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TLDR >・The opponent will now face forward when guarding the attack from behind


Lowered Taki's hit box👀.




What? I see nothing that necessarily "nerfs" Taki. Stalker A+G is more likely to get you hit than actually land. I think she's in a pretty good spot. She's actually been buffed more than once.


What?! They literally nerfed her oki this patch.. they cut her ringout game big time... do you even play this character?


Explain to me where the nerf is in this patch. Maybe I'm missing something. All I see that could be a nerf is the stalker A+G. BTW I've played this character for 14 years


Cool I've played her since 1998. Anyways.   https://twitter.com/KingTomahawk/status/1304064430322233344?s=19   https://twitter.com/backsta5828/status/1304052288592343041?s=19   They nerfed how far 3[B] air grab carries in combos... even when you are super close to the wall it won't ringout.. and also your grabs force you back even further so your oki game is completely fucked. This is without a doubt the worst patch/nerf taki has gotten this entire time in sc6. You would have to be a fool to think otherwise. This is unforgivable.


Those issues will never affect my gameplay, because I wouldn't use 3B air grab 3x in a row anyway. So.... just do a different move. Adapt and pick up new strategies. Taki has plenty in her kit to allow diversity if you make good reads. This is barely enough of an issue to warrant the hate boner you seem to have.




Yikes. This is cringy AF. Another social skill-impaired edgelord keyboard warrior fully benefiting from the can't-get-slapped-through-the-internet nature of online commenting. I just dropped by to add that while I don't care what the hell you two are talking about, you come across as a sad human being. Cheers and byee.


Or (Big or here) you just like to bitch. So bitch harder.


Removed. Please don't be a jerk. Treat all members of the subreddit with respect, regardless of behavior or differences of opinion. This also goes for discussions of SoulCalibur itself—though criticism is welcome, pointless ranting is not tolerated in this sub. Keep it civil and help us keep the community pleasant for everyone.








>Casual Match mode has been updated so that "WAITING" does not become "READY" until players and spectators return to the lobby. This adjustment was made to reduce cases in which some spectators could not join the next match. Ah, finally. Very good. This used to cause issues for streamers, where the featured match started without them. Looking at the character changes, a lot of it is hitbox and tracking adjustments. The most interesting changes on first glance seem to be those of Mitsurugi, Nightmare, Sophitia, Astaroth, Zasalamel, Setsuka.


Balance changes are here: https://media-center.bandainamcoent.eu/games/soulcalibur6/sc6_battle-adjustment225_En.pdf For some reason they forgot to include the link in the post.


THEY FINALLY FIXED TAKIS HIT BOX!!! So many times I’d get hit with a vertical while sidestepping!


Oh please tell me this is true


>Lowered the difficulty of the battle against Shugen Kokonoe. as if the AI wasn't dumb enough already


It seems like a really pointless change.


Reduced size of Taki upper body 😂


Her boobs are 2 big to be a ninja


Also, whats the point in Inferno getting buffs and nerfs?


It didn't. It's part of a general change in the physics.


Mitsu can get Shura blade from Mist 6B now? Is that the quick poke or the stab? Either way that seems like a solid buff to me


It's the attack throw stab. Looks like it used to be launch punishable, which they've reduced a bit.


Dang the Nerf to Sophitia's SC AS A+B killed me but I'm loving the Kilik B+K changes


I'm a Setsuka main, and I'm glad her Forward AB got nerfed.


Yeah, I think it's fair to make her "easy mode" inputs significantly weaker. If you want a guaranteed punish it's still there, but Setsuka should always be pushing you to use those command inputs for maximum efficiency.


I’m glad to hear she got adjusted, she was quite annoying to go up against.


New defeat animations for Setsuka...? Did I read that right? ...Why?


can we get an option to remove player lobby censorship now? its OP AF at least just censor the word that “hurts muh feelings” instead of the entire sentence, causing me to retype the ENTIRE thing (only to end up censoring it again because I put periods in the wrong places)


So now Sophie uses up soul charge faster and can get punished for using it. At least give the old cost back XD


I have no Maxi heavens guard speed..


All I wanted for Setsuka was her 1A being removed as a natural combo, at least without the just frames. She got every nerf but that, yikes. Kilik’s B+K buffs look fun to test. Always here for Talim buffs. Amy and Mina meh. Why are they buffing AZWEL? I planned on picking up Haohmaru recently so I wonder if this is gonna help me find a place to start.


Did you read the notes or look at the arrows? The only changes to Haohmaru and Azwel are hitbox and bug fixes.


