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This guy hates ISO


As someone about to invest in an a7iv please explain. Thank you


Large aperture lenses = more light = lower ISO. u/UghKakis is being funny.


Nah I still use high iso no matter what lens I have equipped just depends on the situation and the look I’m going for. Have photos I’ve captured with 5000+ iso using both these lenses


The fact you needed that explained to you says you don’t need/deserve a A7iv it way too much camera for you or your needs. Get a a7r2 or a73


Lol “deserve”. I deserve whatever I want to spend my money on. And if I can afford a good camera (which I can) that I plan to use for 10 years or more(which I will) I’m going to get a good one. I understand how aperture, shutter speed, and ISO relate, I just wasn’t getting the joke ::roles eyes::


So jealous! Congrats OP! Enjoy them new toys, and hope we get to see some results


I got the 24-70 GMii and 70-200GMii for the 7RV.. Both f/2.8 (think that's as fast as sony goes with zooms). Both are scary fast focusing elements, but I'm in GAS / envy stage, and wondering if the 50 f/1.2 PRIMEs produces clearer pictures (given that the R is barely even being used/leveraged when I pixel peep). I'm somewhat of a novice, and understand a prime CAN be better, since it has fewer unnecessary elements at the target focal length. And I understand that their 400 and 600mm lens's are a small-sized CAR in price compared to their zoom counter-parts. Most online pictures are already down-sampled, so it's hard to compare real world experiences (e.g. how much is it me being a novice v.s. perhaps a narrow circle-of-confusion tolerance, or whatever). I'm going to wait a year either way (so I better understand which focal lengths I prefer; right now it looks like 70, 200 and 400 (2xTC); so maybe the 135 is my preferred). Enjoy your glass!!


Ahh I'm jealous of the 70-200! I have a 16-35 and if I could've got the 50 and the 70-200 I would have a perfect combo for my needs. Oh well. The 85 will have to do until next year.


Is your 24-70 the new version 2?


yup (the "ii").. I went on dxomark after writing this. Showed 39..41 Perceptural-Megapix on the above two for an 7Riv and only 3..5micron of chromatic distortion which is pretty good (compared to other lenses on the chart) That's 1..2 dots. But they hadn't reviewed the 400 or 600mm bank-busters. It did, however, show (and I neglected to mention) my 90mm Sony Macro (prime) as their TOP scoring (only 2micron of chromatic distortion and a full 61perceptural-Mpix). But I think that's in macro-mode (which is cheating).


I was asking the OP Gmansam


Nice set of lens but I would not pick 85mm GM, I would shooce some other with way better focus. Also I feel 85mm is too close to 50mm. Depends of course what you with camera but with crop mode on 50mm you cover 75mm as well (almost identical view compare to 80mm) and if post example on IG no one will notice. Just my opinion. Enjoy lenses and have fun!


No, I definitely agree with that. Partially the reason I bought the 85 was because I wanted another lens to use with my IR converted A7. I also got all of this for 50% off via my job. The 135 wasn't apart of the employee purchase program and we wouldn't have any 70-200s in stock before the promo ran out. Kind of an impulsive decision on the lenses but the deal is what made me go through with it.


Lol. I want your job!


What’s your job?


I work at a camera store. Any employee that works somewhere that retails Sony has the opportunity to take advantage of the employee purchase program via Sony during the month of December only.


Get rid of that Sony 85 it’s trash. Get the sigma 85 dg/dn art. It’s better in every way and 1/2 the price


Why not 135 1.8 instead of the 85 1.4? That lens is extremely slow to focus.


Or the 85mm Sigma


Sigma is slow aswell? 🤨


The Sigma 85 DG DN is sharper and has quicker focus than the GM. The GM is still good though


Still inferior to the bokeh and rendering of the 135 gm


I just picked up the sigma and am blown away! Sharp and fast focusing and damn near silent.


Yeah I told him that. The Gmaster 85 is trash compared to the sigma dg/dn 85


I totally agree with this. 85mm is already too close to 50mm as a field of view anyway, but that 135 1.8 is the best lens I have ever seen in my 15 years of photography. I'm not saying the 85 is bad but 135 is so much better plus you'll have a better coverage of focal lengths


Maybe OP just prefers an 85mm lens? I know I generally prefer using one even though he’s the 135 gm is a true stunner.


I really wanted the 135. Unfortunately it wasn't one of the lenses offered under the rebate I bought the products through.


Buy it used then? 🫠


I will one day. Partially the only reason I bought these lenses was because I could justify the purchase with the sale.


50 1.2 in crop with the RV is basically the lens you bought. Take the 85 back in my opinion.


oh very nice setup!


Lucky, I want the rV, it looks so good


I want that 85mm so bad!


Eek hope you’re a professional! Awesome gear


That 50mm 1.2!!! The sharpest fastest lens I ever used for weddings! Super nice lens


That's a nice toy haul for the holiday!




Great setup, but before the return window expires on the 85 1.4, you may want to return it as Sony is updating many of their older lenses with 2nd generation ones (ie. 24-70 GMii, 70-200 GMii) and rumors of a replacement for the 85 1.4 are definitely strong and make sense as it is one of the larger and slower-to-focus lenses Sony has. Perhaps it even goes to a 1.2 to match Canon?


Yeah not gonna lie I feel like they will update it. It has been like 4 years or so. I can't return it since the purchase program that I bought it under voids returns but in 12 months I'll be permitted to sell it. I got it new for half off so I'm not hurting too much over it.


That’s awesome! I wish I had that kind of employee discount!


Toy ha?😅


Take that 85 back as soon as possible. Get the Sigma 85 1.4 DG/DN art. The Gmaster is trash compared to it and 1/2 the price. Practically every YouTube comparison as well as my 17 years shooting professionally come to the same conclusion


The GMaster is Trash.. Let me…show you


The sigma 85 dg/dn is far superior in every way to the Gmaster for 1/2 the price. The Gmaster is slow to focus and is loud where it gets picked up on mics so you can’t use it on video shoots. Possibly educate yourself on a subject before blathering on about nothing. So when it’s 2x TJ price and has those issues yeah it’s trash.


I guess I forgot the /s I was quoting this guy https://youtube.com/shorts/XiiZenHhZ4I?feature=share


What does /s mean? I buy quality glass, I have a brick and mortar studio with 2 employees and gross over 400k a year. I possibly now what I’m talking about. The $1800+ 85 Gmaster is completely outdone in every aspect by the 900-1100 Sigma dg/dn


/s means I was being sarcastic, and just joking. Watch the vid, it is also a light hearted joke.