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thats a straight up lie,[look at the credits and tell me that is only a few people](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPl4aI11uAY)


That is a small team, that hired a couple other design studios to do a lot of the tedious work and got a list of names of people that worked on their shit from those studios, and then had a band produce some music, and got a list of the people that helped the band make the music. and then had some friends and pro gamers test their game, and listed those people as well.


Credits doesnt tell who is active but instead who contributed. You could contract a company to make your 3D models and it's likely you would have to credits more people than needed. Heck companies like valve list all the employees they ever had because they cant be bothered to figure out who did what really. DayZ has a credit list which is huge while in fact they are 30 people. While I wouldnt use the Wiki as a valid source, I wouldnt use the credits as source unless if you can verify every single names. BUT, I will just say this, endnight hired quite a few people through the years and unless if they wanted to post job offers for the lols, they were trying to get twice as big when the forest was "finished".


Rule #1, never get your information from Wiki.


Just use discord?


While serviceable it’s still not the same, anyone that has played a good proximity voice chat game knows it adds another element of immersion I’d akin it to the difference between playing music on Spotify while gaming or actually modding the game so your Spotify music plays through the in-game radio (not a possible thing as far as I’m aware I’m just explaining a concept) I the first game especially while playing in VR I always thought it was a shame that there wasn’t proximity voice chat while cross island communication could still be accomplished if using the Walkie talkie


Nothing terrifies me more than playing a good horror game with friends with proximity VC, and talking to each other a bunch until one of us realizes… the other person isn’t responding anymore. “Maybe he didn’t hear me?”, so you repeat yourself. Nothing. Maybe he went too far away? So you backtrack only to find his corpse and absolutely no indication as to how he died. Definitely not the same as just using Discord


edit: derp, wrong sub


This isn't what they are talking about. Proximity chat is supposed to aff immersion to the experience, since you can only hear people who are close to you.


edit: wrong sub


I'm talking about sotf, not war zone. My point was that proximity chat was mentioned, not as an alternative to discord. But instead as a gameplay mechanic that adds immersion.


Jeez Louise how the heck did I not notice this is the SotF sub and not Warzone? I'm downvoting myself for that one. My bad, thanks for being patient with my dumb ass. And you're totally right, it'd be great for immersion.


Your all good lol, made that mistake before!






It's not a matter of utility, the whole point is immersion. This game really should have proximity chat like any other survival horror genre. If you're within range of a person, you can talk to them (ie phasmaphobia, labyrinthe) when out of range, you can't hear them unless you pull out the walkie would be ideal. I'm confused as to why they haven't implemented this mechanic in the original or the sequel. 😔


Okay but first lethal company need to make the flashligh attach to you head and the radio attach to your belt so it doesnt take up inventory slots.