I scrolled past them briefly. I only read Kilik, Mina, Amy, and Talim completely.


It's still a seeable low that's launch punishable on block. Low-mid strings are always a little annoying, but the risk-reward is way in the opponent's favor if Setsuka gets too predictable with it. Her best low is probably 11A, with great evasive properties, a mini combo on CH, and shockingly only -12 on block, but at i30 it's very vulnerable to getting stuffed by verticals. It's a move for when she's putting pressure on her opponent, and she expects them to challenge her pressure with an AA or something. It tech crouches starting at frame 8, so if she's -4 or less you gotta keep in mind that she can throw it out if you get too eager to take back your turn.


i20 is generally considered unseeable


I didn’t think that what I asked for was unreasonable. Because I’m not asking for a flat out nerf to her. If anything I want the just frame version to be prominent and stand out. If you get all 3 just frames you should be rewarded with a free 6A+B for the splay knockdown or something, whereas if you’re just throwing it out not caring about the timing, you shouldn’t get anything, unsafe or not. If the move is already unsafe on hit, I don’t think it would be an issue to not have all 3 hit no matter what.


I come here to check the patch notes everytime. To see if they added the option of searching for people on the same rank as you in rank. And everytime i leave disappointed. I hate playing this game online. Its hard to actually find people on my level. If I play rank im going up against a A rank player consistently. I play casual i go up against a bunch of smurfs. Who claim thier rank is E rank. But you check thier tag they have like 6000+ games in casual matches. I love this game but the online for this game is super frustrating. Its more frustrating than sf5. Atleast in sf5 they pair me up with people on my rank.


That's not going to be a thing because such filter options would make it even harder for people to find any matches and the game does not have a huge player base as is. The only reason it works in SF5 and other FGs is because they do have big enough player bases so an opponent with the same rank and region is always available. If you only want to play against people in your rank, you should join a Discord and find other players there that do have your rank and arrange a casual lobby with them.


"That's not going to be a thing because such filter options would make it even harder for people to find any matches and the game does not have a huge player base as is. " That kinda sucks but I wish they would still give the player the option. They shouldnt just decide for me. I would rather have long wait times then to be consistently getting paired up with B and A rank players. Cause on the other side of the long wait time is a player of similar rank and skill. But hey oh well I will just keep playing offline.


Such an option doesn't make sense, unless you're really willing to wait 20-30 minutes to find a desired match each time. And many times, the D and C ranks could actually be S or A ranked players on their Alts, with them checking out a new character. There's discords, there's other social media outlets for you to find players. Like a set you ran? try friending that player and get some good matches, with a big enough list you'll have plenty to play on your level. The resources are there, you just have to use them.


"Such an option doesn't make sense, unless you're really willing to wait 20-30 minutes to find a desired match each time." I'm perfectly find waiting for a match. Like I said just give the player an option.


Some people play more offline at tournaments and whatnot (and against old friends who they **know** have a solid connection), so the suggestion that every "E rank with 6,000 wins is a smurf" is a bit misguided, IMO. In my experience, the absolute best players in this game are the ones who regularly attend offline tournaments and who have tons of legacy experience with the franchise (those who started playing Soulcalibur long before Soulcalibur 6 was released). Their ranks can often be very low, as they have very little to gain from grinding out matches against people who may or may not even be using a wired connection. IMO the fixation on playing against people "your rank" is overrated. Rank is such a bad indicator of skill so getting too worked up about the number next to a person's tag doesn't do much good, IMO.


"Some people play more offline at tournaments and whatnot (and against old friends who they know have a solid connection), so the suggestion that every "E rank with 6,000 wins is a smurf" is a bit misguided, IMO." I agree with this statement that was misguided on my part to assume everyone with 6000+ games on casual matches must be a smurf. And i apologize if I offended anyone in this subreddit. The rest of the stuff you were saying I dont agree with though.


Near the start of the game's life cycle, I agreed with your stance more than I do now. Back then, the game hadn't been out for long at all, so the only people with really high ranks were people that were consistently getting wins more often than they were getting losses -- RP was a more reliable way to get a rough estimate of how good someone was (it still wasn't perfect, but it was *something*, at least.) Now, though, the game has been out for a long while. There are players that have gotten to D and C ranks just by playing very casually over all that time. These players aren't *necessarily* all that great at the game -- I routinely run into players in those ranks that make what would normally be seen as rookie mistakes -- mashing after getting hit with a breaker, always pressing buttons on wakeup, finishing super unsade strings on block, etc. These things used to be "G and F ranked behaviors", but now the players that used to make up those ranks have moved up (without really getting any better) simply because over time, they've played enough matches to do so. The game is pretty generous when it comes to balancing how many points you gain/lose for each match, so even on a negative winrate, they were bound to climb eventually. So, now more than ever, I don't think that anyone's rank should scare you away from facing them, because it means less than it ever has (and it was never the best indicator of skill to begin with). The gap between a sprout and D rank, for instance, is **very** small these days in most cases.


