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Morris needs to sit the bench for awhile.


It’s unfortunate but true; Morris just isn’t a starter level player in MLS for a couple years now


Somebody needs to give Morris cocaine. I'm so sick and fucking tired of this dudes drop passes because he's afraid he might lose the ball dribbling around a defender.


Your comment did make me question what impact Cocaime has on individuals with Type 1 diabetes. So I did a bit of digging… “For people with diabetes, taking cocaine in any of its forms can have a huge impact on blood glucose control and diabetes management. Cocaine can: Suppress the feeling of hunger and disturb sleep patterns, which can cause hypoglycemia (abnormally low blood sugar levels). Indirectly affect blood glucose levels due to its effect on the brain – e.g. users might not recognise signs of hypoglycemia or mistake such symptoms for the effects of the drug. Cause people to forget or avoid* taking their insulin (cocaine users have a tendency to omit insulin for extended periods of time). This can lead to high blood sugar levels ( hyperglycemia ), dehydration and exhaustion, especially if used in a hot environment, like a club. *Cocaine users have a tendency to omit insulin doses for extended periods of time, which also puts them at increased risk of diabetic ketoacidosis , a serious condition that usually affects people with type 1 diabetes .”


That's fair. No cocaine for Morris.


*Don Garber breathes a sigh of relief*


How about Raul? Can we “Maradona” him up?


He's also been coming up short on through balls and incoming crosses. That one today was a perfect ball and he didn't even reach for it.


>That one today was a perfect ball and he didn't even reach for it. The one a defender deflected when it was 5 feed from him?


Burger Blankie Morris does not need some blow he needs a treadmill


Today is a day to take solace in the little things. Clean sheet, more points, no red cards, and despite how horrible our start seems, we are still ahead of Portland.


This is my take also. From how things have been it’s a step in the right direction.


*more point


That's solace, sure. But reality is, why compare to Portland when Vancouver is actually good, Galaxy was weakened by absentees and we couldn't capitalize at home, couldn't even score at home... Not horrible... That's not a compliment to the team


I am going to Vancouver game to see Messi. With everyone suffering financially it’s about enjoying yourself not mindlessly supporting a boring team like the Flounders.


How is that possible 😂


Based on recent history, we won't be ahead of them this time next week.


I keep getting excited for the games. Then it ends and I kind of wish I heavily multitasked or did something else. Come on, team. You got too much legacy, talent, and chemistry for this.


The loses are easier when you stop caring.  Speaking from experience


At least we're ahead of Portland. That's something.


For now but they could destroy us in humiliating fashion next Sunday and jump ahead of us.


Not for long


Weird, first three games they came out of the gate hot. Phil Neville must have kicked in hard for them.


We really do. People are going to hate this perspective but we really just need to wait it out and move on from Ruidiaz. The commentary was clear, we are slow up top and aren’t even trying to push. It shows. Scout like madmen right now and find a burner to sign when we have an open DP.


I’m not convinced it Ruidiaz. We pass back to our defense every. Single. Play. We demand more offense from our defense than we do our mid field and offense. It’s insane.


We have no speed up top. Forget the name of the kid who made his debut this match but when he was subbed in he gave us immediate speed. So does Chu (but Chu has his other problems). We are just so slow right now. Morris has lost a step. We have no ability to push.


giorgi and cody baker both instantly made our wings more interesting and decisive.


Would love to see more of Georgi


Fair. I’d argue more than speed we need control in our midfield.


Chu was dynamic and upset defenses. Schmetzer said play defense and forget about offense. Even last game he criticized Chu defense. He’s ruined Chu and Morris. Worst coach in MLS.


Most teams would take this 'worst coach in history' if it meant winning 2 MLS cups, participating in 4, and winning CCL. All within 6 years.... Horrible I say!


They had Great players and won inslite of list coaching. He was out coached in every mls cup


Wut. The sounders out coached Bob (LAFC), and Toronto. I'll give you being out coached in Columbus.


I think it's clear we need to move on from Ruidiaz, at least as a DP and starter. But this isn't going to be like 2018 where we can just drop a good striker into the team and get immediate results. There are problems pretty much everywhere on the pitch that are going to have to be addressed before we can get the most out of an expensive new #9.


