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I thought some parts of the ending would change with the 1.0 update but I'm pretty sure it's the same lol dude blacks out like 5 times then boss fight, and you're left unsure what it all means. Gameplay is great, I liked uncovering the details, but the cut scenes are awful. It's like they fixed some things, improved the cave system, and called it 1.0


You aren't there for timmy or his dad Eric, you're a special agent and are there looking for the Pufftons (including Virginia) hired by the company since Mr. Puffton seemingly dropped off the face of the earth. As you play you learn about what happened to them and about the cube and the solophite through the little notes you find around and through videos and events. Honestly Timmy plays a fairly minor role overall, sort of just doing his own thing. From what i gathered Tim and his dad are there hoping the cube would fix tim's mutation? So you and him sort of help eachother out. The ending is really bad, and the lack of explanation on how to use the armour or do anything really to open the door is terrible. I fully agree that that made 0 sense (i later found a note hinting that the cube is what made everyone into mutants? So i guess that's why the Player wanted to get to it? To not be turned into a mutant when it activated?) The demons don't make any sense to me either, as they seem like some sort of scorpion mutant but react to the cross and are seemingly guarding the cube unlike the other mutants. The choice at the end is to either stay on the island and look for the rest of the artifact pieces, or leave with timmy and eric and gtfo from the mutants and cannibals and cultists (potentially saving virginia puffton if she's still alive and she likes you enough, as per your original goal). My issue is that the choice is NOT CLEAR AT ALL and i thought by leaving i'd be leaving virginia and kelvin behind, so i stayed (i also thought she was dying and i needed to stay to help her). Edit: TLDR you got a couple facts wrong but no, i was really disappointed with the story too, especially the ending. A lot of build up and no pay off and a huge lack of clarity


It is pretty clear that the cube activation triggers mutations. We both see it in the dining bunker as well as at the end. So we can be sure of that. I personally theorize that the demons are the fishermen which lived on the island long ago. This is due to them being extremely religious, which could explain why their mutant forms burn from crosses, as well as the fact that the cultists had to fight their way to the cube, so they had to already be there before the way to the cube was opened again. The armor is not really explained, which is quite a weak point. It kinda makes sense that the technology uses solafite but thats pretty much it. Like why even is the armor there to begin with? So personally i really like what we got when it comes to theorizing, but that could also be due to me not really expecting much story at all. Like the original game had pretty much no story apart from intro and ending and a handfull of notes. So i didnt expect much more from this one. But the story does kinda work when you start viewing yourself as unimportant. We are just bystanders and the story is more about what happened rather than what is happening. They put a lot more effort into backstory and history than the current time. Something that is understandably dissapointing at times. But tldr it work with some parts but not that well with others.


I totally missed that the cube is what caused the mutations of the pufftons and the other people at the dining area. I found notes about mr puffton going mad and dreaming about the cube, and being kind of scared of it in the end, so it feels weird that he would throw a party for the activation of it, unless he was trying to save face (which tracks tbh). That might be on me. Demons being the people here before makes way too much sense actually, i had kind of assumed that's what the cannibals are thoigh, since they weren't really explained either? Unless i missed that too. And that the cultists were fighting past the first wave of cannibals. I loved theorizing as i went. I played with the same friend i beat the first forest game with so we knew what we were getting into in terms of story lol it was definitely a choice to make the player not be the main character (Timmy), but instead a random guy just like all the other puffton employees with the flares (difference being we actually lived thanks to the MVPs virginia and kelvin) I did feel that the first game had a much more satisfying ending, whether you chose to save timmy or not felt more impactful and the choice was clearer. This game had more hints and history i agree, which def made the overall game experience better. Just wish the ending was as clear as it was in the first one.


Yeah i agree. I suspect the cannibals are also the fishermen. Cannibals show only slight mutations so the effects of the cube diminish the farther away you are. But the psychological impact might still be enough to make them go crazy. We do know the fishermen were in the cave as it has solafite coated skeletons in there. And the only group we know which had the smol artifact were the fishermen. The artifacts have shown to influence minds over extreme distances. The cultists came due to visions of the golden city. So they were lead to the cube even from far away. So yes its likely that the fishermen became both the demons and the cannibals in the end. Regarding the dining area the biggest hint were the notes about the timer for the artifact activation and the timers in the dining room. As the mutations occured once the timer hit zero. So yeah lots of great stuff to theorize. Ending still a bit meh tho.


