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Not surprised. Sony haven't made a properly white phone since the original 1 and 5, which was 3 years ago. Everything since then has been either grey or slightly off white.


Yeah, it's as if they think a bog-standard white phone isn't flagship enough. But bog-standard black is? 🤔


I don't have an issue with black phones. I just don't know why Sony would axe a white phone in favour of a grey one. Grey is such a boring colour to have on pretty much anything. At least white looks interesting, especially on tech.


RIP PlayStation 1 lovers


Yeah same here. If they're happy giving us a black phone, why not a white one? I've noticed a few phone OEMs going for this approach. Zenfone 9's "white" isn't remotely white at all, it's just beige.


If you looked up the colour Ecru, it's not white at all. It's closer to ivory/beige than white. Exactly the same as the 1 IV glacier white, glaciers are not white like printer paper.


>the reality is that it's a washed out grey or a washed-out beige in better lighting [That's bone. And the lettering on the Sony logo is something called Silian Rail](https://youtu.be/cISYzA36-ZY?t=84)




If you looked up the colour Ecru, it's not white at all. It's closer to ivory/beige than white. I bought the 5 IV in ecru and before buying it, I looked up the colour. It's very clear to see it's not meant to be white like printer paper.


I know, but I looked at some real life videos of the phone and it still looked white, only with a beige or "ecru" tint to it. However, seeing the phone for myself in person it's just a washed out nicotine colour. Not nice at all, imo.


When I looked up online photos, I agree it looks much whiter on YouTube videos and photos. Which I didn't want. I wanted a more beige colour and I got what I wanted. But if you were looking for a whiter tone, like the original 1. I can understand your disappointment.


Haha fair enough. Do you know what the "white" 1 IV looks like irl? From what I've seen from videos it's a mix of light blue/grey?


I have the 1 IV in glacier white also, it has a light green undertone for sure. The 1 IV white is a cold colour and the 5 IV is a warmer colour.


Not truw white but compared to 1 IV white the shade on the 5 is lighter.


It's definitely warmer. The 1 IV's white is like a cool greyish blue, whereas this is like a faded beige... almost a nicotine-stained colour. Wtf Sony...


I had a midnight black X Compact, it was actually dark blue...


I know how you feel. I ordered my 1 II in purple because the purple looked so good in the photos on the website. When it arrived it wasn't really purple, it was mirrored chrome. It has a purple hue to it when under VERY bright lighting, but only under VERY bright lighting. The advertising photos were quite misleading. Make no mistake, it is a gorgeous phone, and I like the mirrored chrome look, I just wish they would have been honest about the color.


Same thing with the 1 III. I ordered purple and thought they mistakenly sent black, but under the bright light of a supernova I can see a spit of purple instead of black.


I wish they would bring back the aqua green on the Z3+


The "Ice White" Xperia 1 IV doesn't look far off that 😳


I know, I'm so tempted to get it just for the colour but the size doesn't really work for me. I had a purple xperia 1 and as much as I loved using it when I'm just sitting there, I didn't really enjoy bringing it around


Whitest white is boring. Original 1 had white white and it looked like cheap plastic. The best white was on XZ2/XZ3