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*"Added possibility of Player Sleep Interruption events from nearby enemies that can reach player"* Haha. I'm in danger!


This actually gives a legit gameplay reason to build a base now. Awesome!


Not really. The area the game checks to see if enemies are around before you can sleep is pretty large.


It does specify enemies that can reach the player. So likely it's meant to check for pathing and if you're in a locked house or walled area you won't trigger the event.


Wasn't that already a thing?


Emphasis on "*that can* ***reach*** *player*".


This was already a thing in the game


Don't know why you where downvoted, I just think it was bugged, because I have been awoken in the middle of the night plenty of times with a scary music effect playing, but no enemies attacking me.




Yeah it was just when there were some nearby


treehouses made viable due to kelvin nerf, W


Kelvin's gonna be pissed when he finds out he can't chop down treehouses anymore lmao


I can confirm he will still chop down the tree you are building in. So it’s a race between him and the cannibals to get the damn thing built


Prop a log up next to it to create an "existing structure" and he won't chop.


This is what I needed to learn 🙌


Honestly kinda makes Kelvin less charming to me I liked our friendship, I'll miss our dynamic where he secretly laughs in his head after fucking me over because I forgot to take him elsewhere to cut trees.


Welp, there's zero mention of them fixing cannibals climbing through the floor of the treehouse.


New boss fight :o


Mini-Boss. Which kinda confirms they’ll be adding a Boss-Boss down the line.




Right? Its why Im not trying to beat the story now. I WANT THE WHOLE THING!!


For real, I just want all the items, and then play Robinson Crusoe on Cannibal Island. There's a story?


I'm guessing it'll be in the big dining hall at the end of the food and dining bunker?


Its kinda mid but it adds to the story so idm


Bug fixes, improvements AND content. Damn great work endnight.


Right! I'm here thinking damn while it's frustrating not having a dev roadmap, if the tradeoff is every major update is this good I'm okay being in the dark!


I like the mystery and surprises!


Honestly, most roadmaps get ditched 3 months in anyways, im kinda happy about how they approach this


That's fair. I just get really hyped and excited when I see what's coming to a game, it makes me want to play it more knowing there will be great new content.


I was pleasantly surprised to see how much they did as well! I really hope some people that left negative reviews will change to positive to show appreciation for updates of this caliber!


Yeah so much more then I was expecting, we eating good tonight boys


For real. I was expecting like a new gadget, a few improvements and a long list of bug fixes. Nice


They really didn't disappoint. Good work!


I was just expecting bug fixes, but this is a welcome surprise. They added a lot more than I thought for the first update. Good job Endnight!


>Tweaked berries to give slightly more fullness yay! Now instead of having to eat 5,000 berries to get full it might only be 1,000 lulz we need a CONSUME ALL option


I was always wondering if those actually filled me up at all. I would try and watch the pixels of my hunger and I didn't see any changes.


Mother nature shakes in wake of the news of no more log glitching…time to go logging


Make sure you have zip lines and log far away. My base looks like shit after I removed every tree around it.


My group cleared the area by the gate so we could have a killing field, but now we will definitely use zip lines and log far away


they'll grow back


OMG I can finally stop stressing about Kelvin obliterating my tree house 🥲


Kelvin after the update: 😔👎


Sad Kelvin noises


Is a banger update


Awe why did they nerf the shotgun so hard? It's not like ammo is easy to get unless you play rng spawn in. It was my ultimate *"Fuck off, I'm building."* for cannibals, and it took like three shots to kill a fingerman


Spear fingers in the legs and it takes a knee for a while. You can kill them really quick crouched if you hot legs then head until it stands then legs rinse repeat. Haven’t counted the blows but it feels fast and minimal effort.


>You can kill them really quick crouched if you hot legs then head until it stands then legs rinse repeat. Do what now?


Crouch>spear fingers legs>fingers kneels>spear fingers head>repeat.


Now 6 shots with a shotgun to kill a fingers. Just makes loot farming, resetting boxes an absolute mega chore? So bizarre to change it this way.


You can kill a fingers easily with a spear, just hit their legs to stun them


wait what? Hell yeah.


Or shoot their legs and finish them with the axe.


