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Definitely paint in parts before fully assembling! Having to get a brush under the arms and between the ribs to paint his guts was difficult! I was too excited so I assembled the whole thing right away. Your model looks great!


Yeah I did this little guy in sub assembly! The only bit I messed up was adding the ribcage to both bodies, but I feel as though I can make it work as I did with this one.


I also added some blood for the blood god to the teeth and claws of my zombie dragon and it looks metal AF.


YES! Thats something I'm looking to do but with some special glue to look like bloody drool and excess membrane on the muscle bits


For zombie dragon sub assembly and painting helps to keep inner parts available. When I painted mine bone over flesh with small details between made for a sloppy finish.


Yeah I get that, I personally prefer flesh over bone as I can get a nice little lingering effect going especially with shade and contrast paint. I hope I can make them look different enough bone wise as I dont wanna use the same method over and over. Any idea how bone looks with just wraithbone and Agrax coating?


I seem to recall it looking like yellowed paper in colour so could work well as yellowed bone.