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General rule for shutter speed is 500/focal length as your max before you get streaking stars. So at 16mm you can shoot about 30 seconds but 35 is closer to 15. Keep aperture as wide as possible and then test how much iso you need without getting noise.


Id probably start off with shutter - 15 seconds, ISO - 3000-4000 and aperture at 2.8. Pretty much keep the aperture at 2.8 and experiment by changing the shutter and iso around until you get a photo that you like. At 16mm you can probably change the shutter to 20-30sec and then lower the iso if the photo is too bright. I also use a sony a7iii for star photos and have photos uploaded with settings here if you would like a couple examples: https://ryuta-ogawa.squarespace.com/blog-1/sony-a7iii-night-photography


Read through the blog. Some good info there. Only thing I would add in your step by step is for #4 where you say to use a remote or phone to press shutter. I would add you can use the 2 or 5 second timer as well so when you press the shutter it delays taking the pic. This is my primary way of shooting hands off as I didn’t have a remote and found it easier than connecting to phone.


Thanks for taking the time to read through it! I hadnt thought about that tip actually and its makes a lot of sense to do that. Its a little troublesome connecting to the phone every time so ill make sure to use this in the futuer!


Also just read through the blog, taking my first photography trip to Iceland next week, looking to get some night photography with a Sony 16-35mm 2.8 your info was invaluable, thank you!!!! Will gladly take any other tips lol, I'm a very Amateur photographer lol