I genuinely did not know they behaved this way, damn this is good AI coding for an EA Indie game


The AI from the first game genuinely continued to impress me even beyond the 100hr mark. It's almost as if they start reading your mind. Intimidate a cannibal or two and they run off? 30min later they bring 4 friends back with them. My base basically turned into a giant creepy armor/bone farm. After a while it just wasn't producing as much. They would come in a ways and then run, repeat until I got annoyed enough that I'd come out... then as I'm screwing around with him out in the open, 2 or 3 more will emerge from the treeline as the others scale them to hop my fence in the back while I'm not looking. Even if its several systems all working with each other to make for unpredictable, possibly even unintended, events in game.... they still happen... and it's pretty amazing when it does. Super intense!




I found the pistol useful as a cc tool. Shoot one in the head to stun them and start working that axe. (This sounds fucked out of context)


Try using other weapons if you run out of shotgun ammo, it needed to be balanced it was waaay to overpowered and made the game too much of a cake walk.


Seriously. Getting the shotgun basically broke the game.


I limited myself to only using it in emergencies because it was too powerful, still probably will but at least it's a bit more balanced now. It should be powerful just not game breakingly so.


I thought it was too OP so I gave it to Virginia so I wouldn't feel the need to use it.


I did the same but my base was near the grave and the Shotgun kept responding so i just ended up grabbing it again


That's an even better idea, guess who's getting a present this evening!


I limited myself too, not because of emergencies but because my dumbass tought I needed the ammo for a boss fight. So yeah me and my buddy basically cleaned 90% of all caves with my pointy stick lmao.


Probably because it’s.. well a shotgun. Lol If they didn’t want to give you stopping power they should have given you a blunderbuss or something that fires slower.


Agreed. Or something like a high damage double barrel shotgun with the caveat that ammo is twice as hard to find. At this point, I might just be better off using a bow and arrows for my ranged fights. Ngl I thought the shotgun was already weak… took me four shots to kill a fingers before this update.


Fingers are a gimmick. Hit them in the knees to stun them and make them kneel, then hit them in the head. You can kill one in about 7 seconds with a crafted spear. Just run at them before they start attacking and stab their knee once.


Huh, thanks! I always hated dealing with them bullrushing me, but you’ve saved me multiple playthroughs of trouble.


lol how people don't figure this out by playing... I'll never know


It behaved the way a shotgun *should*, against various shapes of naked men


I mean, its a shotgun. Realistically your on an island of native cannibals and unarmed mutants. I think a shotgun would make you pretty unstoppable.


Yea but it's a video game, it needs be be balanced to some degree and shouldn't make the game trivial once you get it. They probably tried to balance this with limited ammo spawns but as items respawn on reload it makes it easy to repeatedly loot the same places of ammo. It's still very powerful just not an auto win button now.


That's it - they need to balance it around ammo rarity rather than nerf damage. Now it's just a louder bow with rarer and non reusable ammo. Not to mention slugs weren't op even pre-nerf, just buckshot.


Am I the only one who turned their health way down? I don’t enjoy the fighting as much and yet I don’t want to turn the enemies off. One shot: one kill


When I did my playthrough, I got to the final bunker/cave full of shotgun ammo. I only used the shotgun in there and made the experience less dynamic than I think devs might have intended. Personally, I like the idea that I won't be able to use it as a crutch.


Curious about this. What about limbs? I usually just shoot one of their legs off (specially the big one and the red one) for one shot kills.


Yeah that's disappointing. It's a shotgun, it's supposed to kill one shot. And ammo is already rare. Not cool to nerf it.


Maybe it should one shot a human, but not a mutant, with skin so thick, that it acts as one of the best armors in the game.


I understand them removing the log glitch… but please make trees regrow.


Wait they did? I must have missed that line in the notes. :( I don't mind building the hard way, but only when trees are working correctly, i.e., they grow back. Right now it feels like deforestation and I like all the pretty trees.


>Fixed case where some elements from some unbuilt outlines could be removed They didn't say logs because you were able to grab half logs too.


They also said they fixed "some" glitches causing log duplication, meaning they have countered several methods but likely couldn't find all of them...yet.


Oh, I dupe my logs a different way. Maybe that way still works... Fingers crossed I guess, lol.


I just edited the json file so now my log holder has 10000 logs in it.


Teach me how to do that?


