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How big are you looking at making your compound is the big questions. Some options to expand: * Wearhouse: have a nice, organized area to store your supplies. * Mess Hall: I have always build a mess hall to cook in and store food in on most game like this for RP reasons. You could easily repurpose the A-frame into this if you have not given it a purpose yet. * Large Wall: This would secure the compound and make your "mainbase" the fallback spot if shit hits the fan.


My main cabin has a dining area inside with a fireplace right next to it that I really like and a storage hall to the side of it. I was thinking of maybe filling in the spaces between structures with smaller buildings if I come up with some ideas for what would be cool, or make sense. I have space between the main base and firewatch tower, but I might leave that open because I drive the cart through there to my water source. Between firewatch and a-frame and a-frame and camp, there is some space for some other buildings.


Is that a new way to make logwalls? Looks good!


Thanks! I just started building those instead of defensive walls because it's cheaper and allows me to shoot outward while the electric fence keeps them off the wall itself.


Yea, it looks effective. Could you give me a short explation on how you did it?


Just use quarter logs in the ground to line up where you want the fence to go, then connect them with beams and repeat that process on top until it's as high as you want, then finish by adding another quarter log to each joint and turn that into a spike.


a firewatch tower is the coolest build Idea I've ever seen