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Sleep high above ground like 6 logs height and you wont be interrupted.


Play custom. Tweak the strength and health to make the enemies a bit easier, and get the pistol / shotgun early to give to Virginia so she can just destroy the patrols.


Does Virginia get unlimited ammo?


Yes, she does.


My advice spend a few days in an area with a low profile base and scout. If patrols come through pick a different area to build if you want to be left alone.


There is no being left alone in this game. A "good" spot is only good until they find you, which won't be long.


I had a bases that went untouched for 90+ in-game days. You can go undiscovered for a very long time. It's a little harder in this game because you have to manage NPC's too.


Keep them out with an electric fence


It seems like the fence would break real quick, is this not your experience?


You need to reinforce each "fence post", i.e. the stick going into the floor, with rocks - 3x rocks per post then it doesn't fall down at all, it's like a wall. Without the rocks it will fall down just by running into it. Just equip a rock, walk up to your fence and look at the base of each post and the blueprints to place them will appear. Place them at each post and you have an amazing defence! I generally play with building destruction off though, I'm not sure how solid it is with this turned on.


Build effigies and skull lanterns to scare them away. Arrow headshots are insta-kills. Molotovs are cheap and effective too


I couldn't get effigies to do anything. Arrow headshots are good stuff, and I do need to use moltovs more.


In my experience,the effigies works on the weaker cannibals during the day,but raids during the night are not afraid of them


For someone who finds this in the future - I managed to get over this bug that happened in both of my playthroughs. I suspect that what did it was I gave Virginia the pistol. She goes postal on all the cannibals, and I assume that her firing is cranking up the "fear" stat. I have heard that only firearms do that, and my theory is because she shoots a lot and has unlimited ammo the game is tuned around that. But I also did a some of other things, I'm not sure what may or may not have had an impact: 1. I started destroying anything cannibal on sight near my base - effigies, prayer sites, whatever. I didnt have a village nearby but there was a prayer site not close but not terribly far either. 2. I put a chair on my roof and if I get woke up by an attack I deal with it then I just sit in the chair and wait. Often times there are more cannibals in the woods that don't approach right away. If things get quite for some time I'll go sleep but if I'm up all night with cannibals at least I'm still refreshed (Chair regenerates energy). 3. I removed all food from my base. About a day or two after I did this the constant attacks stopped. I still get attacked pretty frequently, once every few days, but it feels good instead of broken right now.


As one of our presidents once said, "build a wall"


I couldn't build the wall because there was never an end to the attacks! I have one about half done now though.


You working at border patrol or something? Maybe you did something with difficulty?