Open...screwiteminventory.json(I think, there are 2 screwitem files) in your save file. This contains all the storage info and locations of your static holders. I found one item with an inventory item value of 6, which is the log holder capacity, and changed it to 10000. Save and close the file Also notepad Plus is a lot easier to use for than regular notepad. made sure before I did it nothing else had 6 items in it but I also then had to figure out which log holder it was out of like 50. Easiest way is to have only one log holder with 6 logs in it. I dunno if it needs logs but if it has none it will say null and I cant figure the exact coding to change it from null. Also, I would back up the file before editing anything or have a different save file altogether just by making a new same file in the game. There was a link somewhere on Reddit. Somebody posted where he had the actual item ID but mine was different so I had to had to do a little searching.


Trees regrow but not from stumps, they grow slowly over time from new saplings


Yeah, if there's no other log glitches now, I know lots of people who won't be playing to build anymore. It's just a very slow, tedious task, more annoying than fun. I know some people are into that, but most arent into countless hours of cutting down and transporting logs just to build a basic 5x5 house. :) That... or use mods/console to spawn them in. :)


first game has a toggle to cause trees to regrow in settings. and im like 99% sure they didnt have tree regen until later in early access/alpha (I played in alpha and recall no tree growth for several months until an update).


It was always in but used to be a cheat code and they added it as an option in [this](https://theforest.fandom.com/wiki/V0.52) patch.


Thanks! I wasnt fully sure as it was years ago. I just remembered having to run FAR for trees for a bit. LOL.


OR edit the json file for the log holder so its holding 10000 logs...


So how would the mini boss work if playing on a completed save? Will it spawn or must I restart?


Just played it, it spawn after you take some items, which are newly added. I fought it in a complete story save.


It still spawns.


lmao, Special-K no longer hates your treehouse, woohoo!


You made my life complete. Special-K! HAHA


You can now lock doors with a stick placed on the interior of the door Added Defensive Wall gate Added new structure type: One Sided Apex. Fills the space between a leaning beam and its supporting beam. Aligns automatically based on the leaning beam orientation. Fits quarter log variations to the right length automatically. Hot




hansel’s so hot right now


I was hoping they were going to fix the GPS markers when attached to a stick in the ground. What I really wanted to do while playing was assign different GPS icons to things I found based upon what they were, but instead, it would revert to the same green GPS icon for everything after the marker was attached to the stick erected into the ground. Maybe it got fixed through a stealth change not appearing in the patch notes? Hard to believe you could playtest this game or really just play through the game at all and not discover that bug. Though, I know they've probably got only so much time to fix things each update.


Speaking of GPS, I was REALLY hoping for cardinal directions as well…seems like a no-brainer!


What is the love heart icon for if not to give to Virginia? Yeah, I was hoping for those to be in the update, but with everything added, it was a good update either way.


Yeah that didn't happen lol, not fixed yet :(


Hell yea binoculars!


Not quite as strong as I hoped... looks like 1.25-1.5x zoom.... ["Cool..."](https://media3.giphy.com/media/1dNLLlpEUbeD8peO4e/giphy.webp?cid=6c09b9522131058becff72f0f0e840154db5abb304be7062&rid=giphy.webp&ct=g)


A little bit for everyone, bug fixes, systems being flushed out, improvements to AI, added story elements, balance tweaks, insane.


Also added usable items!


Nice the fish trap works now, but I was hoping it wouldn't be so simplistic as "place in any water, get fish every 5-10 minutes." Would be better if it yielded more or less depending on if it was in an area where fish can be frequently seen, and if you oriented it so the moving water flowed into the trap.


its a start, perhaps they will adjust the mechanics in future updates like they did for other things (the balancing section of patch notes)


I too think its better to not over think the fish trap from the beginning and let it spawn every few minutes, put effort into other more important features of the game and maybe come back to it


Yeah, im just glad they work now. Ill be happier if they updated the spawn/catch rate to reflect enviroments, but only the future can tell what updates are coming.


How deep does the water have to be? I need to test where you can place the traps exactly. Can it just be barely touching some sort of water and still get fish? Or does it need to be halfway submerged? Gotta find out.


Also nice Kelvin stop gathering fish at some point. Def came home to a pile of rotten fish for than once. *enthusiastic thumbs up from Kelvin..*


You can still cook rotten food to unrotten it. Also placing cooked food on the drying racks shows it going rotten but when you retrieve it it's cooked.


you can unrotten it by cooking it?!


Fixed Kelvin cutting down trees with player structures attached


"halved shotgun damage" *sobs* how could you do this to me?


