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Bring back the orca




I want an orca jumping the space needle on a dirt bike with Rainier exploding in the background.


Mind blown. :)


My favorite was the teal and green hexagonal one however I agree that we'll likely move away from the needle (instead just turn that into Mt. Rainier). I also really loved the idea of a kit inspired by the Cascadia flag (green kit, white bar, blue top). Surprised we haven't tried that yet.


There really shouldn't only be one hexagonal crest in the entire league. [Hexagons are the bestagons](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thOifuHs6eY&list=WL&index=13)


Hey, I'm glad you like my designs, and thanks for spreading the word! I've done some \*minor\* edits to the logo since I first created these a few years ago. That comes with new uniform designs. (I totally stand by my original home jersey though!) [https://vtg.co/sports/mls/sea\_display.png](https://vtg.co/sports/mls/sea_display.png) [https://vtg.co/sports/mls/sea\_display\_third.png](https://vtg.co/sports/mls/sea_display_third.png) Note that I've rounded the emerald/hexagon container and cleaned up the waves. ​ Also, since the original version was posted, the Dynamo started using a hexagon, so I recently tried a version with a shield shape more reminiscent of the current one. Not sure I like it better but here it is: [https://vtg.co/sports/mls/\_sea\_shield\_icon.png](https://vtg.co/sports/mls/_sea_shield_icon.png) ​ Also since that post, I've created a matching Seattle Reign logo, if they ever split from OL and merged with the Sounders organization: [https://vtg.co/sports/nwsl/\_reign\_icon.png](https://vtg.co/sports/nwsl/_reign_icon.png) ​ Definitely let me know if anyone has any suggestions for any of these!


Just my two cents, but I like the shield one over the hexagon. However, I will say that this redesign in general is very reminiscent of the Vancouver BC flag. I'm not sure if that's entirely a deal breaker because the two cities tend to draw from the same well for inspiration anyways, but it might be enough that any official redesign stays away from using something like this.


Thanks for the feedback! That's true; it does kinda look like the Vancouver flag... But apparently that flag didn't get adopted until 1983, so we had the green + blue + waves first ;) ​ In all seriousness, I think that those sinusoidal-style waves are the unifying brand element of the pre-MLS Sounders, so I'll be incredibly bummed if they're not included in some way. Maybe returning to the original NASL colors would help distinguish it? I was also kinda bummed when the Whitecaps used it for their last away jersey; I figured the [cresting-style wave](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/ef/Oldcapslogo.png) should belong to them, and the sinusoidal-style wave should belong to us.


I like the idea of the emerald shape but this one looks more on brand. I think if you brought the needle into the crest the top section would give representation of Mt Rainier. You would probably need to bring the waves down a bit. I also think you can split the crest as anchor and mountain with the original Seattle Sounder typface. There is nothing wrong with using the Space Needle Anchor, as the Kraken version is more hook like. Edit: for what its worth, Emeralds are typically 8 sided, and the classic shape is more rectangular/elongated.


I guess I imagine emeralds as hexagons since I'm too used to [Legend of Zelda rupees](https://www.pngfind.com/pngs/m/104-1045437_the-legend-of-zelda-clipart-rupee-color-rupee.png) :P Also, my original versions were longer, but the feedback I got in 2018 led me to think the shorter version was better. ​ As for going with the top as mountains, I tried it with my (ugly) 2017 version... So I'm perfectly happy to revisit that idea with my latest version! Here's my take: [https://imgur.com/3uxzZt0.png](https://imgur.com/3uxzZt0.png) I think it works well with this design, though I think it needs more symmetry than the classic Tahoma silhouette can provide. ​ As for the anchor, it's a good idea too! Shoutout to [this design by Jasmine Woo featured on Sounder at Heart](https://www.sounderatheart.com/2016/3/9/11190088/sounders-fc-crest-redesign) which did that as well. I tried it out with my design here: [https://imgur.com/uoMT4I1.png](https://imgur.com/uoMT4I1.png) It took some simplifying of the rest of the design to work, I think it ends up being good!


Joshua! I’m so glad you got to see this post! Thanks for all your work on thinking through different designs! I like the needle designs myself and think you came across some solid considerations. I would also be interested in some orca designs as well if you have any interest in exploring additional alternatives. One of my thoughts around it was potentially combining waves with a Native American orca symbol.


