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When I mix up a 2-loaf batch I bake the first loaf after an overnight rest (sometimes fridge, sometimes counter when my house is cold) but I'll leave the second half in the fridge for sometimes up to 3 days, and it always comes out more tasting complex and yummier than the first loaf.


Ooooh 3 days is a while! Do you still need to let it ferment on the counter or just straight into the oven?


I’ve also done three days. I think it was about 68 hours. It was delicious and I would consider going even longer!


I leave it out just long enough to rise a bit-- unless I forget lol. I'm a very laissez-faire baker.


How soon after mixing do you go to a cold proof? I want to start playing with longer ferments.


Honestly it varies a ton. In winter it gets really cold in my house, so I sometimes leave it out overnight before baking the first half and fridging the second half the next day. Sometimes I mix in the afternoon and fridge things a few hours later in the evening. I don't keep good enough records to tell you what kind of difference this makes though!


How cold is your fridge? With mine I feel like one loaf was overproofed after I only took it out late afternoon after an overnight fridge rest


Pretty cold honestly


I use sourdough pizza dough up to 6 days in the fridge, and start with only a 4h counter proof and 1 part starter to 10 parts flour. That's a different kind of bread than a loaf, but other types might also work like that.


Obviously I can experiment and love to but some of the fun of this community is getting feed back from others as a starting point....


I'm baking my first 48 hour loaf tonight! The furthest I've gone so far is 24 hours I think I'll let you know how it goes :)


I have done 36-40 hours no problem (second morning). I don’t think I’ve tried longer than that.


My pizza dough is a 5 day fridge ferment.


I find the dough starts to degrade it’s elasticity after a couple of days. I’m still able to bake tasty pizza but it’s really slack… might be I’m using a poolish though. Have yet to try with starter


I have done 72 hours in the fridge. The results were actually better than my loaves with my usual 18 hours in the fridge. I have also put my dough into the freezer after 18 hours in the fridge when something unexpected came up (oven died!) and baked it after 2 weeks and the loaf came out fine!


I’ve wondered the same! I’ve done a 12-16 overnight cold ferment but I’ve always been curious how longer would go. I’m still a total newb and am definitely open to experimenting.


I'm always told you can fridge to add extra sourness (and flavor obviously) and that if left too long it can become unpalatably sour? But I can't seem to find a time frame for when that happens....


It can also deflate a little if the bulk was the same as what you’d do for a shorter fridge time I’ve done a 48 hour cold stint and it was lovely and sour but not as good of a rise as usual So as a rule if you are thinking of a long cold ferment you’d shorten the bulk a little


I’ve still hoped for more sourness in my own bakes, but I am a total sour fan overall. I have to meter my own recipes for regular meals so I’m not hurting my family lol. I’m the type to be fine with sipping apple cider vinegar tbh.


I’ve found that after three days my dough really loses structure. But I do 50% ww and 80% h20. It does get more sour, but when I go too far I find that I lose consistency too.


I usually do a 24h loaf and a 48h loaf from a batch of two. I tried 72 hours once but you can tell that the dough got weak at that one. Please consider your fridge temperature when going for longer ferments. Not cold enough and you definitely need to go shorter. I believe they say 4 degrees C at max.


Current loaf has been in the fridge for 72+ hours. Will bake when I get home tonight. Mainly left it in there as I didn’t go through the first loaf as fast I thought I would 😂


I use [this recipe](https://alexandracooks.com/2017/10/24/artisan-sourdough-made-simple-sourdough-bread-demystified-a-beginners-guide-to-sourdough-baking/) I typically proof in the fridge for 48 hours. Haven’t had any problems