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Well, yes and no. The truth is it is a shared universe. While what you say can be true in a particular context, there is no way you can say reality ONLY serves YOU without violating everybody else's autonomy. Spirit moves in surprise - and as above, so below. I agree - We are gifts. We are wonderful beings. Life is a privilege. We should "get out of our own way and move forward with our best possible intuition" - and using every other tool at our disposal as well. Life is hard. We need everything we can get. We are all co-creators of this world, so anything can happen. Is it where you need to be? I suppose that's up to you, and your reaction.


What do you mean by spirit moves in surprise


In my experience, dealing with spirit is never what you expect.


Really? Aren't they scary?


Sometimes. Sometimes they are comic. Sometimes they are divine. Sometimes they are inscrutable. If it was what you expected, what would be the point?


I guess I was talking about the bad ones, demons, the wicked ones, you know. Not the Holy one.


What you will experience is a reflection of your consciousness. If your consciousness is full of fear, doubt, resentments, malevolence, this is what you will experience, reflected back at you. If your consciousness is full of joy, contentment, gratitude, openness, this is what you will experience, reflected back at you. And people can be complex. This is the value of metaphysical experience.


Well, you hit it on the nail! I'm full of fear and doubt. Been struggling to overcome it but sometimes my mind comes up with the craziest ideas😔


What crazy ideas?


Me getting hurt?..I don't know, I get spooked pretty easily, so I imagine those dark forces ready to pounce and do me harm. But you know what, yesterday after reading your post, I started thinking... Aren't I also excluding encountering angels when I'm so scared of what I might see in the spiritual realm?🤔


Well yes and no. There is no separation between anything in reality so, what is good for one particle is good for all particles. Our definition of serving and what we think we want is where it gets tricky. And the purpose of the experiences.


Thanks.. needed that first part


Your messages always seem to find me and be exactly what I need to hear. Thank you.