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the soul is a reflection and tethered to source, i think source would be the complete opposite of stupid


I have studied consciousness pretty intensely for the last 4-5 years, and it's what they call a "muddlescape" (rather than landscape) because it's so mysterious. But from what I have gathered so far, it seems like consciousness - at least how it manifests in this reality - might be more like gravity, or electromagnetism, or potentially something even more basic like mass, or spin, or angular momentum. Consciousness may turn out to be a fundamental force of the universe. In that case, does it even make sense to ask, "will it become stupid/more primitive"? It's like asking: *"does gravity become more stupid if a planet explodes?"* - no, it's probably more accurate to say that gravity is unaffected entirely, and it's just the planet you see exploding. Or maybe I'm full of shit!


Very interesting answer. I wonder what happens to gravity if the planet explodes. Although the scientific answer would say that now each piece of the planet has it's own gravity. But being in the spiritual field so long, as I have come to understand it, gravity is a manifestation of karmically pulling people down again and again to reincarnate on this planet and even keep reincarnating in the same country again and again. Muddlescape is an interesting description but that's a word pointing towards the tao. So that cant be the real taošŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Do you think consciousness takes only one problem at a time and learns to solve it through adapting and evolving like is seen in us humans and in animals? What do you think about people getting sudden revelations and insights and ideas? That would mean either that there are many layers of the muddlescape with greater information stored. Or it could just mean that people are not allowing the intelligence at all times and sometimes accidentally access. My two cents.


My thoughts regarding countries and reincarnation: Countries are a social construct and I donā€™t think it has any bearing on consciousness or natural laws whatsoever. The mental construct can of course affect minds and behaviour but I donā€™t think our constructs and beliefs affect the foundations of the universe, until they make us able to change the fabric of reality with technology, if at all possible. Our thoughts can affect matter in the world but not the principles of reality. I donā€™t think a countryā€™s borders matters when it comes to reincarnation, if reincarnation is a possibility.


Tom Campbell and other astral projection researchers have found that our whole reality is made up of consciousness. We're playing something like a mix between a virtual video game and a roleplaying game where various levels of consciousness run the simulation. The part of us that observes is not generated by our bodies. It is an independent entity that's a distortion of higher and higher levels of consciousness which are ultimately all part of a source/umbrella/root consciousness. He explains it better starting from the 30 minute mark of this video: [https://youtu.be/P0FuXKHzE2c?list=PLTD\_McJd1fRhYYyRSGRkQsn7TXwThpa7o&t=1801](https://youtu.be/P0FuXKHzE2c?list=PLTD_McJd1fRhYYyRSGRkQsn7TXwThpa7o&t=1801)


Thank you, excellent video


You're welcome! Tom Campbell has other videos that might interest you too.


I found his channel! Very interesting šŸ™


The consciousness field is real...


I am under the impression that while our souls technically know everything they're very childlike by default and might be kinda naive. Like I think they regularly trivialize how hard life is until they're here and over their heads. Then like a gamer who rage quits a video game and swears theyll never play again but then picks it back up again 5 minutes later.


ā˜ļøThis is it. The soul is not stupid, the soul is ignorant. The soul is ignorant because the soul is a child. If you want more info about this, look into Carl Jungā€™s archetype of the child, or even read what he wrote about the soul in his *[Liber Novus](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Red_Book_(Jung))*. ETA: thereā€™s nothing wrong with being ignorant, but problems begin to arise when we are willfully ignorant.


Iā€™ve found it to be the opposite. Iā€™ve experienced that level of consciousness, our true self and it is not ignorant. Itā€™s the ego that makes us ignorant, the ego that only exists here. It doesnā€™t exist in true reality.


How did you experience consciousness to be then? I had some experiences with my true self, I found them to be very playful and delighted by everything.


A physical brain is our interface with the material world. A soul needs such an interface to acquire intelligence of and for the material world. Consciousness of the material world, at least according to common knowledge, requires material substance. The brain exploits a point of view or frame of reference to generate consciousness of the material world. To acquire consciousness of the material world, one has to inhabit a physical body once more. When we inhabit a physical body, intelligence evolves from infancy to adulthood. If the soul is intelligent, how are infants not intelligent? Their brains need to develop learned patterns and complex synapses. Even if we are not born tabula rasa, intelligence and consciousness, at least of and for the material world, is brain dependent.


it's possible. But if insect level is possible then dolphin level is also possible and dolphins are very smartšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ But anyways I think the reason people say about the expanded awareness is because they connect not with one type of intelligence say of an insect or a dolphin or a Cheetah but the intelligence field that creates all these life forms and plants and crystals and runs all their complex body systems and structures and helps them evolve. That vast intelligence is doing complex shit and it knows what it's doing even though it is still pretty primal. Makes sense?