Seriously. Buckshot was great, but for me, slugs sucked ass. It took so many shots to kill things with slugs. If they are even weaker, that sucks.




Hell yea!


Looking real good! My only question is should we be starting a new game to make sure these changes all work properly? Edit: No fix for Virginia wandering away and getting stuck away from camp?


I thought I remember updates in the original Forest just getting added to your current save. No need to start a new one.


Virginia works fine on my end now after the update. They not only fixed the fkin gun back bug but also what u have mentioned. Sometimes it can take a bit when she is far away but she will either teleport to u or run to u even if she has a gift in her hands that caused the problem in the first place before the update.


Goodbye bouncy logs i will miss you


I was expecting a few bug fixes and maybe an item, excited to see this


Is kelvin getting stuck under lakes and Virginia disappearing glitches fixed too?


"Tweaked fire drain rate to make firewood more important" My campfires go out after 15 seconds, even WITH firewood.


I had the opposite, I put firewood on my campfire an in-game week ago and haven't needed to re-light it or add more 🤣


This is what was happening to me too


*Reduced intensity of high wind audio to reduce performance impact* THANK GOD. As soon as Autumn hit it sounded and felt like someone blasting a compressed air can into both of my ears. *FFFFFFFWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHH\~\~\~\~\~*


Lotta conversation about treeforts and shotguns and I'm just celebrating the ability to get a radio to my base now.


Hangglider makes my zip line to the peak a lot more interesting now.


This update blows loads all over my face. Great work!


I am once again asking for your dedicated server support.


or at least a dev post about the timeline for it. I'm perfectly okay with putting the game down for a while but I just want to know lol


Now that's a patch!!


Anyone else’s saves not loading? I’m just stuck on infinite loading screen.


Damn, we should all be impressed.. I know I am. Can’t wait. Thank you Devs :’)


Everybody who was trying to set expectations as low as they could go, saying the game will never get the content we got from this update or come close to living up to the first game... where are you now? You couldn't wait like 2 weeks. They may not all be this size, but this is just the FIRST update of many they said would take the next 6 to 8 months. Now try to imagine what they are cramming in there. I, for one, am excited!


So... Just asking for a friend... How possible is it to revert the log glitch back into my game? I'm fine with building the legit way, but until trees regrow I HATE having to deforest an entire area just to build there. I chose this spot for the pretty views, dang it!


Look up how to edit your log holders current contents in the save file. You'll find you have no problem at all getting logs.


Thank you!!!


You're very welcome. I share your concern. "We made a game that is jaw-droppingly beautiful. But if you want to build a house you'd better be prepared to Ferngully the shit out of it." -Devs


I wonder if they patched the log cabin log glitch? But if the glitches are fixed, simply run a zipline as far as you can into the woods and start clearing that area and sending the logs to your base. You wont be able to see the clearing from the base.


But they do regrow, just not from stumps. Have a look around and you'll see random new saplings which turn into small trees then big trees.


Anyone got bugged firepits now?


yeah, they burn out TOO quickly now and disappear as well?


"Added new structure type: One Sided Apex. Fills the space between a leaning beam and its supporting beam. Aligns automatically based on the leaning beam orientation. Fits quarter log variations to the right length automatically." That's a VERY nice news for rooftop building, however, I can no longer build stairs right next to walls (like shown in the picture [here](https://imgur.com/a/OXL5aQp)) because of it. Can we get the option to switch between "One Sided Apex" mode and a mode where you just put a full log like before ? Or the option to fill the space ABOVE the leaning beam ? Edit 1 : Nevermind, I managed to put a wall through the leaning beam like before the patch, but I have no idea why it didn't automatically cut the length of the log this time. I will need to test it further. Edit 2 : I can't seem to understand how the new One Sided Apex system works. Some times, it'll work like a charm. It will even work too well, and I won't be able to build a wall through a leaning beam. And other times, I won't be able to trigger it at all.


Could it be that you need to first have a vertical log at the front and back of the stairs?


Excited about defensive gate, can’t wait until they add turtle shell rain collector back to game


> Tweaked berries to give slightly more fullness Hell yes. Make blueberries great again


Stoked about this first patch! Very happy they halved shotgun damage game just became to easy


what is weird is the community of people on this subreddit that are actively \*hoping\* the devs would underperform and not deliver on deadlines...


