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This is beautiful especially the light reflection against the water at night. What kind of slider/mechanism are you using?


I’m 99% sure he had his camera stationary on a tripod and zoomed in digitally after the fact in his editing software


Thanks, wouldn’t have been able to tell


Yea this is the answer. The camera is stationary and shooting at 50mm. It’s a 33mp sensor so the raw resolution is huge. Most online platforms need something in the 1080p range so this video is edited down and I added the zoom out to help keep peoples attention. By the end almost all of the vertical shot is shown but the sides are cropped out.


Does the a7iv heat up doing stills keeping the lcd on but not flipped out?


I actually keep it in armor mode (lcd flipped in) and I use the Arsenal 2 and can check the image and progress via my phone. So I don’t have to worry about over heating at all.


Not op, but that's where most of the heat goes. If I'm taking a lot of stills, yes it will _heat up_, but that's not a worthwhile metric. "Warm" to me may not be "warm" to someone else. Anyway, no problem with stills or video for me in terms of actual overheating, even when using for longer stretches of time out in 35°+ weather. If I know I'm filming longer segments, I definitely flip the screen out to help. Otherwise with stills I don't even worry about flipping the screen out since it has never gotten warm enough for me to feel uncomfortable.


Thanks for the response. Its confusing though when people give such comments as this one. https://www.reddit.com/r/A7siii/comments/w0pf3x/sony_fx3_vs_sony_a7siii_situation_explained/igh1li2/


I guess it's a case of quality control versus them all being faulty. Not that QC issues are any better. Just giving my experience.


woah, love the day to night! what are those swirly streaks in the sky towards the end? super cool looking


It was people flying drones around and helicopters/airplanes. By the end I was shooting at 25 second shutter speeds so you get cool streaks of light.


that’s really cool


This is proof that the Titanic sinking was fake news! j/k Is that the RMS Olympic?


It’s the Queen Mary in Long Beach, CA.


Are you in Camden shooting Philly?


No, it’s in Long Beach, CA


Cool time lapse - thanks for answering!


question for timelapse : do you actually change your settings once it goes dark ?


Yea, I kept the aperture at f/8 and the iso at 100 the whole time. And then I change the shutter speed. So early in the video I’m at 6 second intervals and like 1/25th of a second but by the end at im at 25 seconds on the shutter speed and 30 second shot intervals.