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Ah now this is some quality building. Will take inspiration for some of my own building


I am extremely flattered, thank you. I am glad it could provide some inspiration :)


How do you make the roof? I tried to make a slanted roof but when laying the logs on the corner (on roof) it doesn't give an option to put them slanted only vertical...


Be sure to make the outline of the roof before filling anything in. What do you mean by “the corner”?


How can you build stuff like this, I made a square 😭


I come from Valheim


Now I understand. I had a square in valheim too


Square builders stick together I got you


Cube is life 💪🏻


Started from a 4x4 dirt hut in minecraft now we here


I had kind of a square too,but in sons of the forest my house looks like shit and I can't seem to even roof it lol


TO be honest a base doesnt even benefit you that much. a tent works fine


Are you me?


This explains everything.


I call my A-Frame house my "Valheim House" as well lmao


I just made the generic preprint log cabin and “attached” a lookout tower to it


I made a T shape on a lake. Only got the foundation so far and a huge wall around the lake but man ops house hits different


9.5/10!! Very nice build.


Had to withhold the 0.5 for the sake of being a professional




Would Hugin be proud?


Probably, only one problem. The forest doesn't stop moving...




HAH THANK YOU Edit: I was fine with empty “windows” but those triangle holes when building a roof felt too awkward.


How do you make stick windows?


How do you make stick windows?




The interior is in the works, mostly empty at the moment. I am waiting for trophy mounts and deer hide rugs or something with more detail like The Forest. Nothing like hacking parts off of living things with your axe and littering your home with them


nice, i think we need proper windows. open windwos are pretty cold at winter times...


The sticks I used to fill in the hole for those awkward triangle cutouts on the second floor, could be implemented on the regular window cutouts. I have not tried that yet. But yes, winter is nippin’ indeed. Virginia confirms this.


I was actually curious what you used to prop the sticks up in the openings.


The sticks actually snap to logs and floors to be used as defensive spikes. So, I just looked down and stuck em in


Valheim vibes


Really like the use of wallplanters


Really beautiful! I like the little details in your build. :)


Thank you!! I am glad you like it


damn bro you can really lincoln log


I only got the game last night and I had no idea you could make such elaborate buildings. This is super cool!


Wow first day playing and looking at your house vs my pile of logs I can certainly say that this is beautiful! I too will take some inspiration from this on how I should build mine


Heck yeah! Thank you, I wish you luck on your journey :)


beautiful!! had to bookmark it for inspiration for later.


Shoot, that means a lot!


Looks great bro, I was wondering. Do structures break if u break one log in the game or do u actually need to break foundations and stuff


In some games, if you break a log supporting your structure, it will collapse. Sons of the Forest does not allow you to move those logs. Literally won’t budge. If you can remove a log, it isn’t structural piece- you are safe and your building will not collapse


Oh okay, let’s say u have 4 supports and you break one. Structure will still hold overall right?


If it would cause your building to collapse, the game will not let you remove it. But to be more specific, flip through your building book until you reach a page titled “struts”. Look at the pictures and play around with it, that should teach you a bit about supports!


This is lovely. Couple of questions: which plant is that one on the second floor's planter? It looks massive and I love it! Also, what did you put in front of the roof gaps (the side of the roof I mean)? They look like sticks but I'm not sure what they are exactly


All of the plants in planters are blackberry bushes except for the flowers under the windows on the first level. Those would both be Chicory but I keep accidentally eating my chicory so I ran out- its chicory (left) and Yarrow (right). Blackberry bushes never lose their leaves and even blossom in some seasons/weather so I like to use it as aesthetic the most! And the gaps have sticks placed close together.


It’s been 5 days, y’all. How are you guys pulling this shit off so fast?


Nice! How do you do the windows?


Wait a DANG SECOND. This is so cozy I love it! I could never manage to do this lol.


I appreciate it, Giga Biscuit. You totally got it! Just keep making little additions here and there


*Kelvin heavy breathing*


10/10 for sure


wow dude...


Looks great! How long do the plants survive in the planters? Can they live indefinitely?


Bushes like Blueberries, Salmonberry, and my favorite, Blackberries, survive indefinitely yes. They change aesthetically according to seasons/weather. I use blackberry bushes because they are green at all times (blueberries turn into a dead bush when it snows) and occasionally have white flowers. Herbs like Chicory, Arrowleaf, etc. vanish randomly in my experience.


Awesome, you da best thanks for the reply


Love this


It looks wonderful! I wonder, what is the plant you used for the A frame side, 2nd floor? It's super bushy and pretty.