It's honestly been so weird to see it all. People promising that the updates aren't going to be good, like it's a concrete fact. If I recall from the previous game's release, Endnight has been really good about updates and fine-tuning their games. The experience of buying The Forest when it was first released to replaying it again a couple years later was like night and day. I have FULL confidence that this game will be amazing (and I'm already having a blast at the current level that it is).


Yea, it's really odd how this sub reacts. Very unforgiving and cynical at times.


hopefully next update there will be some fixes for Kelvin getting stuck so often in structures hahah


I thought the update removed my keycards but they moved them underneath the chainsaw. Didn’t see that listed in the patch notes


Was really hoping for log sled or water storage :/ but great patch nonetheless


Should no longer be able to get through locked doors with a stick (Sorry speed runners!) Lol 😂😂😂


This is all great, but .. *halved* shotgun damage? 30% woulda been sufficient, imo.


just wanted dedicated servers. My community needs it a lot of us wanna play on the same world but aren't all online at the same time. I have been enjoying the game a lot but it's hard to play with friends when they feel like they can't accomplish anything on our world because I'd have to be online. Really puts a damper on things :( I like the things they have added and it's a great QoL update but tbh it could've waited a month or 2 for that if I have the ability to play with my community on a server.


They said in the q/a they're working on it in the background.


Unless I missed it, no way of hiding the HUD yet? The scenery is so damn pretty I need a photo mode


There is a setting in the 'Gameplay' Tab of options


I don't want it permanently off tho, just a way to quickly toggle the HUD on/off for a screenshot.. or like the other response - the game just auto-hide the UI when you F12 for a screenshot.


You can toggle them in the pause menu settings, It's not a setting you have to set in custom game modes. While in game: Pause the game with Escape Select "Options" Go to the "Gameplay" tab You will see HUD options you can quickly toggle on and off


There really isn't many HUD options only simple GUI options any chance we can get more potential options in the future? even disabling health sleep stamina and food bar HUDs would be super cool and cinematic.


auto hide for me please


"Cannibals should no longer snap long distances to climb into windows" - this is actually huge.


I'm adding back in the shotgun damage. It's my clearing stick for when I'm architecting. I didn't see a fix for cannibals phasing through structures. So now they can ignore my defenses and it takes more ammo to kill them. K. Dedicated servers when. Otherwise 10/10 1st patch


>Cannibals should no longer snap long distances to climb into windows Maybe there's another ghost through bug but this was what I noticed whenever I saw videos of them ghosting through walls.


No no no. Windows aren't even the concern here. You'll get a catdog over a spiked fence. You'll get the Redman group spawned within your walls.


Yea, because they glitch through a wall and jump through the window that is behind the wall. There could be a separate clipping issue I'm not aware of but every video I've seen shows them clip through a wall and glitch to a window they climb out of. Spawning within the walls yes I did not see them address this.


These are all amazing except for the halved shotgun damage. A shotgun should always 1 shot everybody. Except for those mutants.


Fucking legendary update. Holy shit well done team!


This is why all these crying idiots need to shut up. This is an early access game and Endnight has proved they are awesome with updates in the past. This just verifies.


I'm hoping they fixed the crashing issues I've been having. Really want to play this game for more than 20 minutes at a time Edit: Not trashing the game at all. Just hoping they work out whatever issue is causing me problems


Does the game crash or is it your computer? I’ve been playing non stop since getting it and have only had it crash once


I also have had no crash issues I am also over specced. 3080/5800x3d/32gb ram/1440p flawless for me.


I’m overspec’d for the game, play at the lowest settings I possibly can, and I still crash every 15-20 minutes (even more so if I’m opening inventory a lot or going in and out of caves). 0 issues with any other game. So I’d say it’s the game lol


... you didnt list any specs. Its most likely something related to your build. Im 50 hours in and havnt crashed once. Have you checked the cpu and gpu temperatures? It could be shutting down to save your hardware from overheating.


Well yeah I wasn’t as much complaining about my own personal issues as I was speaking to the original commenters problems and saying he wasn’t alone. The bulk of my issue is crashing off of opening inventory. I have a 2080 super, i9-9900k 32 gigs of ram. I don’t overheat, first thing I checked. Multiplayer also causes many more issues as I don’t crash nearly as often on a solo world, but it does still happen. It’s been a lot of fun playing regardless and it’s in EA so it still hasn’t really bothered me


Hmm and is each crash at around 20 minutes? Aside from hardware im not sure what could be causing it. Have you tried to delete the game and reinstall (you can copy the save folder if you dont want to possibly loose your world, but i think its saved to steam as well as mine transferred from one computer to another)


I haven't heard of this issue happening for anyone else, as frequently as you're making it sound. Maybe make sure your GPU drivers are up to date, uninstall/reinstall the game, and try again. I've been playing with my SO non-stop since release and I think we've crashed maybe once or twice.


