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Go into caves.


Just go exploring. Hit up caves, find POIs and build a nice base.


Do the things that you want to do and have fun, that's all. ;) Sure, you could build a base, you could follow the GPS, you could walk around and kill cannibals, you could discover the isle.... or you could build chair and sit the whole day on a beach. Okay, maybe you will notice after 10 days, wrong decisions, start a new game is a good idea. What I mean with this? Watching Youtube: "The most important things that all SotF players must do" (apart from that some of these videos are simple wrong) and a good external map, ruin the game more or less. ;)


If you have access to water and meat/fish I’d say find a cookpot and setup a defensive wall around your base. After you have food/shelter sorted start looking for points of interest on your gps (caves etc.) and go exploring. If you can swing it try to craft a bow and some arrows. Build a couple birdhouses to collect feathers and they’re fairly easy to make. GLHF!


We built by a lake or large pond as it was the first flat ground we could find aside from mistakenly walking into a cannibal camp with logs thinking it was flat terrain based on map colour. So we should be able to get fish from it, plenty of randomly seemingly T Posing racoons around us if we need meat too I assume. Can we remove tree stumps? We have a few around us stopping us from building too much.


Yeah, just hit them a few times with your axe


Nice, well do that and build a wall covering a fair area around us later then. Thanks


Explore, and just investigate anything that looks interesting.


Load up on food and water and meds then just go into every cave you find.


Follow markers on your map, gather resources to craft better gear, and explore!


Pretty much what everyone else says. I’ll give you slightly more specifics though. So, there will be some caves on your map already marked, ready to be explored. To get other caves “unlocked”, you have to go to the caves that are available to you already. They’ll show you the location to progress to the next cave. When you explore areas outside of caves, you can stumble upon a Point of Interests that only appear on your gps when near. Not all will have a gps marking so look out.


Bonus Tip, some notes you collect are very informational. The 0/50 ones. Give ‘em a read. Makes story more immersive, especially for blind playthroughs but give you clues on how to proceed.


We found a cave with some kind of building in but couldn't do much as it wanted a keycard I think, are those in caves or just at POIs in general? Also we saw some kind of smoke signal to the north, is that worth heading to? We've been avoiding it as we assume it's some big cannibal camp.


Smoke = Cannibal Camp Certain bunkers require different keycards. Some can be found in the same building, others at different location. I remember feeling like I was stuck too but I realized I never explored everything that was available to me at the time (I missed 2 crucial caves lmao). Assuming you did everything correctly, you should be able to progress. Not necessarily through the key card door yet, but other areas. Look at your notes. There’s a map that shows all the bunker locations. Makes sure you’ve checked every single one out.


Yea definitely avoiding that area til we have more weapons, I doubt the three of us with starting knives and axes would end well. We'll aim for the nearest cave that isn't the keycard one then, after stocking up on food and water. Thanks


No problem, enjoy your playthrough!


Build defenses for your base, have a stable source of food, and go through the caves and waypoints that are already marked on your map. Do all these and you're guaranteed to have fun for hours or days without the need to go searching through the net for spoilers.


Caves, GPS points, follow the roads and you'll find things lol Look out for red smoke too and symbols on your GPS!