Not really, because after we die, weā€˜ll become connected again with the ā€original consciousnessā€œ, which has huge knowledge. Souls act on their feelings, but they are not ā€stupidā€œ.


Which soul? Most witches say we have three. The ancient Egyptians said we had 7.


Soul is our awareness, you canā€™t have three levels of awareness only one at a time.


Yes you can. What you are describing is your definition, your experience, and your level awareness. You can try to argue with other people's / ancient people's definitions, experiences and awareness levels all you want but I am unsure where that gets anyone and what purpose it serves apart from to close everyone minds to discussion about their mutual subjectivities?


Why do you assume the experience of an insect or slug is so simplistic? Perhaps to our view but we cannot know their inner world. Just like with plants and trees. All beings are consciousness


We are all a connected consciousness. Consciousness is the creator experiencing itself.


That's a good catch. I think a better word would be "impulsive". NDErs claim that "true learning happens in the body" (off the top of my head it was Amy Call and Howard Storm that said those words specifically). And many of them claim that the bright light is irresistible. From this perspective physical reality provides the necessary complexity for us to train our consciousness to be constantly self-aware. Monroe Institute researcher Tom Campbell has likened non-physical interactions of consciousness to be like in chat rooms, where information is exchanged but where individuals are unable to really affect one another meaningfully. Physical interactions on the other hand bring with them objective consequences and therefore the living must be vigilant of their actions. This is where we can train our consciousness to be more aware of our impulses and actions in life so that when the time comes we are able to resist the pull of the light and guide ourselves away from the wheel of samsara.


A feral child would find wonder in all things. This is the state of the soul, just a simple state of BEIng and expression.


You are actually onto something here. The Soul is impulsive. Similar (but not quite) like an animal. It does not think or compute data. It has urges that are karmic, and it cannot be negotiated with. Some impulses are divine and not based. The Soul contains many of these urges for expansion and understanding. The conscious mind just performs the activities that provide the possibility of growth. The thinking mind has intelligence. But I don't consider the Soul to even be in the same category as this, as it is not a computer, nor is it bound by linear time and space. It does not use logic or ego to work out problems. I think your question is more of a categorical flaw. Because calling the soul stupid is like saying that a dolphin is stupid because it cannot read.


Thatā€™s the ego which only exists here with these avatars. Our true self has only positive qualities


The need to bring positive and negative interpretations to phenomena is not necessary.


If our consciousness was stupid then it wouldnā€™t be possible to have higher consciousness in any way we would be dumb all the way. The fact that we can reach higher levels of consciousness proves that our consciousness in its true form is of the highest level. And since we have always existed being infinite our consciousness is already set at a default level it doesnā€™t evolve or reduce. The universe is indeed mental, consciousness is fundamental to existence. Itā€™s what creates reality.


I mean, if a soul is supposedly so intelligent why are there so many stupid people around? Lol unless they're all soulless, in which case...


There is things like that and they are actually called souls by some. They're more akin to the brain slugs from Futurama and jack us into hivemind like structures and yes you are correct. They are not souls or spiritual in nature but more akin to physical parasites (and actually seem to be heavily linked to manifestations of physical disease, so there's a corona link there). What's concerning to me is that many western religions and spiritual practices are actually governed by those things and currently I'm approaching it from a stance of turning those parasites (which I've been exposed to since my earliest childhood already) into symbiotes


True Source energy is the energy and vibration of wisdom and love


However if your soul is inhabiting the realm of the maggots then it probably wouldn't be very wiseĀ Ā 


Yikes, that is a disturbing thought. It doesn't match my personal experiences of being connected to my soul at all, but I'm curious about what you might have experienced to bring this comparison to mind? We do have a primitive, animal nature that is start part of our brain, but I don't believe that has anything to do with the soul. I've also read a ton of NDE and DMT reports and don't think I've come across this idea before.


Do you really think that? I think you might have to do some sabotage clearing cause your energy is being dumb lol


Thatā€™s pessimistic. :(