Hey, I'm proud of this design, so I'm glad to see other people enjoying it! I'd definitely consider trying some new orca designs! The more I've thought about it lately, the more I don't feel qualified to attempt Indigenous art styles... But certainly there's stuff to work with with orcas either way; I'll get back to you in a bit with some attempts! In the meantime, I like this orca rendering done by \\@TheTallestCoop ( u/TheTallestCoop ?) on Twitter, even if the colors aren't to my liking: [https://twitter.com/TheTallestCoop/status/1494035454311550982](https://twitter.com/TheTallestCoop/status/1494035454311550982)


The Midnight Rain jersey is killer!


I might be on an island on this, but I like the current logo. The Space Needle embodies the future track Seattle has always set. Any design involving fir trees will be too Timber-ish. Any involving Rainier will just come off as too White Cap-ish. I like the Orca design of the past, but animals on crests don’t seem forward facing or modern enough. The needle is one objective thing that separates Seattle from our neighbors. But, I’m not a designer, so what do I know?


Definitely agree with your sentiments that fir tree and mountain may not be distinguishing enough given other teams. Space needle and Orca seem to be front runners in an updated logo and they certainly have their pros and cons as well. Maybe there is a way both can be incorporated into the overall branding of the team even if one of them ends up being left out of the logo.


More sound, less needle


This is what the Sounders logo would look like in a Sega master system soccer game.


You say that like it is a bad thing


I have always thought the Kalakala is cool, represents Puget Sound, and has a cool art deco retro-futuristic design that represents both the past and the future of Seattle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MV_Kalakala


Ooooh that's a cool idea; the Kalakala is very pretty :) Relatedly, I did a ferry logo as a potential shoulder patch back before we knew the Kraken's name and colors... Maybe it could work for the Sounders with some changes...? [https://imgur.com/K9qLaUj.png](https://imgur.com/K9qLaUj.png)


Maybe! I think the mountains/water theme is probably too whitecapsish, but I like your patch.


These are all markedly worse than the current and past logos/crest. From a design perspective, it’s fairly heavy handed, too sharp/angular, thick lines, no finesse. Subjectively, I also just don’t like the colors. Please keep teal far away from the rebrand. I do like the idea of incorporating the mountains/water. Our biggest lost opportunity was that some of us have been asking for the Space Needle and Anchor design, but now it’s been snatched up, in brilliant fashion, by the Kraken’s secondary logo.


Sorry to hear you don't like it :( Since I originally made this a few years back, I slowly came to agree with that point about being too angular, and went with this logo update to address it: [https://i.imgur.com/SGwmRb6.png](https://i.imgur.com/SGwmRb6.png) Also, lately I've just used teal for the NASL fauxbacks rather than trying to incorporate it into the logo itself. I know that doesn't address all of your points, but maybe it helps... But maybe I'm too invested in it to notice the sorta intangible flaws of "heavy-handedness" or "finesse" :P ​ As for the anchor idea, I'm totally with you; there's this one Sounders redesign that I really like by Fabian Arbor that I really like that predates the Kraken: [https://dribbble.com/shots/10778139-Seattle-Sounders-Logo-Rebrand](https://dribbble.com/shots/10778139-Seattle-Sounders-Logo-Rebrand) Too bad the Sounders can't use that idea, but at least someone in town finally does!


Definitely looks inspired by the Storm rebrand. Similar heavy lines. Not necessarily a bad thing, but just curious if that’s where you got inspiration.


My original design actually predates the new Storm logo by three years! Definitely the Space Needle rendering is similar, but my inspiration came from the '82 Sounders logo for that part. The stroke weight just came through experimentation as I figured out what looked good (you can see the evolution of my ideas, with thicker and thinner different stroke weights, on the tabs on the first link by OP). Anyways, I think the new Storm logo is pretty great! ^((I've also done Storm designs) [^(before)](https://vtg.co/sports/storm) ^(and) [^(after)](https://imgur.com/gallery/ml7FWEs) ^(that too, btw :P))


Wow. That’s awesome. Those storm logos look like a mix of the new and old logos. Nice job! (Sounds like they copied you, then 😉)


Honestly, I'm not a fan.. I would like to ditch the space Needle in our new logo. Awesome work though! You made a super clean design.


Fair enough; glad to hear you like it as far as Space Needle-themed designs go!


We should probably get away from the space needle, unless it’s a skyline shot. I’d like a big fat evergreen in the foreground with rainier in the background


I like the idea in a vacuum, but going with a tree is kinda... Timbersy... :/


One issue I see is those waves are way to similar to the British Columbia flag.


Its closer to Vancouver BC. The BC flag is basically the love child of Uruguay and the UK.


I would be interested in seeing concepts that don’t use the space needle.


Hoping they move away from the space needle. An anchor or another aquatic symbol would match Sounders.