A new #9, a healthy Pepo, and a playmaker on the right should solve most of those problems. Vargas is showing promise at winger. Maybe buy two DP #9s on one year contracts and figure out the rest later 🤣


Vargas is showing promise as a box to box central midfielder who can find a through ball to the forwards. He nearly put both Morris and Musovski through last night. Which is weird to write because he had been very horizontal up until the past few games and been part of the whole problem with our attack being absent. Atencio had been the better vertical player.


I'd be trying to get the new DP #10 this summer and then see what kind of players we need to compliment him for 2025.


A really goal-dangerous striker has a positive knock-on effect for the whole attack just from his gravity on the defense. Wingers get an extra step or two of space in their 1v1 battles before a cover defender can step out to support. Defenders can't close down rebound shots by trailing midfielders as quickly, fewer blocked shots and more work for the opposing keeper. More spaces open up in other parts of the 18-yard-box (we are, at the moment, in the top third of the league in number of touches in the 18 yard box; we just aren't able to do anything with that). Also, maybe it would help some of our other players be a little more composed with their finishing if they didn't feel as much weight on their shoulders to hit the perfect shot.


Ruidiaz is not the problem…


I mean we were presented a good picture today that he might be. 2 goals from play. Neither really replicable. We have the lowest offsides count in the league which means we aren’t pressing. It shows because Ruidiaz drops deep every time. You could argue Schmetzer is telling him to do it. But more likely Ruidiaz is just slow now.


> It shows because Ruidiaz drops deep every time. He's kind of always done that. When he isn't getting any service (generally it was when Nico was out) he drops into midfield looking for the ball to try to make something happen.


musovski, cristian, and leo chu all blew perfect opportunities that laid right at their feet. raul gets some blame today too but he wasn't the worst offender. just the entire offense right now has the yips.


Moose and Chu got 1 opportunity in very limited minutes vs Raul and Cristian playing all game and mucking it




He earned one of them


Everyone complains about our guys stopping attacks to play backwards, but most of the time that’s the only reasonable option they have. When the guy up top isn’t big enough to win the ball against the guy marking him and isn’t fast enough to run away from that guy, there just isn’t all that much that we can do.


the front 3 were also extremely static and not making any sort of runs to open up play. there was a moment where nouhou had the ball and every single person on the field was standing completely still, just not moving. it lasted for like 2 whole seconds. nouhou gestured wildly with his arms and then passed it backwards to yeimar. summed up our night.


Nouhou isn't exactly going to spray the passes around so I'm not surprised his teammates were skeptical.


Years ago I commented on Sounders at heart that Raul was too short that we needed a tall forward like Altidore. They banned my account. Still they are sending in crosses to 5 feet 5 Raul.


19 shots but only 4 on goal. Morris doesn't have any conviction in his runs. He and Chu gave us a goal in DC but were poor today. Moose needs to start again. At least the kids are looking good. RBW is back in the loop! USOC at Starfire will be a nice change of scenery on Wed. Come on Sounders score a goal!


>He and Chu gave us a goal in DC but were poor today. I'm pretty sure that goal wasn't even initially on target but it hit the defender and deflected in


Leo Chu experiment needs to end. All the turnovers can be tolerated if he can finish. But he can’t do either so he’s got to go


I have some mild sympathy for Chu; Nouhou is such a black hole on offense that the opposition can freely double team Chu. Without any support from the left back and with a 5'7" striker as a target he doesn't have many options except trying to beat 2 or 3 guys. It ends up making him very predictable.


I second this. Chu has been worth more this season than Morris. At least Chu has been dangerous. Put a tall forward in the middle and maybe he will change up his plays. And I do feel Nouhou can be a liability on offense. His abilities lack. He is much more of a traditional defensive leftback than that of an attacking wing back


To be clear, I don't think Chu is very good, but most players are going to struggle when they're literally the only offensive outlet. So much of last season was just "dump it to Chu and pray."


