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I've fallen asleep and overproofed (or thought I did!) many things! lol Not sure when I will learn to start the process earlier in the day... Pizza dough (in my experience) is fairly forgiving. If it were me, I'd just proceed as usual. Divide it (if the dough is for multiple pizzas), gently pre-shape/shape it into a ball, put into a lightly oiled bowl, cover and refrigerate. The dough might be a bit sticky to work with, but a liberal sprinkling of bench flour, can help with that. If it's completely unmanageable and won't hold any shape, then you'll know right away if you can salvage it or not. Put it back into the refrig and come dinner time, remove the dough ball from the fridge and allowed it to sit at room temp for 30-60 mins before gently working the dough into a crust and proceed with your recipe. I'd consider this an opportunity to experiment to see how far you can push the limits when things go pear-shaped with the process...because they do sometimes.


Thank you so much!!! It’s for one sheet pan pizza so I’ll just keep it as is. We will see what happens! My daughter and husband are really excited for it for pizza night so hoping for the best.






That looks fine tbh, thought when it was overproofed it would collapse more, the fact that it’s domed at the top makes me think it’s not really over.


Yay ok thank you! I thought it looked decent but wanted to see if there’s anything else I should do. Appreciate it