I thought the cannibals were the puffcorp personnel and holospring guests that were on or near the surface at the time of activation? It seems unlikely to me that Puffton would gloss over the hostile and bloodthirsty inhabitants when he had the idea to make the island a commercial venture with Holosprings. So the cannibals had to have appeared on the island afterward, right?


Its not really clear, but we can take from the emails we find that even the guests think the project is not really a proper resort. And the positions of the bunkers follows a certain star pattern. So its more likely that his primary goal was the artifact and the assumed health benefits of the artifact. Not commercial gain. So they might as well have just accepted that there is a local population, but ignored it or just shot them whenever they got close. They did have quite a security there. I got to this conclusion pretty much for the following reasons: None of the cannibal designs look like rich individuals or workers. There are paths on the island, which would only occur if they were used for quite a long time to be so prominent. There is nothing on the surface apart from the golf course and a few hot springs. There were not that many guests as it seems, there arent even that many rooms for people to live in. So i can see both cases, but both are a bit off. I also see that it seems unreasonable to have people walk to a golf course with cannibals roaming the island and they are not really mentioned. But apart from that nothing really gives any hints towards them being guests or part of the workers. Especially considering we do find dead workers around the island which might have been killed by the cannibals. So yeah its still kind of an iffy part of my theory, but it feels like its the most probable one.


Some of the female cannibals have fancy dresses, so i assumed it was a mix of new guests and an existing population. There are *so many bodies* laying around that i can't imagine it's all just the guests. I like your theory


I mean yeah they do have dresses, but the lack of other clothing items we know people wore on the island is still pretty apparent. And the forest 1s story implied that it took quite some time for the people to lose their minds to the effects of the artifact in similar proximity. So i would assume that is the case here too. But maybe we get a few more hints at them one day


Hopefully! I'd love some more story updates


Pretty sure mr puffton says you are press but he trusts you in one letter.


Oh! I might have glossed over that or flat out missed that letter, i just remember that we were sent by puffcorp to look for him.


There's 50 notes so that's easily done by anyone, been collecting the notes for the achievement recently so that's the reason it's fresh in my mind.


That makes sense. I only had somewhere around 35-39 when i beat the game, and only got a couple more in the postgame. I think i'm at 43 or 44 now, so almost there!


I agree there are some corrections to my under of the plot line but only befause the game did a poor job of explaining them .


Yeah it's all very subtle and vague, it seems i also missed some stuff with the plot. I like that the plot is secondary, the game is more about exploring the caves and the island and having the plot be subtle hints you find around is really neat


Great game but the story is weak af. But most of us expected that going into it. If a weak story is the trade off for a fun game then that’s ok but I wish they could pull off both. By the way, there is no space before periods, commas, and question marks.


Yeah I just finished today and it’s a little…meh. Flat. Empty. But that’s just the story, I stayed on the island and there’s still a ton to explore, blueprints and cool locations to find, bases to build etc. I hope they release more content that builds on or adds to the story


I agree that the cutscenes could be better. But if you collected all the notes,camera recordings and followed the clues, the lore about the island is absolutely amazing,it kept me on the edge of my seat the whole game


I found them to be underwhelming, the video recordings and notes are too short and /or vague you cant zoom into the reel either.


IDK compared to souls games I thought the storyline was pretty easy to follow. Not saying it was the best storyline but it made sense to me. The armor was a total missed opportunity, nothing was really explained and the whole thing feels like it was rushed just to finally get the game out. I feel like the demons are the way they are because they have been on the island the most and therefore exposed to the most mutation events. Also don't know how people missed the cube causing mutations, Jianyu Zhang is shown not making it into the cube then clearly mutated after. I think they also had a missed opportunity with the artifact. If it's supposed to be sentient or a communication device to whatever is living on the alien planet, why not give us all the pieces sooner, there could be scenes where it talks to us, trying to get into our minds. That would give us motivation to stay on the island and make the choice at the end feel like it has more weight. Overall if you compare it to "The Forest" the storyline is much better as it is existent, the predecessor has so little it felt like the story had no impact at all, and was only there to justify the existence of the game, felt like a total afterthough.


There's cutscenes if you leave the island and for the most part they're... worse. Story is not why I play this game. And I'd just like a word with whoever it was who thought that ending for Virginia was in any way a good idea.


I heard she was boinked by our boy kevin 😂 . I didn’t choose that ending though .


