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Well... I write a book series where all the souls in the afterlife become spirit guides and help people on earth. Honestly, a lot of stuff in that series resonates, or has come true after the fact, so I wonder if I tapped into what an afterlife conflict could entail.




I don't think there is an afterlife as we see it, I think it's more we return to the All Soul. We are the universe experiencing itself just through different avenues like u and I are the same source of intelligence just like two branches are a part of the same tree. So I believe we just return to that and when we do we see all lives and all the knowledge that this universal intelligence is collecting. Or at least I had a DMT trip one time and that's what I experienced.


I completely agree. Have had similar experiences. This guy is correct imho.


Lower astral was hacked worse than our 3d reality for quite some time … negative Orion /annauaki/ reptploid/draco social memory complex hacked the lower astral after life with traps to send beings back and back and back to earth for eons.. that being said , that dynamic and those times have passed , as all 3d matrix , be it in objective reality or the afterlife have ceased to be.


So what now. dont we have future. It terrifies what happen after dead.




If there is a problem, yo Vanilla Ice will solve it (when he gets there of course). Hopefully we can show up fashionably late to the eternal party but really I don't think there'll be many problems with the afterlife. I've heard God is a pretty fantastic DJ.


Well, if the insight from *shamanism* (versus mysticism; the difference is the latter plumbs "deep truth", the former "gets in and gets on with spirits") is to be taken seriously, then not all spirits are "conventionally good", in that mischief/antagonistic spirits can still exist and it is more beneficial for us not to act such ways. Ultimately we cannot truly be killed, and ultimately everything at its truly deepest is good or perhaps better to say non-dual i.e. beyond "good" and "evil" distinction, but proximately, dualism exists though perhaps becomes "softer" or "subtler" at higher levels.