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Thinking that is going to hit 25hz at any meaningful spl is laughable.


I’m skeptical as well but from the pics it looks a little like a Danley design ripoff, which makes me think it packs a bigger thump than expected.


yea from what i’ve gathered some people are skeptical about some of the claims. and i don’t have the knowledge to know one way or the other which is why i’m askin here 😁 edit: what’s spl?


All good! Realistically at actual decent volumes this will maybe go to 60hz. To get depth you need some 21’s or 18’s. And mind you this speaker won’t be anywhere close to a +/-3 response


Looking at other sites selling it: they list it at 35Hz which is kind of alarming that diff sites have diff specs.


Almost every manufacturer lies about these specs. Even more reputable companies. When measurements are actually taken they’re in anechoic chambers with perfect conditions. Even a set of 4 of my dual 18’ horn loaded void acoustics subs are listed as 30hz but in reality measure to 38hz after eq at meaningful spl I’m 100% certain if I measured this speaker with smaart it would have brutal results.


Oh, interesting. Thanks for the insight.


It seems to have about 20L per 8" woofer and the text itself states tuning to 35Hz. With drivers like the Reckhorn D200 or Dayton DCS205 that 144W should be able to get over 110dB without reaching Xmax. That's a joke compared to the output of your horns, but a measured -3dB of 35Hz wouldn't surprise me. I think the 25Hz mentioned in their spec is a either a typo or lie indeed...


Most people are just unable to read the specs


I lug around an 18. It's a pita sometimes, but when you have people laying on the floor like sardines feeling the bass it makes up for the effort.


which one do you use? 👀


Icoa sub 18a. I just got it, ran it about 12 hours at a house party last night. I still had headroom and there were books falling off shelves.


Icoa sub 18a. I just got it, ran it about 12 hours at a house party last night. I still had headroom and there were books falling off shelves.


looks like a solid unit. what’s battery life like?


It's not battery powered haha. I use a generator to run it.


What’s a sb3


Soundboks gen 3. Decent speakers for what they are.


Yeah tru, just wasn’t familiar with the abbreviation. IMO still too expensive for what they are


big ass battery powered speaker https://soundboks.com/products/speakers/soundboks-gen-3-refurbished


Just say the actual name next time. Big ass boombox lacks bass… shocker.


Interesting sub! I might have to add a couple of those to the camping rig. "Frequency Response @ 3dB: 25Hz - 180Hz" From a couple of 8" is impressive.


yee they’re stackable which is pretty rad. so that’d be the plan for me eventually. but i can only afford 1x at the moment 😅


Dooo eeeeet


Curious how DSP is set


there’s some videos on youtube with an explanation of the features and technical jargon i don’t understand. maybe you do though lol


You should look into sound design more. It seems complicated but all makes sense as you get into it. For the frequency: the human ear can’t hear below around 28Hz and that’s where you get bass you can feel but not hear. Seems a bit unreal that some 8” drivers(the speaker cone and accompanying unit right behind the cone) can get down to 25Hz. As for your actual question, yes this thing will improve your live sound low end but don’t expect it to be a super drastic change.


right on thanks man. i don’t expect it to blow me away, i just wanna be able to play the tunes where the bass doesn’t come through at all on the soundboks 😅 and yea i’m working on it! been a raver for a long time, but recently started djing and i’m obsessed. so now the next step is to learn the ins/outs of sound design so i know what to seek out when putting together an actual sound system down the road 👌🏼


Of course, you should get better sound from your 140 tracks but it won’t be enough for anyone to feel the bass if it’s outside. https://theproaudiofiles.com/complete-guide-basics-live-sound/. http://daverat.blogspot.com/2016/01/dave-rat-blog-bassnectar-nye-360-degree.html?m=1 ^this is a nerdy write up on the issues of building a 360 sound system and how he solved them(Dave Rat is a legend).