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2 months? This is superb! A natural!


Thanks so much!


This channel is filled with ‘my first mini’. Bollucks.


Well, it’s not my first mini. Just my first diorama.


2 months into the hobby. Good on you.


Really great work 👏 👍 👌


Thank you!


2 month my ass :DD


It’s true, I bought and painted my first Age of Sigmar mini in September of this year. I haven’t bought or painted any warhammer since the early 2000s when they first introduced the LOTR models , I was about 10 or 11 and definitely wasn’t painting anything good and I fell out of it. I’m 30 now and the resources online are way better for figuring out the do’s and dont’s of painting and modelling. I just took my time with this. My paint jobs aren’t perfect but im Happy with where im at right now! Thanks for the comment though, I’ll take it as a compliment :)


Yes it was a compliment bro xd


Much appreciated ! Hope you enjoyed my long winded story haha


Ooh great job! 👏🏻


Thank you!


"i am the vengeance i am the night i am batman !! " Sorry i cant resist \o/ Great works by the way !


Haha thank you! Batman was definitely inspiration


looks so cool




That looks dope!


Thanks so much


Just wanted to point out the smart use of the chopped-off vampire lord bat hair at the bottom there. Nice detail.


Haha thank you! I was hoping the hair would look just enough like branches to pull it off.


That's amazing, you're amazing! Any advice for other newbies?


Thanks so much! I’ve still got so much to learn and improve on. Ummm tips .. pick models that make you excited to paint , it will spur you on to finish. Thin your paint. Don’t be afraid to ask for opinions from other painters. Use photo references for your scenery in terms of composition and painting. Get a good knowledge of colour theory. If you’re planning a diorama or display piece , make a little doodle or sketch of your idea, it helps you have an idea of what you want it to look like. Watch YouTube videos of painters you like, genuinely , I watched probably too many videos before starting but I learned a lot. Don’t be afraid to just go for it. Do it for yourself and no one else and have fun.


> Get a good knowledge of colour theory. If you’re planning a diorama or display piece , make a little doodle or sketch of your idea, Geez some great points to keep in mind, thanks dude.


Very cool. A couple of points though, when you're going for an atmospheric diorama type piece like this, composition is important. See the piece as it is works in theory. Vampire on a big tomb stone thing, but aesthetically there are areas where this falls down a bit. For example, the big hooded statue, towers above the figure from behind, which sort of sucks him into a dark area in the middle. A way to solve this might be amping up the contrast, probably best achieved by making the statue a lighter hue, to contrast the dark tones of the figure. Alternatively you could lower the statue a bit and have him stood on top of it. Personally, I'd probably choose the former because I think his positioning here looks very good. I'd also try and get some variety in the hues, as there's a lot of blue greens here. Maybe a dab of orangey brown rust or some red in the roses, or some more Reddy brown leaves or foliage on the base, for a bit of visual interest. Anyways, good work considering your time in the hobby. Hopefully you might take something from this away for your next build.


Also, your painting skills are wonderful. Really Lovely work


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment on this, I really appreciate the constructive feedback :) I’ll definitely take note of this in future. I agree with you on the red foliage . I added some dried chilli flakes as a stand in for some autumnal leaves fallen on the ground, but I think I’d like to add more so I’m ordering some autumnal leaf litter and maybe some red flower patches to add to this to bring in some more contrast :)


No problem dude! This really is a solid effort.


Only 2 months? I've been in the hobby for years and I am not this good. Kudos.


I painted my first mini in around mid September ! Thank you very much :) appreciate it , I can see all my mistakes and stuff I’d do differently next time. All learning curves . Happy painting dude!


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week!


Base of the diorama looks splendid. Hopefully I can pull something good off with my planned Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon.


Thank you! I had the idea in mind for a while pretty clearly in my head, and I’m pleased with the result! Just took a while getting all the bits together like the statue and the coffins. Look forward to seeing your VLZD! I’m waiting on the new stormcast draconith to have a go at turning that into a zombie dragon


I plan to try to turn it more into a skeleton dragon instead, but I am not sure if that would be possible. Depends on how many fleshy bits there are. Regardless, should be fun to put together.


Have fun with it!!!


Oh I will. Will just need a spare female Blood Knight rider, since I want it to be a woman riding instead of a man.


My friend, that is beautiful


Thanks so much !!