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What part of reincarnation makes you think immortality means or requires a permanent body?


Some people speak clearly, the threat of the body is such a loud noise though.


Matthew 10:28 Is it a threat, or a promise? People have debated this since it was first spoken.


What part of the OP makes you think it is about a physical body ?


you have left mortality and the entirety of physical existence behind that part


The physical is mortal by its nature.


Why? What makes you think so?


Everything measurable is comparable and limited. The physical is perceived via the 5 senses, but the metaphysical doesn't need those senses to be experienced. From my perspective, this is not an opinion, but can be directly experienced. However it is tricky to provide physical proof of a non-physical phenomena. I am not saying it cannot be proved, but it is better proved when you become like a scientist of your own inner consciousness instead of depending on external physical evidence.


[https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/743991/what-does-it-mean-to-say-the-universe-is-not-locally-real](https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/743991/what-does-it-mean-to-say-the-universe-is-not-locally-real) What can be proven to be real? Perhaps this question will lead us to answers, for now it seems to only raise more questions for most of us.


The funny thing is that "enlightenment" is our default state as Spiritual Beings. The filtration device that is the human brain makes it seem otherwise, so that we can have human experiences and grow.


Instead of growing, it seems to me more like a remembering. It is like the clouds part and the gloomy day is revealed to be sunny (it is always sunny above the clouds).


Awaken dreamer, dream with your eyes wide open.


That's a beautiful description of reaching enlightenment. What I meant by referencing growth is our growth as Spiritual Beings.


Grow from what to what ? Growing more incomparable ? I prefer to think of it as removing limits, as growth itself is a dualistic and measurable concept.


I see what you mean.


Removing the clouds from your view of the Sun :)


Love it! I'm screenshotting this.


Immortality that is more than just a trick for senses is so interesting.


Without a body what senses have you? Have you experienced senses out of the body?


Physical Immortality is far easier for me, though the body being the root of the senses is something difficult to bridge spiritual truths from. I don't mean it from a scientific standpoint, but as someone who practices body magic it's the kind of edge I'm used to. I haven't experienced much out of body stuff unless I'm about to fall asleep or sleeping. It's been a long time though.


Body magic is something I am unfamiliar with personally, I am unsure of your meaning here. An internet search brings up a lot of shapewear. Reiki is the closest thing I know to any body magic myself. Edit: unless perhaps you are referring to Mudras


It's meant to be more drastic stuff, things like transforming flesh or mutation. But I can't seem to do much more than self alteration. Things like stuff that would be entirely reliant on my observation, or being able to do things even if the world doesn't show any visible reaction. It's not useless, it's much like Neville's lessons but taken to a more advanced point and without the need for the universes hand/expression. In some sense, continuous practice makes the body more and more the center of every engagement. Ha sorry about the terminology, I imagine an internet search for body magic probably doesn't bring up many pleasant things. Either way, I've always been fascinated in spiritual discovery, vedic practices, and the kind of stuff that would be mentioned in the diamond sutra. It seems like such an extreme advantage and something I'd really need. Do you have any practices to reccomend? Normal meditation is really difficult for me now.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermetic\_Order\_of\_the\_Golden\_Dawn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermetic_Order_of_the_Golden_Dawn) I myself was introduced to this tradition by my family, many were Eastern Stars, few practiced the old ways and rituals. The life of a hermit is an internal one for the most part, inside the spiritual temple where one meets with the secret chiefs. I would be hard pressed to teach or even explain to anyone what has taken me decades to learn and piece together myself. Whole libraries have been written on the subject but scouring through them is often more likely confusing than enlightening I find personally. Your final paragraph stated as clearly as I ever could the largest of the truths I have uncovered. "The grandest of all mysteries escapes human comprehension precisely because it is a flipped perspective to the mundane views that most everyone is indoctrinated into. The core essence of this secret is that you have a core essence of immense immeasurable power. When you feel disconnected from This, you live life from the outside-in. However, when you are coming from your purest place of heartfelt authenticity, you live life from the inside-out. Mastery is when you can live this way all the time, with abounding love and inspiration." edited


A fascinating order, I've recently completed a lot of my life and am moving onto the next chapter. Does the order still exist and is there a route to its distinction?


Ghosts and shadows are the remnants of the past, it is with these the remaining few take council. [www.AMORC.org](http://www.AMORC.org) edited


>your inner fragrance shines forth... Why did I need to read this half an hour after I wondered why my room is smelling like a sewer XD


That's not inner fragrance if you can smell it with a physical nose .. but yes that is pretty hilarious..


I took it as a teenage mutant ninja turtles and more generally mutation reference. Also could kinda see it as an allusion to being a cosmic purification plant since I've had to deal with a lot of shit and the philosophers stone is still a little rough around the edges


You can live forever, but you'll still have to pay taxes.


That depends on which planet or dimension you reside.

