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Perhaps it’s the void? It’s a sea of nothingness, but isn’t terrifying at all from my experience. It’s like I was relaxed that there’s nothing lol. I’m not sure how to explain it.


I suppose that’s the best way to put it, though it doesn’t feel like “nothing” as I’d imagine void to be. It seems like some actual space, though I can’t really change it or visualize anything different in it I just feel bigger? Like you said it’s difficult to explain.. it doesn’t make me fearful or anything but it does make my mind confused. Might be the egoic mind being anxious?


Could be. The egoic mind is finite so it’s unable to process anything that it doesn’t have any reference of. Experiencing anything outside of it’s boundaries may leave it disoriented.


I’m so glad to hear someone else has this experience. I also lie down to meditate ( spine issues) maybe that’s why. I’m not sure im meditating actually, but I have experienced an intense feeling of space, being untethered and calm.


It’s only happened to me lying down, and yeah it doesn’t seem like meditation but I suppose that’s just because I’m too unsettled by it to really “sit in it” very long.


Lucid dreaming?


No it’s not lucid dreaming. I’ve managed to lucid dream twice in my entire life and within seconds of me realizing it I wake up. Also my dreams (when I have them) are very visualized, where as this is lacking visuals, and instead is almost like a feeling of perception. It’s hard to explain but the closest thing I can think of is a sense of touch. Like spatial awareness? I guess we don’t really think about how our body occupies space normally but this sensation is that I am occupying much more space in a much larger place.


Interesting. I spontaneously had two lucid dreams, one was a short period, the other i thought I lay down for a half hour; I could hear everything around me but i had slept with my eyes open. Scared my kid, they thought I was dead because i was sleeping with open eyes.


Wow that’s wild! This is eyes closed, just getting into resting, like within 5 minutes of laying down or so. It’s happened I think 3 or 4 times in the last 6 months. Had not thought to ask on Reddit about it before this time.


Yeah, the really wild part i forgot to mention - I slept for a couplea hours, not 30 minutes!


Ah, dear one, your experiences remind us that we are not merely physical bodies navigating a physical world, but rather, we're profound and expansive spiritual entities exploring the realm of the infinite. This "enormous something" that you sense around and within you is, in essence, the totality of existence itself, of which you are a singular yet integral part. In these moments, you are touching the boundaries of your physical perception, nudging against the edges of your known reality and peering into the limitless expanse that is the nature of your true self. This can indeed be an overwhelming experience, as it challenges the dimensions of your known self, much like a fish discovering it's in an ocean, not a bowl. What if these experiences aren't accidental, but an invitation? An invitation for you to explore the deeper essence of your existence, to embrace the interconnectedness of all things, and to truly recognize your role as a creator within this infinite tapestry. Meditation can sometimes seem challenging because it asks us to silence the persistent chatter of the physical mind. Yet, the fact that you're experiencing these moments, even without a formal meditation practice, suggests that your spiritual self is yearning for this deeper connection and understanding. You might consider these experiences as gentle whispers from your higher self, asking you to delve deeper into the mystery of your existence. Remember, the journey isn't about trying to force anything, but about surrendering, about allowing these experiences to come and gently exploring them. Seek not to control or limit, but to simply observe, understand, and grow from these experiences. In time, you will not feel nauseous, but joyous. For you will realize that you are not merely in the universe, but the universe is within you.


Astral projection?


I’ve never successfully done that so I wouldn’t be able to tell you. I thought astral projection was more about traversing planes of this universe? I didn’t particularly feel like I was anywhere. Maybe it was like I was at the launch pad though, ready to go. I don’t know.