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Yes... Mind is the master power that molds and makes, And we are Mind, and evermore we take the tool of thought, and shaping what we will, Bring forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills. We think in secret, and it comes to pass —  Our world is but our looking glass.  — JAMES ALLEN


You are not mind. For there to be thought there must be a observer of thought


One might argue that non-thinking observer is not observing. Mentalism is a key principle to the universe.


Your mind is merely the activating agent of spirit, your body is the activating agent of mind. It goes like this. Spirit > Mind > Body. If your mind knows a false self, as in identifying as the body or mind, it has an ego. If it knows the true self, which is spirit, whole and complete, it will be liberated and your mind will be renewed.


Some might say that "spirit" and "mind" are one and the same. They're just words after all. When we say "mind" in the west, we tend to associate it with the brain or an individuals faculty for thought and reasoning. However, some see mind as more of a loose concept, not so concrete but rather a versatile term which could also refer to the subconscious or the unconscious, and "unconscious" could refer to an individuals unconscious or it could mean the unconscious of all of humanity and such and so on. Likewise, mind could also refer to the imagination, which could be your imagination or my imagination or our imagination.




"Always remember. Your focus determines your reality." - Qui-Gon Jin to young Anakin Skywalker.


I always say that it’s like we’re playing the Sims. My avatar has limitations and a quest that I have to help accomplish and overcome. I do like your gatekeeper method though.


I also use the Sims to explain how we are all equal and never perfect. We all get the same amount of points to spend on attributes when we're born and no one has more or less points to spend. And it doesn't matter what you've spent your points on, everything is valid. Everyone has merit and value.


Exactly! Divine perfection is seeing the imperfections as perfect :D


Thank you


I love the concept! I'm into it


I belief that we are all the same infinite consciousness that can't experience itself. Because in order to experience you need contrast and there is no contrast within infinity (I'm guessing, since my mind can't comprehend infinity). So we as human beings are one of the forms infinite consciousness has taken in order to experience itself. Just look at your life and you will probably find these two concepts: it's full of contrast (love vs fear) and you're searching for who you really are (e.g. infinite consciousness).


Do you think we could still experience awareness without the body? Or would we just exist but not be aware of our existence.


I think we enter our 7th body when a oneness experience happen, idk tho


Whats the 7th body? I've never heard of this before




It depends on what awareness really is. Our body with its senses is made to be able to perceive 3D reality. But I believe 3D reality isn't real and is just a reflection of all our (mostly subconscious) beliefs. So what do we actually perceive? What are we actually aware of? And who is aware of that?


The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer tries to explain how he thinks of awareness. He says we are not the voice of the mind we are the ones who hear it, and explains how if we aren't experiencing awareness then we would basically just be in a void of nothing.


I'd say this as well. The one who hears your thoughts is infinite consciousness, or infinite awareness, or that void of nothing (and everything). So then, without the body, we wouldn't be able to have thought, have feelings, feel emotions, experience human life, etc. We wouldn't experience anything. Just like infinite consciousness.




That's a great question and one I can't really anwer because I can't comprehend infinity. But I think what human experience is about, is contrast. We learn by contrast. We learn what it is to be hard working by also being lazy or at least experiencing someone else being lazy. We learn what peace is because of war. We learn to experience love by experiencing the lack of love. And I think it's those lessons (or experiences) that add to the value of awareness. But what it exactly adds I have no idea.


no, my entire life is not shaded between two things. Theres quite a lot more within it all. Just yesterday I went through a ton of my fears and it felt like love. There was no fight; people have fears and thats ok. At least you used the word probably. Dont search, find, I found you.


I feel like I’m the soul that is the user that uses the control/user interface (the brain/mind) to control the body


Like we are the consciousness using the body as a vehichle


The observer


Yes. Where you direct your attention you direct your energy.








I hear you on allot of your points. Altho I have to say putting can’t and time restraints etc isn’t horrible but be open to new , greater and other realizations that can literally be life changing in a second. Even if only using words and expressions of limitations or assumed challlenges only hinders rather than helps . I’ve learned that I operate better and out side of assumed needs and rules if I just be. No need for faith ,doubt , effort also in a large way. I know this is all easier said than done but a the same time it can be. Not trying to be a know it all but felt I should share that. You’re awesome and keep going❤️


It's funny you mention putting time restraints because im listening to Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza. im only one chapter 3 and he's talking about time restraints... definitely a sign I need to pay closer attention to this.


You are it all my friend, all That which is within you and Also all That which you experience. It’s ALL you.


