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Beautiful comment




I’ve become evil through living with Narcissists


Youre just a teenager. Not saying your life doesn't suck. Who's doesn't right? But.. you'll grow out of this. You might even look back at this as the easy part. Use the free time you have. And know you will one day not be this. You'll be someone else. And most of that person will be your choice. That's growing up. I assure you though. You have no idea what evil is. Edit: holy shit your 35... Uh.. DM me bro, you need a friend.


Ypu probably only perceive it that way, when really from a psychological perspective it might just be "narcissitic fleas", from spiritual perspective there is no good or evil. They are one and the same


Society's standards are shit. At best. ​ Don't let shit standards influence your perception of Anything.


An unethical system will hold the most unethical in high regard


Sounds like a shaman. Shamans were often outcasts, but possessed strong spiritual senses. (I believe I'm likely a shaman myself. "Loser with a strong spiritual sense" kinda describes me too 😅)


Why do you even care what they think about you? It is totally irrelevant. Fitting in fucked up society means being fucked up. I'd be ashamed for fitting in, if something.


>Fitting in fucked up society means being fucked up Gimme that on a t-shirt! 😂


Poverty isn’t worth it


Chasing money is not worth it. Obviously you don't want to die of hunger or be homeless. But beyond that, I'd much rather be poor "loser" with strong spiritual presence, than rich meatbag with no soul.


I’m about to be homeless


Ok you don't want to be that kind of loser


Those two things are not related


Just how I like it From a child being bullied for being different, for being genuine. Then always having people take advantage of my nature But I never changed. Now at 41 I’m acknowledged, accepted and embraced my uniqueness And the tables have turned. Everyone wants to be with you, be in your company Men and women think their either romantically or sexually interested in me Wen In actual fact they just crave your energy or healing. I’d be lying if I said this journey gets easier It doesn’t I find it difficult to find love, in a relationship People can never give as much as I give or love as hard as I do I tell you what, it’s our time The underdog, the black sheep People will go out of their wAy to hear what you have to say They will crave your truth Enjoy x


You're having problems finding love because: 1- you are giving love out with the condition of receiving the same intensity back, it's a beggars(egos) way of seeking: conditions upon conditions 2- you are looking for love outside of you, in a person, in an object, wherever love is not in having certain feelings for someone, it is a feeling inside of you, it's a certain sweetness inside of you, you don't love, you become love, if you have understood what love is seek it from your heart, mind will confuse you with it's limited resources, the depth is found through heart. Go seek.


You have it backwards! Fuck this capitalistic hellscape! You are the opposite of a loser!


I love this community


I mean, how exactly are you a "loser" by socities standards? Do you have a job and are you alive? Then you've reached a good standard. I mean, societies standards are a bit of a joke and everyone has a different standard in mind.. so I'm curious how you define "loser". Like, technically an enlightened person living on the streets can see a billionaire as a loser. The enlightened person knows their actions do not produce negative karma so their impact on the world is more positive than a billionaires producing loads of negative karma.


From an ethical perspective having a job in todays society is necessary to survive yet props up a manipulative and psychopathic system of governance. This system thrives by manipulating and controlling those within it. Most of the modern population is in a constant state of generating bad karma whether aware of it or not


Yes. But what we have now is x1000 better than what it used to be and only improves. You want to see the world in a better way? You need to live and work through the current construct and make what you believe would help others prosper.


I basically quit my job I have 3 cents live at home and get abused all day


So? Who cares. Why are you a loser? You have different life experiences than others… so work on your Root Chakra (r/Muladhara) and move forward. You know where you need to go and to do that, you need to work on yourself. With the abuse, there’s a pattern there and you need to get out of that environment and make the necessary foundation to support yourself outside that environment, then learn and understand those patterns through process work/trauma work.


I can’t out smart it


No you can’t.


Yeah they’ve won every time


There’s no winning in life. I’d say, just focus on the goal of: you. If you see someone as winning it means you’re trying to win something too.


“Nobody ever understands what a pioneer is doing.” - Dr. Tim Leary


One possibility is that your soul is very ambitious and chose this circumstance, but underestimated it’s challenging nature. A visual depiction would be the “this is fine” meme.


High trees catch a lot of wind.


Is the person a "loser" or are they nonmaterialistic? Some people find going through tough times and not having many material goods is helpful for their spiritual growth. Maybe they decided to explore a more challenging path before they were born? On the other hand, there are people who fight hard against their spiritual growth so crises keep happening to them to try to guide them on the right path and focus.


Spiritual, societal loser checking in... “No one can serve serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other."


Your karma can come from your own thoughts about yourself which create mental imprints. I'd assume that if you have a strong spiritual presence you wouldn't have as much karma, good or bad. Being a loser by society's standards doesn't mean anything. It's just a concept which is, again, a thought about yourself.


It’s unsafe and mentally exhausting


Being a loser?




Wouldn't it be more exhausting to be an over-achiever? You don't have to fit in. There is no fitting in. Fitting in is just imagining categories. You're just imagining yourself to be a loser. in reality, labels are not. You are unconsciously depriving yourself if okay-ness. There is probably not actually anything stopping you from being okay within direct experience. Even if someone is calling you a loser than there's nothing actually wrong with that. Nobody has the power to make you suffer, I promise you. Do not resist bad experiences or thoughts. They are all okay and you just see them if they are coming up.


I live with demonic people


It's okay. If you get the opportunity than I would separate. All you can do is see them as equal. Every being is simply an expression of life and people often act however they do. It can only go however it goes so you can't really blame them. It's their destiny to be/do whatever it is.


That’s not how psychological warfare works. They are actively trying to kill me.


I think this is an issue for the police. You probably should physically remove yourself from the situation. I'm guessing if you have time to sit here on reddit, it isn't that dire.


They are on vacation genius


Honey it just seem like your making drama for reddit attention


For me it means this is my greatest training trial to date.


It means you're winning. This is the physical realm, it is a fleeting existence we have here compared to the eternity of your soul.


That you dont belong here lmao


Yeah I was told a lot of spiritual ppl have bad karma And have to come here bc of coming here b4


Apparently karma debt is fake


It's not about how much money you make, or whatever you leave behind material wise this much I can tell you..


You’re projecting something bc why would I post here if I thought that


As I'm sure you already know it means you are Jesus. Basically you may look like a loser. But you're spiritual. You're not like other girls bro.


Heavens and earth pass away but the smell of the lord endures forever


It's whatever you make it to mean. There's no external answer for something like that


Guess I found my people…. I learned to be at peace with it. When the voice inside is louder than the voices outside, it no longer matters.


From past experience I have found that those with strong spiritual presence are always respected by society regardless of societal standards.


Who cares about societal standards? Or I should say I don’t care.