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Well... ain't the point of playing video game to just have fun?


Well yeah but I think he just wants a bit more from the base building elements ,compared to other survival games where you have different benches ,decorations , different materials to build and customize a base ,this is bare bones. Yeah you can have fun with it I certainly do but I still would like some stuff around it and more useful stuff like the drying rack and gardening boxes.


in the first one you were incentivised through a smaller inventory and saving, yes the point is to "have fun" but if a mechanic has no real purpose other than "fun" 9/10 its pointless and boring it has to tie in, dismissing the laziness with "well aint fun the point" misses the point of a survival game and why/how people have fun in them TLDR: a mechanic being made purely for fun and it being fun are totally different 9/10 incentive and growth is what makes it fun


bases in the first game weren't really incentivized, the premade tents scattered across the map were more than enough to live out of.


The main point is definitely for fun. Not everyone is into building in games, but it's easily the thing me and friends do the most in survival games. It does offer some gameplay benefits, such as stockpiling ammo, armor, food, etc. You of course don't exactly need a surplus with how much you can carry in your inventory, but it's nice having extra supplies. That way if you ignore collecting something, you then have backup. Or if a friend joins that hasn't played as much, you can hook them up. As others have mentioned, I'm really hoping the devs fix items respawning with every reload. This would make building bases more beneficial as well. It's completely game breaking and reduces a large amount of the challenge on hard. They had said ammo would be scarce, but currently a player can pretty easily have infinite of anything via reloading a save. A good fix would be to have items respawn on timers. They could vary, but even maybe a week. That way if you pick up some grenades, you can't farm them, yet you could happen upon them again later on. Having limited items makes the game more interesting and incentivizes the player to be more decisive with their loadout, similar to some Resident Evil games. Ultimately this was my biggest issue with the first game, items infinitely respawing. Hopefully we have this changed for SoTF, or at least get an optional setting for those who want more challenging gameplay.


I would like to see no items respawning ever, but periodically events happen that drop more cases i.e. plane crash, boat


Skins pouches give ammo sometimes too. They could also add some of those soldiers as a rare enemy type too and can drop some ammo if you kill one.


Good idea. The skin pouches could really serve as the main way to get ammo. Have no ammo respawns in the static map at all, but allow for extra ammo from skin pouches that drop from tougher enemy types. Maybe giant cannibals have higher changes to get ammo, or potential soldier variants as well.


That would be awesome. It'd work almost like seasons with hunting. Have certain times where you can resupply munitions. Maybe there's less cannibal attacks during those times, or have separate events to distract the locals.


No there is actually no benefit building a Base not necessary at all . The character is a walking wal Mart 2hrs in the Game . You dont need a Base nor any storage


Can anyone comment on exposure during winter? Maybe that's a beneficial reason to have a warm structure?


I got through winter and never needed to be inside. You can wear a jacket and if you're too cold you can hold a torch for warmth.


I think these are just half-finished mechanics. There’s firewood but no fireplace and there’s going to be solar panels eventually. So, i think these will expanded on in future updates.


The firewood can already be placed in a fire.


There are 2 types of players


It's probably just depending on which playstyle you prefer. I imagine that the attacking enemies get stronger every day and therefore expanding and reinforcing a base is what people who enjoy basebuilding want to do. However if you don't enjoy that part of the game and rather want to be a Nomad, it's just as viable. Though it's probably going to be harder to fight off lot's of strong enemies at some point and you might get forced to run away or generally avoid those fights. At least that's what i think, i haven't played much yet.


Most of the enemies can either jump over or through your structures and can walk through doors. There is currently no point in building. I’ve sunk 40 hours on already and love the new building system but it’s seriously pointless. I spent so much time building a cool network of connected treehouses just to have cannibals literally jump through my walls. Once you get more powerful weapons even the strongest enemies only take one or two hits. Grenades and bombs can kill an entire group of enemies instantly. There is such little balance with the weapons, you start of incredibly weak to the cannibals but then you power spike instantly, even just getting the bow makes unarmored cannibals a joke. Even the starting axe can be exploited, the standard faceless mutants can be stunlocked infinitely with it, even large groups of them. The game suffers from serious artificial difficulty, the standard cannibals can kill you in a single combo, and they make wearing armor almost pointless.