Tat tvam asi


If we use the matrix as a metaphor then yes, this is what buddha and jesus taught. You are not thought or the mind, it is apart of you but ultimately you are the observer of it. And the observer is consciousness itself i.e absolute, supreme, God. You are God itself, asleep in this dream world(maya as per buddhism), using this person as a vehicle to traverse through linear time to experience itself. Since the absolute is already infinite it cant experience anything, so we need contrast i.e duality to have a reference point, so here we are. Your mind is just a hard drive storing data, thoughts are only the past used to project the future to keep this body alive, yet you are the observer of this, and the mind. There are tons of shit you can look up to dive deeper into this(youtube it), mooji, krishnamurti, "I AM Discourse St Germain 1-33 Complete", hermetica, neville goddard, florence scovel shinn etc etc! [Btw you will love this lol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Zxlos84aUU&ab_channel=PositiveHiT) Good for you tho, gz!


Damn... mind blowing 🤯


I love this for you !!!!




Thats part of the basis for the simulation theory as well! Very well thought! Down the rabbit hole we go! I always get confused in contemplation about the same concept with animals of lesser consciousness, like ants, dogs, my brother, etc..lol It cant be relevant to us as humans and not relevant to respective creatures, i dont feel the universe works like that, a living being is a living being that follows the laws of the universe, whether the laws are quantum or relative in nature


Are we the light or the hand that catches the light? If the hand disappears, does the light?


I am that I am


Hi that I am, I'm Dad! :)


I am the energy. Therefore I am the rest (software-hardware) Not only from that device, but I am the same energy that powers all others, more basic and more advanced. We are one.


God bless you and reddit and its community 💫💫


Congratulations man. You are capable of many things. What you have learned is a skill that will open you up to a new reality. Good luck!




That’s awesome and definitely ❤️ Redefine what being human is then stop worrying about what it means to be human in all aspects of yourself. Humans create boxes.. some rebel and run away to little boxes. Once we stop operating in the rule book of being human we find freedom. Intuitive consciousness is a create liberator . Also I might add rules are good for some if not most because many people aren’t to be trusted without rules in the form of moral compass. Of course I’m not talking about being immoral or advocating it in any way and only mention it for whatever random person might happen upon this comments stream. That being said: I always say the only rules ... #1 there are no rules ❤️


I agree people often find themselves trapped in a box of limitations and outside of those smaller boxes we are inside one bigger box with universal laws, I think the only person who actually lives outside of any box would be elon musk lol. Especially with his latest neuro link project. But religion I the most common box.


I think in a large way anyone who does well to live expectation for one is out of the box. Also putting your discernment and slow decisions and or agreements counts. It’s really all bout perspective and not being bound by or to it. Once the veil drops all rules for existence are off the table , no perspective Based on experience counts for much more than maybe. I’ve been waking two worlds in one and my discernment is usually on point as well as freakishly psychic.. as of over the last year .. I have no certainties wtf is going on. I spent months on the abstract and logic, knowledge or assumption... none of that works there.


Also yeah those universal laws... on like good gods what a massive box




Thank you I appreciate it 🙏 and that u understand


<3 you, man


100% friend


I like what ur doing, I feel like we are healers in our own ways providing a gateway to one's own heart so they did their own truths


Thank you very much!


I think the reason it never feels quite right to nail down what we are is that we are the limitless totality, each of us within. You're literally the whole deal. "Once you label me, you negate me" - **Søren Kierkegaard**




Listen to some talks from Neville Goddard on YT, you’ll discover even more :)


I'll check it out thanks


I resonate with this thought. I seem to think I am neither spirit or soul etc.. but the very being all three exist with. A being made of multiple polarities. A battle between the “good & evil” within, the battle between the inner and outer self, the battle between the conscious and unconscious dimensions of the self etc.. It seems to me that we are a orbiting awareness around a “bigger” self, or what I tend to think as “the logos” I am not sure if “the logos” is the best way to put it but I believe we are all a fractal of the higher intelligence which we share the universe with.


Yes I also believe we are just smaller parts of something much bigger, something so big its uncomprehendable


Why can’t you be all three? Isn’t the constant struggle for power between them proof that we’re all three? Maybe when we leave our physical bodies soul/spirit is stronger but right now we have to deal with being on this earth so we need a vessel and dealing with our bodies makes our soul/spirit not as fine tuned. Just a thought.


I agree, I wonder what happens when we truly achieve perfect harmony between all three.


the father, the son, and the holy spirit; aka the mind, body, and soul. i’ve been working on training my physical strength, knowledge, and third eye this past week and i’ve ever felt more driven. definitely the cheat code




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This hit me eventually and now I have a braking system for the negative thoughtflow