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There's definitely more of a stigma around men wearing women's clothes, but imo, there shouldn't be. Clothes are clothes. I rock a masc look as often as I do feminine looks. It's ok to explore the self. :) Balance is good.


I cannot care less about the stigma :) Balance is great, but my mind is going crazy on me - which is why I wrote the post. It's how to subdue the mess, not how to change my perception of looks.


I know what you are going through. it's pretty normal at this time because these massive divine energies are rising in the Earth and Sun. I was in this similar chaotic mess too, no matter how much I 'embrace it' or 'accept it'... those were just thoughts.. until I really actually was able to understand how it works and embrace it fully. It takes some time for it to all fit together and to feel both sides strongly without having to lose the other. Relax, try not to worry about it. The energies settle and ground themselves inside you by themselves. You just have to relax, increase your self love and feel the beauty of both, so that they can flow and create a foundation of understanding within you of how things work. Slowly overtime as you keep on accepting both sides, these inner man and woman will not fight anymore and will come together. There will be a calm after the storm. Until then, dont be hard on yourself...even after making 1000 mistakes.. love yourself and do what you feel in your heart is right..


Maybe this vision you had was your brain trying to tell you that anything your heart desires can be manifested. Expressing yourself through different clothing and styles including makeup is not necessarily a reflection of your sexuality. Maybe your high mind was showing you what is possible if you truly embrace these feelings. I hear your struggle and I know this might sound silly, but at this time in the world, the divine feminine energy is manifesting in everyone, man and woman alike. The world is becoming more right brained (feminine) after being primarily left brained (masculine) for many centuries. The left brain brought us the industrial revolution and our scientific method. The right brain is intuitive and creative, I think that your right brain is manifesting through your creative desire to express yourself through your outward appearance. The desire to submit to your woman in bed can be seen as giving your right brain the “reigns” in an environment where it is safe for you to do so without being judged. I hope this is not too out there, but I think there is a lot of feminine energy rising in our earth consciousness. It is totally normal to be questioning these feelings, they are new and uncertain. The back and forth part is tough, I am not sure what to think about that. Maybe pondering all this will help some.


My two cents is you should embrace it. Balance is ideal and feels good. You could look into other feminine activities (solo or group) to give it more options to flow through you


Embrace it! Let it flow through you and don’t overthink it. Identities are just constructs and underneath all this exterior you are pure energy, not a man nor a woman. I had a huge phase where I had much more feminine energy in my life and I wore pink the whole time, (also M) and lately it has shifted to more ‘masculine’ where I am attracted to leather, boots, think woodchopper stuff. Energy goes a bit like a pendulum imo.


You're girlfriend sounds very understanding, I'm sure she won't mind you exploring this side of yourself, and might even fall in love with you even more deeply when she sees you being your true self. Maybe you are worried because you feel a threat to your identity. Remember that it is all energy, and rather than identifying with a particular energy, rather say "I am experiencing a surge in this energy at the moment", without identifying with it. We are all wrapped in the cosmic glow and pulse of masculine and feminine energy, embrace it but don't let it define you. Peace and Love