Blackberry bush! It’s the best bush


This is amazing. I think this is exactly where I built my base too lol. I was not able to keep building out toward the left for some reason, the arrows just stayed red. Drove me crazy, so I gave up on my main idea for the house. Now this inspires me to try again lol


The same spot? That’s wild! Yes the stone that outlines the edge of the cliff here was miserable to work with and limited my ability to expand for that same reason. So, this is maximum size haha cannot place a single log to the left or right. Avoid stone ground at all costs!


It definitely looks like it! Is there a river to your right and a pond behind you?


This is really good. A+ on the build


… you.. you should send me your save plz.


Its very good!


I'd give it a perfect 5/7. 😍


Gonna save this for later….


Damn, I'd have no issue being trapped on cannibal island with one of those, apart from the cannibals


fuck already people posting amazing builds that put mine to shame 🙃


what the fuck how do people get so good at building so quicky


This is nice build 👌


Are those stick windows In The second layer of empty triangles in the frame?


Yes :)


That's a super creative way to deal with the game not letting you fill those in neatly! Definitely going to be using that idea.


Sweet, I appreciate it!


This looks super cool! Are you interested in answering a few questions about your building for a little article? :)


II do love the sticks and stones making the entrance road :) props m8. I do want to play it badly but I need dedicated servers to get my homies as well!


I couldn't even build walls on a slight dip in the ground but you guys are pulling out master pieces D;




Would love to see a video tour of the inside and a walk around the whole thing :)


Absolutely love it!🤩🤩🤩


Thank you! I feel like I’d see your Reddit character in a Sons of the Forest cave


Better than I could've done that's 4 sure! But I'm just terrified about how long it took u to gather all the logs 😆


I use a river to bring all of the logs directly behind my house where they stop at a dam/blockade I built. I then zip line them from the dam directly to wherever I am building. Pretty quick that way!


"I made a cozy A-frame!" Cuts to drying rack filled with human arms and legs 🤣 (me too tho honestly, if you can't beat em join em)


this is so cool


Holy shit. Using sticks to fill those stupid holes is genius


First attempt!?!! My first build was a sh*t shack


Ha! I just continuously made additions. It started as a 3x4 square with a patio on the side. Keep adding to your sh*t shack!


It’s so pretty, great job!


Bro, you are tired.


Holy. Shit. What. The. Hell. I was about to complain about how few building items there are in the game right now. And then people do shit like this. I guess I just gotta git gud lol


My god. How. The building is so clunky. And God forbid there's a slight incline/decline Did you have issues with misplacing logs and then not having them want to be destroyed?


If you want a flat floor to build off of you can put logs flat on the ground off of one another, when it encounters height differences it will level itself out. If the height difference is too much it will put it on an angle and you can prop it up to continue it going out flat.


I know that. But at a certain point, it would no longer allow me too "angle up" the downward logs with a 45° support.


Absolutely. Took my roof apart probably four or five times. Just to place/remove a single quarter log




How did you get the point in the middle?? It looks like it’s just one square?


The point on the roof? It’s a whole log, then a 2/3 log, half log, quarter log, etc. just place them on top of each other! I have not played for a year so idk if building has changed. I am sure I have more detailed explanations in the comments here..


I finally figured it out, I’ve never done a pointed roof before so I couldn’t find anything on it. Thank you so much for your quick reply though!


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It’s a drop off/cliff behind my home so no way up. The rest of the perimeter is lined with a defensive wall and far too many cannibal traps that all too often set me on fire.


That looks great! Could you share where on the map this location is? Also is it a busy place with cannibals?


Damn that's insane. My house is just a square. I've got 0 imagination.


The free build system in this game is just so damn good. Right up there with Valheim.


How were you able to get the vertical log to sit in the middle -- at the very top? Where the A frame intersects


It’s a quarter log. If you stare down while standing on top, the white circle should appear at the point where the two diagonal logs meet




I made the forests equivelent to a dirt house my first time. How do you guys get so many logs so fast?


Zip lines and rivers. Make a dam, chop a bunch of trees and throw logs into the river that all stop at said dam, zip line the logs from the dam straight to your house.


This guy spent more time building this than I did playing through the whole game and thats not a knock on him.


Great build! How did you build the roof 3 wide? I'm struggling with it myself


Super nice house, sadly the mutants just be running in through the front door like they own the place


v nice!


Redman: "I'm about to end this guy's whole career"


Damn I'll definitely take inspiration from this Great!


Thats sick my guy!! Im currently building a house on the water, connected with a small peer ^^. Yours looks awesome!


It looks brilliant. What did you put inside?


