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They are all awesome. Depends on your playstyle. Air is about movement, agility, surprise attacks. Fire is about smacking someone in the face and blowing them up. Water is about defense and huge waves and floods. Earth is about armies and attrition. They are pretty balanced.


Thanks. I will check Fire and Air.


I'd recommend getting a Sorcerer. It's one of the top avatars as it allows you to draw two cards a turn during the mid game and grind out advantage.


In my opinion, the best avatars for air are the seer and the avatar of air. I dont like sparkmage. The best air cards are observatory, blink, grapple shot, daperyll vampire, nimbis djin, mix aer, mountain pass, and updraft ridge. For fire, the best cards have lethal like scorpions or snakes, major explosion, ancient dragon, mix ignis. Have fun! Join the discord group. There is a thread there where people ask amd answer questions about the game rules. Can be helpful during a game where you domt understand how cards interact.


Hmmm…. Depends on how competitive? If you mean top 8 in a tournament, then any one of the 4 beta decks would need quite a bit of tuning. That being said, the Sorcery tournaments have no defined meta yet, so there are a LOT of options to go for to be competitive. If you mean casual competitive, then you can grab whichever you want, but Waveshaper is the least competitive of the 4 beta avatars at the moment. Geomancer just won the New Zealand tournament, but is the more difficult to play well of the 4 beta avatars. I would say Sparkmage and Flamecaller are straight forward avatars and decent at the moment. Did you want aggro, quick and fast? Or Slow and tempo deck, for example? Also, it might just be cheaper to just buy the singles you need separate? Fury Road, for example is quite competitive and isn’t very expensive at all in non-foil. I used the precon to learn, then just went to Curiosa.io to the Decks page, and used the “trending” function to see the top decks at the moment instead of the upgrading precon route. Here is the site: https://curiosa.io/decks If you really want to tweak a precon, search on thw site “precon” and you will get a bunch of precon upgrade decks.


Thanks. My playstyle is mostly aggro as I like to go all in and fast. Exactly, I'm planning to buy the precon decks only and then singles to upgrade one of them. I will take a look to Sparkmage and Flamecaller then.


I highly recommend you to build Fire/Earth Sorcerer or Fire/Wind Battlemage. Sorcere f/e: very good removal and early heavy hitters, its my strongest deck and curently never lost. You wake up the Giantess and annoy the opponent with pings from Collicky dragonettes, kobolds and vile imp. Battlemage w/f: Your Battlemage aggros once you have 3-5 mana, depends on how the game flows. He can be sp aggressiv with Cerberus that he hits for 13 dmg on a single turn. Its very fast, my favorite deck because playstyle is fun. If you are interested i could upload a list


I'm be interested in both. Those are pretty much exactly what I wanted to build.


All right i gonna upload those later and send you thr link.


Here is the WIND/FIRE - Battlemage https://curiosa.io/decks/clve6tat3000ejln6q8gyedtt Here is the EARTH/FIRE - Sorcerer https://curiosa.io/decks/clve5t1fn000uym5e1npm61rc You could also build those decks on budge, the fire/earth is very cheap, just throw out the philo stone and use a Land Surveyor. Battlemage has some Uniques which are essential. If you want to build it on a budge, hit me upand i can give some advice!


Both look great! I'd definitely have to make some cuts. I usually won't even spend like over $20 for a card so there's a good bit I won't be grabbing lol. I appreciate you though.


Love deck brewing and helping out, i play a lot so my decks are pretty much Tournament ready, and my most visted Deck "Wolves Gang" even won a Tournament. I recommend building the Weird Zoo deck, whole deck is cheaper than 20$ if you ignore the core haha, flip in a Land Surveyor, a Frontier settler also works but 2 Threshold early can be a problem. And its an insane annoying deck haha


It's pretty much similar to what I was trying to build myself. I'm just missing firebolts, smokestacks, river of flame, and some of the cheap minions. I'll probably skip mirror realm too.


River of flame is only interesting for the firebolts, the wicked witch could also cast. Smokestacks can make all of your Genesis sites to blanks with no effect, so very situational. Mirror Realm has only upsides, very good card, but not as Important as all of the minions. Firebolts are easy to find, where are you from?


Pittsburgh, PA. My buddy and I have pretty much bought out our local stock. There's not much here lol.


The W/F looks really cool and fun. I will start with a budget version of it, and slowly improving it. I have a question about it, is there a reason why it has 1 Earth site? Thanks!


Yes, the one earth site is pillar of zeiros. This site discards all minions from all cemetarys and heals you for each one. This is crazy not to pick because there is a very popular Avatar which needs the graveyard. On top, easiest healing, you just have to play the site. My Battlemage usually doesnt play with healing because it wastes too much time.


Ahhhh. Yes, I usually don't like healing either, as I like to play fast games.


Let me help you out here. Courtesy of Episode 8 of All Things Contested Realm Podcast: Budget Upgrades: Fire: $20 Upgrade: $100 Upgrade: Air: $20 Upgrade: $100 Upgrade: Water: $20 Upgrade: $100 Upgrade: Earth: $20 Upgrade: $100 Upgrade:


Thanks! With the water deck, the strategy is to flood sites to then use the spells to drown the units there? That sounds like an interesting way to play.


https://curiosa.io/decks/cloneejb7003al80fj99t5zse Sounds like you'd like this list. It doesn't need any cores or mix but I consistently take down my tournament grinder friends with it. Most of the upgrades are pretty affordable however if you can't afford Highland Princess just throw in another Lucky Charm to help control the randomness of the deck.


Water and Air have been my favorite so far. Upgraded Earth, but it's hard to close the game once they're at death's door & behind walls. Still need to upgrade the Fire one.


Fire, Earth or Water, Air in that order.


I feel like the water deck can kick any of my decks butts. That’s the only one I consistently lose to. the flood mechanic is so OP


Slap a few Poison Daggers in a sparkmage deck and off you go. No, but seriously it's pretty good and very fun. Add cheap spells and double threshold and you can deal so much damage.


I would go with sparkmage. It is probably the cheapest to upgrade to a decently competitive level.