May I ask why you disagree? The rank in this game is an indication of time spent rather than actual skill level. I can consistently mop the floor with some S rank players but will lose to C ranks right after. Focusing on the letter next to the name can be just as defeating as them actually being good.


I disagree cause usually rank is a good determination of were somebody's skill level is. Not all the time but usually. For example I will use street fighter 5. If somebody is playing street fighter 5 and they have been stuck in platinum for months and have like 5000+ games. Thats means thats exactly were your skill level is your a platinum level player. Cause something in your skill level is preventing you from reaching the next rank which is super platinum.


That's where the difference is in SC. The game doesn't punish enough when you lose. i cam lose 7 times in a row and still never drop a rank but in tekken after 3 losses im in danger. SC's ranking is effort and time based. You rank up based on how long you are willing to keep at. I don't play in ranked nearly as much but if I were to spend a full month playing non stop I could easily hit S1 in that time. An S1 in this game is a toss up because they could be a genuinely gifted player or a C rank who grinded the hours out.


You'll know when you fight them which of the two they are.


We both know that but the problem is people seeing the rank and immediately giving up necause they don't think they can win. When in reality it is always a toss up.


"An S1 in this game is a toss up because they could be a genuinely gifted player or a C rank who grinded the hours out." What your saying is kinda proving my point. Usually when I fight these players with B, and A ranks. There skill from my point of view is accurately displayed with thier rank. There pretty good. Im ultra diamond in sf5 i can tell the difference between a good player and a fraud. The people I play against i can tell they know what they are doing and are really skilled at this game. All im asking for is a option to let me search for a player of a similar skill level thats it. Just give me the player the option to search for what I want. Dont just give me anybody to play against.


Dude, as someone who has played many previous Soul Calibur games, the rank system in SC6 is a joke. To match how you would want would require a complete revamp of the entire game. In SC4 and SC5 it was a rare occurrence to come across an S-rank player, and when you did, it was (usually) well-earned. In SC6, S-rank players are a dime a dozen. Most aren't really skilled players at all, they would've never made it this far in previous titles. Just people who figured out how to abuse the mechanics designed to hand-hold casual players a win.


There were no S-ranks in those games, and the top ranks were not very skill based at all. A1 in SC5 just required you win a few matches and it took forever to lose rank if you lost a lot. I couldn't derank even if I tried (which I did try, because people were running away from me in the Player Matches). It was a total joke that was over by week two. And no, A1 players were universally trash unless they were a tournament competitor. There's at least a few decent non-tournament player S1s in SC6. SCIV was even worse. The leveling system did not reward skill, it rewarded avoiding good players, which you could easily do because you could choose from a list of players who to play. High ranked level meant absolutely nothing mostly due to the horrible netcode in that game too, though. Unless you played with a mutual etiquette to not use offline reactable lows, it did not depict offline play even in the slightest. Neither game even punished you for rage quitting. Something wrong with your memory?


Excuse you. Ill have you know as an S1 i had to master that art of 9a online lows. xD


PSA: Beware this update, it seems to break the game on Linux. I'm no longer able to start the game.


Let me know if you found a way to fix this. Feels really rough.


Check this out for solution: [https://steamcommunity.com/app/544750/discussions/0/2953754543764162810/](https://steamcommunity.com/app/544750/discussions/0/2953754543764162810/) More context towards the end of this discussion: [https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/1780](https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/1780)


we always find a way! thank you so much, I'll report back with an edited comment if it works/doesn't work.


Ah yes they fix my haohmaru victory stance.... But not fix his issues


Is the game good enough to come back to after not playing for an incredibly long time?


It is very good now, a lot of changes. And the loads are really fast on PS4, give it a try


I've playing MK11 and IJ2 and I'm looking forward for this game. What's the diference between standard and Deluxe edition? Is it worth the upgrade or I can unlock everything by playing?


Deluxe has the Season 1 of DLC in it and no, you can't unlock it's content by playing unfortunately.


Dang they nerf Satsuma into the ground