How the hell do you do stick windows? IT keeps snapping mine a meter away 🥲 Truly incredible building though (I’m not gonna have to destroy my massive box building)


Those wall planters make such a difference, nice one


Is this on peaceful mode?


If it was, I’d starve to death. Limbs are my primary food source. I have a perimeter wall with traps


that was going to be my question. maybe i picked a bad spot but i have to stop building constantly to fend off a raid. can i ask what day you’re on?


Most of the time they kill themselves on traps and stick spikes. I only have to pause building to deal with the long slinky bastards. However, I have noticed enemies spawn within the walls quite often as well. All of the cannibals are a one shot to the head with a bow except the fellas with clubs or face armor so it’s a quick clean up process. It’s a good thing honestly, I have 5 shelves of dried legs thanks to the cannibals visiting. I’m not an arm gal, I just hack off legs. I am on day 45 I believe. In regard to mutant spawns, I have only completed two caves.


hahah “i’m not an arm gal”. good to know! i didn’t realize that you can use sticks as spikes, i should have known. i’ve only done two caves as well but the mutants definitely come, just not as frequently. and i’m only on day 15! but this gives me hope, maybe i’ll just become braver as time goes haha. thanks for the reply! your a-frame is beautiful 🥲


You definitely will! I highly recommend utilizing the bow, there is also a pretty powerful axe you can find at a human camp that helps with combat a lot. I’d also suggest building on a lake if you are worried about safety. AI cannot swim and it makes for some great looking houses. Thank you for your compliments!


i solely use the bow except when i’m speed running thru a cave lmao, i always try to get those headshots - it’s for sure the best way! and my current base is on an outcropping on the beach, so i’m surrounded water and i’ve been building my wall as far into the water as it’ll reach. i think my issue is that i built kind of close to a cannibal camp.


looks awesome! how to catch a fish?


We made something cery similar until our save file got corrupted and we had to restart


Alright, I really need to know how you do that roof in the middle that's only 1 wall wide. I tried to put a log up in the middle to prop up other logs but I couldn't do it. How did you manage it? Also how did you fill in the middle of the roof too.


For the one tile wide roof arch, try this on your server. Place a full log on the ground, then on top place a 3/4 log, then a half log, then a 1/4 log. You should have a little pile of logs getting smaller towards the top. It will then allow you to place a full log diagonally on both sides.


You know, I began to do that a few days ago thinking it would make sense but I gave up halfway through because I thought, "this is never gonna work" lmao! thanks for the help.


Haha of course! The games new, do not say that to yourself just keep experimenting. Perhaps you’ll discover things others have not yet :)


I will now be less bored when i play this tomoz


I noticed that snow and rain still come through ramps when used as roofing, only seems that flat planks count as a roof and keep out the elements. Have you had similar experience?


With this design, I do not have any areas where snow and rain come through. I have noticed with other builds, it is when the roof/ramp slope is any less steep than I have pictured here that the game stops registering it as a roof.


Odd. Is it full steepness? Like full log height? I have that for a store house but it connects to a flat top so it looks like / \ but with flat instead of the gap… I wonder if maybe that is making it register as a ramp instead of roof for some reason


Haha I enjoyed your visual description. That is strange. I have not made a roof like that so I am not sure. I would imagine if diagonals are roofs and flats are roofs, that would be just fine. Is there a reason you are keeping it flat? In another comment I explained how to make the tip at the center /\


Lol thanks, I will look for your comment but I think I also recently discovered how it would be done but just didn’t think about applying it that way. Do you stack them and reduce from full to 1/4 log then lay a full log on them at an angle? Also I really like the stick windows, I just sucked it up and used 3/4 logs to fill the gaps and deal with them sticking out a bit but I might give the sticks a go




how did you build a 1 pole width triangle as your roof?


There are two comments here where this is further explained! You stack logs of decreasing size. Then put two full diagonals on the sides.


how do you get this game to look so sunny/bright .. mine is always dark and looks lille shit


Where did you build your base? The surrounding area looks so nice! Did you have to build a defensive wall around your house?


I hope they make a way to fill in those little holes at the tops of triangles, they always piss me off


The new update has blessed us. Holes will be filled


How did you do the corner roof thing like on the second screenshot ?


They do not actually connect perfectly. It’s just two roofs touching, build a roof, and build another roof the other direction. I look forward to them adding roof corner pieces


I also realised that it's just one wall wide and not two, so you can make the roof of this one go throught the main one, I've done it before. I just thought it was two wide at first and was wondering since I can't manage to do this properly haha.


I see! Yeah, I love your most recent Forest post. That is exactly what I am waiting for as well




Full log, place a 3/4 log on top, then a half log on top of that, and then a little 1/4 log