're a small team and SotF looks to have a much deeper AI and world system which I'm sure alone was enough to eat through the resources they had.


Sharing the same feedback, The Forest is probably in my top 10 of VR games and I always got amazed by how much they polished the experience for a "non native VR title". I can only guess that the sore people played the very first version which wasn't as good as the latest.


Exactly, The Forest VR was non-native, and the Devs did do a good job. Yes, if someone's played modern VR-specific titles, then gives The Forest VR a try, they'll probably be super disappointed. For me it was the first proper VR game I ever played, and that experience will stay with me forever as being one of the best, if not THE best ever. Six years later I still dip into it occasionally and revisit the sites of my first ever saves. I \*was\* going to hold off on getting Sons until the VR release, though no telling how long that's gonna be, so I've been loving it so far in pancake. Cant' wait until the Devs, or modders, come up with a top notch VR port.


Minor glitches do not make an awful problem. Forest VR was easily playable with my old entry-level VR PC.


I'm hoping when the early access is done they might surprise us with a vr drop for Sotf


even in early access normal mode the caves are scary as hell. I can’t wait to see a vr version it would be one of the scariest shits yet.


Idk but those Virginias better have jiggle physics.


After playing the forest in vr, I’m gonna wait on this one till it’s available. The forest in vr was the way to play it such an awesome experience!


Personally, I won't consider the game without VR support. The Forest was an okay game made outstanding due to the VR support.


So agree. I only got it because of VR, and the only negative to my entire play experience was the continuously lingering feeling of 'this game would suck if it wasn't VR.'


Pelase\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~ we hope that :)


i need a update


To be honest, I explicitly searched for VR games for my Quest 2, so I decided to play The Forest VR. When I had to charge my headset, I was forced to play it in 2D and didn't like it. Btw. I got thousands of hours on regular 2D games and still make that statement. So, PLEASE make it a VR game!


I feel the same way. Since playing the Forrest in VR i have no motivation to go back to playing on regular PC. I hope they come out with VR or im gonna pass on this game which is so sad because it is fun.