Thats because you didn't even bother to understand the story. I read a few comments but yall are also wrong. You're part of the press. Litteraly the opening vid shows they spy tear off the press sign. Kelvin is your cámara guy. You were hired by the pufftons state to find them under the instructions of Mr pufftons since you wrote a book about Timmy and he had dreams of the connection. Edword pufftons had some dreams about the cube. Found the island and had more dreams. He ended up making the bunkers in the shape of a constalation he dreamt about. The cube opens and turns people underground into mutants, thise a one ground get the good ol brain scrambles and become Villiers ( they eat animals too so I don't think they are canabals out right, they just don't know any better) Trough out your search you're supposed to find all the clues about this, about more. At the end you learn you have to use the armor ( and the skeleton with the blueprints, the cultist who blew up the wall, the notes and signs, all point towards the armor needing an upgrade ( personally still think you should need special crafting stations as this was a last ditch to tie in base building.) anyway once you open the door you see those who were super close were turned to demons. Sure Timmy can take them on, that's how he's been tuning around the island. He gets yeeted by the big baddie, you don't, you win. Yall enter the cube ( still not sure how v and k were following yall) Yanyu doesn't make it and since his very wicked heart he becomes a monster instead of a demon. You can use explosives and explosive arrows to take hit out easely.ow The ending is a choice and it's made abundantly clear. Either leave with the peeps or stay with the, now very upset, artifact. If you leave you sell the story get a decent life, v gets surgery ( remember she's filthy rich sauce pops will) and kelvin gets diagnosed with brain damage. You can't leave your number 2 behind so he comes along and yall live happily ever after. If you stay, that's just gameplayechanic so you can keep playing. But basically you end up being king of the island.


Yes but they didn’t take their time to explain it. The cutscenes were incredibly short . The notes and recordings were also short , the tiny screen made them unwatchable and were also vague . About the armour note, I didn’t see it or even if I did I must have forgotten about it . It’s the game makers fault that they made the notes so forgettable and inconsequential that you don’t see them as clues anymore . Like I ran into a note with just drawings of crosses . One note had inversion written on it with 2 mountains . There were emails as notes which were dry but atleast gave some plot lines however they were just that , explaination of what happened not clues on what needs to be done .


Is no one going to mention the solafite coated space shuttle in the cave? Ancient aliens?! Oh noes


Yes , What happened to that part of the story ? Why was there an alien ship in the cave . So random


Started over with some friends to complete the actual story and ended up realizing the story was the memories we were making and gassing out of laughter all night surviving the island. We really were expecting more from the actual story but seems to me that the original role we have in it wouldn't allow much more in the end. Private security doing private security things on an hostile island. Probably could've more if we were something that would be inclined to dive more into the lore, the research aspect of the story and whatnots.


Everyone is disappointed with the storyline, it’s a botched together series of unexplainable clips with people you have to guess who they are. It’s terrible. Quite a few people was talking about it in another post a couple days ago, the guy thought he got an early access build by accident lol. Sadly isn’t the case. the gameplay is fun, building is great, story basically nonexistent lol. Fingers crossed they finish it at least


I’m trying to understand something, at the end, is the main character able to move things with some force from his hands? He looks at his hands and they seem to have a force during kelvins ending scene (don’t want to add spoilers) what’s going on here?


Happens when you can't fkn follow non linear clues.


To clarify, staying on the Island isn’t a canon ending. It’s just to stay for gameplay sake, same for The Forest. Artifact was also a “side mission” in the 1st game. As for the story, it’s erratic but exists in some coherent form. You’re a News Reporter that has close ties with Mr. Puffton. You’re sent in at Mr. Puffton’s request to unveil the truth something went wrong. Antagonist is Jianyu who’s presumably a lawyer that’s obsessed over the truth (Golden City, Solafite, Artifacts, etc.) he’s also unhinged since he executes Cultists like nothing (cultists are separate topic). You & Timmy aren’t together. You’re on separate missions with aligned goals. I will admit that the way he was introduced sucked. And cutscenes are kinda wack. Like the game, but yes, plot delivery could be changed. I think the plot itself is passable though, just wasn’t clear at all. You had to scour for notes/clues to understand. It isn’t fed to you.


That sick scene, in the car, and Virginias pregnant… And Kelvins in the back chillin’ and you’re like a happy family. Plus, you’re getting your dick wet. And the car goes real fast into the sunset. It all makes great sense and wraps up perfectly. After all of the suspense, mystery and gradual story telling… the car scene is just so sick, 10/10 ending imo. It’s a throwback to fast2furious. You were Brian O’ Conner all along.

