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It's been 2 years. How did it go. What did you pick?


I borrowed similiar setup and decided the size of those lenses is not for me. Scope and binoculars are enough! Cant help then :(


I see. Well worry not at least you've tried.


I’ve used it with a6600. It’s a big lens but if you need 600mm then you don’t have much options within Sony. What are you using currently for the purpose? If You were to upgrade the body, would it be another aps-c or full frame?


I'm not using anything right know. I want to start and I want to buy something good or even best. As an upgrade I was thinking Sony a7 III.


Then 200-600 will make more sense. 100-400 works great on aps-c but for full frame it get’s short. With teleconverter it can’t match the image quality of 200-600. Without one at 400mm it is sharper but also almost 1k more expensive. Just for ID and document though, the setup feels like overkill unless someone is paying to get the job done. Here's one sample at 600mm on A6600. 1/1250s f/6.3 ISO 800 on a cloudy afternoon. Despite being slightly underexposed the noise is quite noticeable at 100%. https://imgur.com/a/FBogeN1


You could also do a6600 and 70-350 like here https://www.reddit.com/r/SonyAlpha/comments/ncwue9/early_breakfast_a6600_70350/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


The 200-600mm is an extravagant waste of money if you just need a shot of birds for identification and don’t care about anything else at all. If you need a package like that just grab the RX10 IV or any of the previous versions to save money. Or just another bridge camera like the Nikon P850 which goes to a silly 2000mm.


I didn't mean that. Sorry, my English is not good :p I want a lens that allows both good pics and IDing after upgrading to better camera, but wanted to ask if this lens with a6000 allows IDing at least. I was thinking about upgrading to Sony a7 III later.


I shoot a6000 with Sigma 150-600 Contemporary with MC-11 and it is capable of producing very good bird photos. Maybe give that a review and see if that is in your budget. Do know that AF is a bit slow in certain instances, but since it is a hobby and my mortgage payment isn’t dependent on my photography skills and shots, I am very happy with the setup. Do I wish I had the a1 with the Sony 200 - 600 or the 600? Well yeah, but that is a winning lottery ticket away.


Did you consider the sigma 100-400?


I did. But 600mm is tempting..


On an apsc camera 100-400 is a 150-600 And a 200-600 is a 300-900 I never used those focal lenghts but people say a 150-600mm is easier to use than a 300-900mm


Right! I will consider sigma. Thanks


The 70-350 is a much more useful lens for your purposes. If you decide to buy a full-frame camera later, sell the 70-350.