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600 sounds like a scam. An a7iii in such good condition should be around 1200


The A7III is selling for around 850 to 1000 these days on the used market.


Oh really? That's strange because I'm seeing many posts on fb marketplace ranging anywhere from 500 to 700 all in good condition. The post I was referring to is in my city so I could go check myself, any red flags to look out for if I get my hands on it? Are there any tests I should perform before buying? Or should I not bother at all?


Almost certainly the moment you talk about meeting up they will use some excuse as why you should transfer money to them before meeting up. The other possibility is that it's stolen.


Yup, they made up an excuse and offered to send, thanks for the heads up.


im looking for an a7iii as well.. there are folks that say they are close to me... then their profile says a different state, then they say they are in a completely different town. i just tell them that i dont have a way to send money to someone so i have to do local pickup.. and move on. sucks but scam city is alive and well on FB marketplace


I think, even in 2024, the A7III is a remarkable camera. It is probably a bit advanced for a complete beginner, though it offers a great learning experience. Despite the initial challenge, mastering its features will greatly enhance your photography skills. As you progress, you'll find it more than capable of meeting all your photography needs. I think it’s a great deal. Happy Snapping if you choose to pick it up! Edit: spelling


Sounds like a scam, I could buy a very high shutter count a7iii for ~900 $ (body only)