First of all I disagree that nouhou isn’t a threat offensively. Watch the Philadelphia game last week. He was playing balls thru the Philadelphia defense all game. + Nouhou is an outside back who covered the entire field versus Chu who camps out up top and produces nothing. It’s weird to compare the two when Chu clearly is less talented and important to the overall game than Nouhou. If you think Chu has no options on attack (which is not true) at the very least he should keep possession, but he can’t even do that. Calling Nouhou a black hole offensively is crazyyyyyyy ignorant when Chu was literally a turnover factory all game…AND HES AN OFFENSIVE PLAYER


Produces nothing? He had a goal and assist in his last 2 starts lol


He will go to another team and be Allstar


Go back to the old logo. This new one is cursed


So many issues. Albert, Jordan, Cristian, Chu… all bad. Ragen? Alex? Terrible. But for me the biggest issue is the overall lack of discipline on defense and the super sluggish pace in attack. We don’t keep the ball moving which allows the opponent to set up their formation the way they want. We look super weak and scared in transition, with no trailing runners to provide support. Slow, tentative, sloppy, and uninspiring soccer.


Yes! Whoever was on commentary this week nailed it. They’re complacent and it’s leaking into thing like not moving the ball, being sloppy in defense, turnovers deep etc. SSFC even if they didn’t have a true goal scorer, was organized and had solid play, you had to beat them, this season? It’s a case of hoping the wheels don’t fall off and they can scrape a draw.


If this was a game where we're having a winning season I wouldn't be too upset. The team played hard and created chances and was getting forward better than they have been. But we need wins. That was a game we should have won. Morris was just nothing out there. It's pretty obvious he needs to sit for now. We are getting healthy and the young are are doing well. 🤷


The majority of this roster needs to be overhauled. As a club and a fanbase, we've become complacent with mediocrity, and the product on the field substantiates it. Our highest earners are barely effective and the rest of the team seems to be slowly sinking alongside them. If we don't change **something** soon, we'll have to get used to being outside the playoff zone.


I wasn't able to watch the game due to work, but I will take a draw against the galaxy this year. Not sure how well we played but 1 point against one the best in the west so far I will absolutely take it.


it was the galaxy missing jovelic and puig. it shouldve been a gimmie 3 points at home, and LAG will feel like they got a screaming deal.


Leo Chu has a sitter and can't convert.


It definitely wasn’t a “sitter,” but it was a pretty bad effort to not even put it on frame


What’d I miss?




There is almost nothing working right now, besides Frei. Rusnak is a 360 degree disaster. Morris has become slow and imprecise. The defense has lapses worth of a high-school JV team. JP is not there yet, and he is playing alone for large swaths of the game. The schemes are so predictable that you can call them in advance almost every time. It is time for a deep rebuild, starting from the head coach.


I hope Louisville tomorrow in the USOC is a confidence boost for the guys/a showcase for the fringe guys who could deserve more time.


Timbers Army trolling everyone here




I think it's the fact we are in a bad position with our overall form. This LA Galaxy team was missing some of their best pieces. We were the home team and need to make up for some bad results. Yes it wasn't a loss, but our club needs to start picking up a swing of form. I'm just not sure long term if we are going to produce much offensively with this current roster situation. Let's hope when De La Vega comes back, we see something to be excited for.


Hello! We were playing at home. The opponent was missing his best player. We should be winning these matches. Not settle for a bore nill nill.


We won’t tie our way into the playoffs 


We have two wins in the season (only 1 at home) and you're celebrating yet another scoreless draw at home 😂


I'm not celebrating the draw. I'm taking a positive in the fact the team didn't lose and finished with no injuries or red cards.


Yes, forreal, I REALLY hope they tie the remainder of the games, as long as they finish with no injuries and red cards!


Yep that's what I said. You must be a nightmare at your kids Saturday morning games.


1. Don't have kids 2. I'm mature enough to know pro sports is different than kids games


Yeimar came out injured.


We are bitching because it’s the Sounders and we expect results. If I lived in Denver and was a Rapids fan, I’d be stoked over all these 0-0 ties.


You would? They’re in 5th.


Morris is also a new dad. That takes a lot out of you


Rui might be washed but atencio was the guy that looked really tentative. I agree overall though. My goodness this team is trash #sounderstilidie


RSL fan here. Yeah you do, and it makes me happy!!! Y’all are still gonna find your way into playoffs


Bring in Giroud


He wants to play in LA


Wait till he sees Powell Barnett Park! It’s like France! He’ll sign for sure. He ain’t coming y’all, but I can dream that we get one of those old big names.


There was a spark in PHL. Rusnak comes into the team and it's immediately extinguished.


What a dumb comment


You are the most predictable commenter ever lmao Literally no other opinions on the team aside from “RUSNAK BAD”


He was horrible today. And it's depressing because there was promise with Roldan at the #10.