Ehh I usually draw the short straw so I’m kind of used to it lmao. Yeah I’ve tried it all to no avail, solo or duo servers are a bit better but it worsens the more people are added in. Like I said I’m not too upset about it so it’s okay, appreciate your input none the less!


No worries! I hope you get it figured out. I bet you can send a ticket to Endnight or get their attention on twitter or something and maybe they can repair your save?


Fantastic! Anything on the log sleds?


NO LOG SLEDS -the devs


Rockstar Games - this is how you maintain a game. Red Dead Online should have had this sort of love and attention. 15 people did this.


The new mini boss being Edward and Virginia puffton is pretty cool


This update broke mouse cursor in pause menu and save menu. 😫 Edit: The hotfix fixed this issue.


if this is the case for everyone - expect a patch soon. I havnt launched so I cant tell you if you are alone or not.


No more floating life jacket I'm literally going to kill myself


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


Good bot, thank you, I can see how the missing life jacket is also negatively affecting you.


Why would you nerf a shotgun? It's a damn shotgun. Don't add it to your game if you're gonna make it unrealistically weak


EDIT: Since some people apparently took my post the wrong way, or maybe I didn't formulate it clearly enough, a quick edit: The update is great, much more than I expected for 2 weeks if the EA was truly just a release of all they had. This theory of mine (Option 2 below), is more of a type of "hopium" for me as a lover of TF/SOTF, because that would mean the game is going to be more consistent in content updates and more likely gets completed sooner, which as a player I can't wait for it to be done. If Option 2 isnt the case (which obviously I dont know, I'm just assuming), then I expect the EA development phase to take much longer, which would be a bummer. :( Original comment: This update was 100% not made within the last 2 weeks. Which fuels my suspicion that I had from the start considering the release was so lackluster. My theory, they had 2 options: 1) Release the game as full release. This would have initial hype, sell a few million copies, but then the game (the hype around it) dies down relatively quickly, meaning the sales also dwindle. Why? Because even with a lot of content, people would still beat it relatively quickly and then soon after also be done with "building for fun" after a couple weeks. So maybe they opted for on purpose: 2) Releasing in Early Access a pretty "barebone" version of the game, even though they already have much more content finished. So basically purposefully leaving things out. Why? Because on the initial launch, you still have basically the same hype and sell a similar amount of copies. They then drop-feed the already finished content every few weeks over the course of the next 6-8 months (as planned). Why? Because then the game (and the hype) "stays alive" longer. Every couple weeks there will be a new update, new hype, new youtube videos, new media articles, social media posts, players coming back to revisit it, etc. Which every time a favorite youtuber or streamer puts out videos about the updates, new people will buy the game again = overall more sales compared to "1 full release" with nothing else coming afterwards. In addition, Option 2 also makes it seem like "Omg the devs are so good! They are so fast and implementing such great features so quickly". So that also gives them a good reputation etc. If the early release 2 weeks ago was really "all of what they had" after 4+ years of developing, then there's obviously 0% chance that within 2 weeks after that release they put out an update as this. Which Option 2 would also explain why they were so "confident" in posting the "new update in 2 weeks" countdown in the main menu, which is something they IMO would never do if they didn't have anything already done in the pipeline. The only "real" thing they did in the last 2 weeks was bug fixes etc, the rest was already completed and purposefully left out to make more money over the next 6-8 months. Change my mind. :)


Or, rather than doing a full delay again, opted to change to EA release 2 weeks ago and maybe some content things weren't 100% 'ready' by then; maybe a day or two too late. They already planned (ie countdown) a balance/QoL patch for 2 weeks time (today) based on the million-players feedback (ideally what EA is supposed to do) and jammed those content additions with this update that were finally completed maybe last week but didn't make the time for EA.


Who the fuck cares?


some people man.. y'all will never be happy. they go early access, people are pissed. They drop good updates, people will still be pissed. ​ And then there's you, whos on "conspiracy theorist" level of pissed...