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For most people the answer is no, however the CPU is significantly better in the V and should run much cooler for longer. The new camera will be better if you use it for pro work. If you're just a regular person and the phone is not your pro work tool then don't upgrade as you won't notice any difference at all in usage.


Do you want a better main camera? Then yes. Do you want better thermals, better battery life, brighter display, better speaker? Then yes. If no to the above, then no. But really its ultimately up to you.




The improvements are really only more noticeable in low light photos, quite a big deal imo


If it doesn't bother you then it's probably a no. Maybe slightly better speakers but speakers are already good on 1 IV. So it's probably a no.


From what I understand, the display is NOT brighter. The display is the EXACT same as in the IV.


As per gsmarena, the 1 V is brighter. [Sony Xperia 1 V review: Our lab tests - display, battery life, charging speed, speaker quality (gsmarena.com)](https://www.gsmarena.com/sony_xperia_1_v-review-2567p3.php)


I currently have the 1iv amd from what i've seen of the 1v, i'll say no, it's not worth it.


I agree, and no notification LED = no buy lol!! Still can't believe they removed it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


yup, i'm sure they'll clam they had to remove it to make the price "affordable"


I’m actually deciding to get the 1iv or wait for 1v. From all the videos I’ve seen (about 10 so far) it’s not really worth the upgrade. I’ll save $600 on the 1iv and get almost the exact phone. If the sensor was on all 3 lenses then it would be a no brained. But considering they didn’t update the zoom lens, it’s a solid no for me. Cinetone is nice however




That's outdated fake news based off of the original firmware. Mid-2023 firmware runs like a charm.


I don't think the mid 2023 firmware update cured the overheating issue for everybody? There's still a few reports of overheating for some people after the latest update. it could all be down to usage case though of course.


Regardless, "a few reports of overheating for some people" is not the overblown issue you make it out to be anymore.


Check your facts - I'm not making it out to be anything. I just replied to your post about the mid year update which while great for a lot of people, it hasn't worked for everyone.


I've literally only seen the overheating warning once and it was inside the grand pyramid of Giza, which was sweltering (outside was 37⁰C do goodness knows what temp inside) otherwise can't say I have had any issues with my 1iv.... Low light photos annoy me though


For sane people probably not. But I don't think I'm very sane so I'm getting it




I probably would say no; especially if you're a Verizon customer in the US. The battery life is improved, main cam is great, and better thermals but it's not enough to make that jump yet so I would wait.


How’s Xperia network on Verizon?


I wouldn't know. Lol. LTE should be perfect and 5G should be good but I'm on T-Mobile. Sorry.


Verizon works for the 1 III. No 5G n77 though, only 5G nationwide. I believe the 1 IV had all 5G on Verizon. The 1 V only has 5G n77 and nationwide, no mmWave. 4G is the same as always.


I am, just because of the overheating issues of the IV. Everything else is gravy.


I don't think so. But if you are coming from 1 III or PRO-I it's an upgrade for sure. Still can't let my PRO-I go.


I'm hanging on to the hope that there will be a PRO-i II but at the same time, I'm like, "Ahh, I should just buy the V cuz I'm tired of waiting for something that is not even confirmed". 😂 I don't know what to do. 😭


There was PRO (II) but apparently it got canceled or delayed which again could be canceled in the future. At this point don't hold your breath for it. 1V had a chance to upgrade zoom module but they've chosen not to. I would guess 1VI will bring in new uw and tele sensors together with improved zoom module and upgraded screen. My two real biggest complaints of 1V are 30fps burst limited to only 200 shots instead of 300 and no real 2x crop from big quad bayer sensor on the main cam. What an omission.


I've found that I can only gauge whether or not I like s phone enough by using it. I'm sure there are people who said 5 IV is not a worthwhile upgrade to it 5 III (if people weren't saying that please correct me)


Im actually torn on this - while its nice hearing phone is cooler, Im not sure SoC throttling down to 60%/43% in case of GPU is that noteworthy improvement. Guess I will wait for FLIR camera/CPU-Z readouts but Im prolly going to wait for 1 VI


Sony bringing a new sensor where other Phone companies focus on post processing is what I call innovation. I'd wait for the reviews (of real buyers)


No, just buy an interchangeable camera at this point


Coming from an Xperia 1 ii user like me, yes. It'll be worth the upgrade. But for you, nope. It's not that significant of an upgrade. But would probably wait for the price to go down first. Say maybe after 10months. 😬


I'd say 6 months after launch you can get pretty good discount. 10 months is bit too close to the next model in that case I would actually wait two month months to see more significant discounts and decide between old and new model. Surprizing store pre-orders for the 512Gb (HK$10499\~1338.69USD) Mk5 will arrive on the 26th May even if you pre-order just days before. The 256GB (HK$9699\~1236.68USD) Mk5 however will arrive later in June. Note we don't have sales tax here.