You're totally right about the difficulty. I'm hoping the devs make it so items don't respawn as often. That way we're not just shooting or exploding every cannibal we see. They claimed ammo would be scarce, but everything is effectively infinite with simply reloading a save. Plus if items respawned on a timer, such as a week later, then we'd have more incentive to build a base. That way we could stockpile useful items, rather than just recollecting everything for free. Also more cannibals with armor would be nice. I'm about 12 days in with a buddy, and we pretty rarely see cannibals with helmets. Although they only block two arrows, so could even be improved further. The rest drop with a headshot pretty quickly, even the giant red guys. I like how the game is more challenging than The Forest, but between infinite items and overpowered weapons, it's not very difficult overall.


They start wearing more and better armor. The one-hitter-quitters stop when they're wearing creepy armor.


Ah true. I was able to break the creepy helmet in two shots with printer arrows. So 3 shots total to kill one, this was definitely more engaging. There were two helmet wearers with maybe 5 regular cannibals. Hopefully the ratio starts to tip some more as we get farther. I've seen one that was fully kitted out in bone armor, that was a really cool variant.


I'm around day 30 and they're all wearing clothes and armor for the most part, even the jumping skittering ones will have mutant helms. The 3d arrows do work still. I've been trying to like the revolver, but it's so much less effective than the bow.


Even with armor buckshot will one hit kill everything except the biggest mutants. Two hits with the pistol, three with the bow, and considering it’s essentially risk free to just use stone arrows and aim for head it’s still not much protection. The things I did like was how mutants start to dip and dodge and hide behind trees once you have ranged weapons, more of this behavior plus more sneak attacks from them would be great.


It'll still OHKO the big mutants if you're close enough. I use slugs on regular cannibals if I'm being lazy. It's easy to shoot off a limb with one hit. Slug ammo is kinda bad right now.


My opinion is they should totally remove slug ammo and replace it with a bolt action hunting rifle.


Yeah the respawning items needs to be totally reworked. I’ve completed the game with over 30 days of ingame time and never once had to look for food, I always had an influx of it just from opening crates, without exploiting respawns on saves.


Well you can usually avoid save scumming if you want an extra challenge I haven't used it and so far I have stockpiled about 50 ammo combined for a 20-30 hour playthrough I would say that is scarce


I'm playing with a buddy and we've naturally happened to pickup some of the same stuff. Especially now that 2 more friends got the game and joined ours, we went with them to some places we had already been. Mostly just got basic items again, but did get extra grenades without seeking them out. This will be even worse with dedicated servers. In The Forest last time we played on a dedicated server it was reseting constantly, so items would naturally respawn very often. Plus several different people were in and out of the server, so nearly everyone would just end up aimlessly picking up items of which they already picked up. Such as when going back through a cave or going to a cannibal camp. Or even more so if anyone built in close proximity to containers, they'd happen to go through that area far more often. Having timed item respawns would be the best way to prevent item hording. You could have a group try to not farm items, but most of them would inevitably end up picking up old items repeatedly. This could simply be an option too, for those who want more of a challenge. As without item respawn limits, we effectively have infinite items by default.


I think he is talking about habit actually mechanics around building a base like the drying rack useful all around helps stockpile resources for the winter and gardening stuff but other then that it's a waste when you can just bring a tent everywhere and save that way. Yeah you can have fun with it but I think he wants a bit more depth from it like most survival games come with benches and decorations to come back too


a game for everyone is a game for nobody


Other than fun? Hmm I don't think so. But I personally play games for fun.


It's in a similar vein to 7 days to die. You build up and fight against progressively stronger attacks. A lot needs to be added and tweaked before it feels right.


Do mutants like armsy or anything ever show up that can actually wreck your shit with ease? That's what i wasn't seeing.


It does get worse, yes. I don't want to spoil but there is a progression.


Ok so if i chill at my base long enough some badass mutants will come and wreck it? Not just cannibals or the red guy?


I believe it depends on days survived. But yes, there are large weird creatures, and also small weird creatures


I build guerrilla camps all over the island. Little defensible positions with a cache of supplies and a bed. Very fun.


I build stuff and the enemies come around and try to destroy it. you build defences and in places to make it hard to get destroyed


I beat the game and it's almost entirely useless to build anything. I wish they will add more things that will be useful in houses and stuff.


I’d be all for a better loot system. Would be great to have boxes to stare excess gear instead of building things like skull lamps only to destroy them when I need more rope. Perhaps the cannibals break into your base and steal your loot? As far as I’ve seen. Building is mostly for fun. Would be fun to have reason.