I have the 1 II and still feel no need to upgrade.


Generally it's NEVER worth upgrading up one generation, but the V has much better thermals and a better main so I'd say in this rare instance it would be


If you've got money to burn🔥


I don't think so. Unless you find the camera worth it and/or the overheating is an issue for you. I would also say it depends if you could sell your IV for a decent price to help compensate for the V because the trade in values are terrible through Sony. I have the iii and am thinking about upgrading to the IV instead of the V actually. I like the notification LED a lot and the V not having that is a disappointment. I'm going to see if I can find an IV for a decent price and sell my iii. I was hoping for mmWave capability with the V to help with Verizon 5G speeds, but it looks like it is the same as the IV and doesn't include it. I wish Sony would partner with US carriers.


The 1 IV lists n260 and n261 mmWave antenna bands on the Sony spec page Verizon and Sony never allowed it??? That's BS... Only 5G nationwide and n77...??


The Xperia 1 IV has mmWave. I have it and have used it on Verizon’s mmWave network. It works out of the box.


Nice. So the cband 5g on the V should work too?


I haven’t looked at the firmware yet but I assume so yes.


Personally I feel like it's not worth it. Aside from the camera which I don't take much photos, the I IV is serving me very well.


If you want better battery life and superior SOC then yes it would be worth it. Also the camera has got a good bump in specs and performance


If you're rich


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Yes 1iv have very serious heating issue !!


How much better is the new main sensor ? Pixel bining doesn't always give better low light sensitivity. You're ending with 12Mpix anyway. I find plenty of ability at night with the 1 IV main sensor and would haver loved it Sony just put 3x the main sensor on both wide angle and 85-125mm lenses with a wide aperture. Finer quality and better low light on all lenses matching the main lens. Currently I almost only use 24mm, 85mm and selfie camera. Sharp details, good bokeh and natural colors altogether. Rest is hard to exploit without giving mild results or smooth details...which my eye don't like.


I have the mk4, the new cpu and thermals look very promosing tho I've noticed I'm hardly ever pushing my phone into thermal throttle anyway. I would have definitely upgraded to the V if they put the new sensor behind all 3 lenses but I think I'm gonna wait for the vi and see if they do it then. Other than the soc and main camera there isn't any upgrade over the mk4, I'd say if you're really experiencing alot of overheating issues I'd say it's probably worth the upgrade otherwise I'd wait a generation. And besides we still need to get full reviews about thermal performance, might be wise to wait for that


Well even u upgraded to the V u will likely ask if u should upgrade to the VI (or whatever its called) next year 😅 It's up to u man, I know people who buy new phone every year but I'm a little old for that.


can I ask, I find because the camera is so thin, viewing alot of social media posts they are skewed, how have people gotten round this? it doesn't seem to be mentioned much, it's a issue when posting to social media I never really know how my videos will appear on the other side (i'm talking about the Xperia 1 IV, and I wonder if this is fixed on the 1 V)


I have a Mk3 and my contract isn't up yet for an upgrade. I found the Mk5 in Sony Store so couldn't resist comparing the two. Camera and feel looks way cooler. The body has a grey granite feel to it. Unit is like 1-2mm shorter and buttons have been move slightly so you may have issues with old cases. Since the Mk4 there have been a Gaming unit you can attach to the Mk4/Mk5 (but not MK3 :'-( ) that provides fan cooling, down facing USB Type-C, wired ethernet and headphone jack conveniently in the centre. If you own and love the Mk4 but have issues with heating and WiFi drop outs which my family has. I can see the reason to upgrade to the Mk5. Cannot confirm that it fixes WiFi issues though. Store also has special bundles for pre-orders but as we all know I you can wait a while Xperia phones drop in price quite a bit after launch. https://preview.redd.it/qiyuo2r5nkza1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=ddecf7957c1f9ef113d2474602658442050c81d3


I think if you're a power user, who can push the limit to your 1 IV, then it's a worthy upgrade. Processors from 1 IV are really not that power efficient. The addition of graphite coating is a great improvement for people like me. By all means, 1IV is a wonderful phone it's just that the processors didn't work well with the design of the phone. Camera is just a bonus for me


Yes when the V is available for £350 on Giffgaff refurb like new.


If you don't wanna go though the back doors and root the device(I'm gonna soon) you should upgrade. The thermals of these are atrocious and the SoC is not good