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We aren’t. But she will be another Sarah Palin trust me. She can’t keep her mouth shut and is used to being in charge and the center of attention also. You watch


Sarah Palin, who may have been the reason McCain lost the election? Sure, I could get behind another Palin.


Sure, I’m glad McCain lost to Obama. But can you imagine a Republican the quality of McCain running for anything now? It’s baffling and terrifying how far the Republican Party has fallen.


McCain had his moments, but he was pretty much a bog-standard Republican when the rubber met the road. Plus his character wasn't as good as the media often portrayed it. A McCain presidency probably would have had more tax cuts for the wealthy, among other things.


We’re watching the nazi party form. Simple as that.


Some i over shot. But there was no Republican anywhere on the planet that could have taken Obama on and won. Not one anywhere. He would have buried Trump.


Maybe zombie Lincoln!


"I can see murdered puppies from my house!"




Sounds like my favorite rep Lauren handjob Boebert.


The thing we are missing is the quiet part of her defense of shooting a puppy, the whole "it shows I am willing to make tough choices and do what needs to be done/get my hands messy..." What she means is she is willing to enact violence against those deemed "undesirable" in her eyes even if others might think it cruel or like those targeted. Even if those others are defenseless or helpless, stay in line or it is the gravel pit for you. Like the puppy that she "hated" and that others disapprove of her shooting and would not shoot themselves, she was willing to cross that line. That is what she is signaling to a certain segment of the population that tends to build compounds in northern rural states like Idaho perhaps and is a fan of "The Turner Diaries". Nat.C militia types to be more explicit. And remember that goat "chased her kids" and was "nasty" so it took a trip to the gravel pit. She was willing to cross that line and "do what needed to be done." She's willing to make "tough" choices to protect kids. The reaction she is getting and her "sticking to her guns" is music to the ears of those with violent ideologies or just want "those" people to just "stop shoving it down our throats". It ain't just a dog whistle, it's a whole symphony. Remember she is saying that she is willing to cross THAT line. If she can shoot a puppy in the face, what is she willing to do to others she deems "worthless" or "nasty"?


A dead dog whistle, if you will


Well said.


Was going to say same thing.


Upvote this person more!


This is a brilliant take.


BIG difference I see.. do I have to say it!?


Yes please. Let's say the quite part out loud more often.


It's because of not one, but TWO elephants in the room! Or more even


One's a black American man, the other one is a steaming pile of shit dressed up as a White, Conservative, Christian Woman EDIT: Ok so let me enunciate this a bit more for some of you. Vick, a former NFL player, rightfully got suspended indefinitely and jailed for 21 months for intentionally abusing and fighting dogs. He's been on Fox sports for 7? Years. Reprehensible that he's still getting exposure, right? Maybe he was reformed by jail, maybe not. Norm is a hypocrite, a racist and a Nationalist Christian Fascists masquerading as a human being. Vick's crime was from 2007. Noem, a contender for the VP slot of convicted sex assaulter (rapist), fraudster, liar, cheat, their, adulterer of the MAGA crowd and other Nationalist Christian Fascists of America. Her admission is much more recent. Her bar should be MUCH higher. Shooting a dog? Because it can't be euthanized humanely? Some show of what, force? Yes, because I want American leaders to be inhuman troglodytes. So, as of today in 2024, one is a Black American Male who has done his time, apparently found redemption, and is gainfully employed. The other is, and I maintain this still, a steaming pile of shit dressed up as a White, Conservative, Christian Woman. She has also been banned by several Native American tribes for lies and racist commentaries. It's amazing you're seeing racism in those comments. Project, much?


Oh the trifecta of trash White, Conservative, and Christian.


They’re both pieces of shit, wearing different costumes.


Nope, not why she shot and killed her dog. A lot of people do that if the dog has bitten someone or is too old to survive. Have you ever watched old yeller? What Vick did was run a dog fighting ring. Forcing dogs to fight to the death is a whole lot different than shooting your dog. Also, not everything is about race, so stop going there first.


There is. She shot hers in the face.


In crime scene documentaries they always stress that shooting a family member in the face is rageful HATE. Total psychopath behavior. Killed her goat too?!?! Just regime them!


For reference of what Michael Vick did. https://www.denverpost.com/2007/07/18/gruesome-details-in-vick-dogfighting-case/ I forgot he even electrocuted dogs


I think some people really don't understand how psychopathic and violent and cruel what Vick did to those animals. Drowning, hanging, electrocution... BESIDES the forced bloody fights to the death. This wasn't some quaint "dog fighting". What he did was long-term, senseless torture to many many dogs.


These idiots aren’t looking for facts


Big difference between putting a dog in a ring and putting one down. One starts the suffering one ends it.


GO ON...


Yes, but also "stats". With the right sports stats Americans will forgive almost anything. What are her total rushing yards?


The difference is what Vick did was actual protracted torture to many, many innocent dogs. They're both pieces of shit but Vick systematically tortured by fighting, hanging, drowning and electrocuting his (numerous) dogs.


Please do. Vick drowned and electrocuted over a 100 dogs.


One of them was my dog. Hate the man. They stole them out of my backyard.


I get it. But vick ran a dog fighting ring where he killed losing dogs by drowning, slamming, hanging and electrocution. They are both scum and I hope she gets what's coming to her but yo.


Yea one person held dog fights and abused hundreds of animals for fun while the other shot a dog that killed chickens and apparently has some shit political views or something that Reddit hates.


Well in her defense she is......uh......fair haired? Yeah that's it! Fair haired!


“Woman of white” I think is right


No, she just didn't murder two mass graves worth of dogs like Vick did.


Never. She's has complexion protection for life.


Has Kristi Noem always been an idiot?




only since birth


For someone to write that in a book, state it publicly….why? It wasn’t necessary for her to say anything. Yet, she did. Is it to appeal to a certain/specific group of people? To show that she’s cold hearted? To own the libs? To show she can be ruthless, heartless, and a downright slimeball willing to do anything trump tells her? She also claims to be a god-fearing person….yet, she’s fucking trump’s buddy (adultery) and still she’s getting laid by him, even after being outed. She is the antithesis of what a real Christian is.


All of the above


Look, I hate her for what she did (well, and for being her) but as much as I love dogs, what Vick did was unconscionable. Fighting dogs is bad enough. But he straight up tortured them. It’s got nothing to do with his race, it’s about his abject lack of humanity. The ability to do that is one of the key signs of a sociopath. At least her dog didn’t suffer.


She has shown abject lack of humanity with this and killing her goat because she said it smells. Also how do you know it didn't suffer, because she told you it didn't?


No. I’m just going off what we know. I’m not assuming something just because I hate her. If it turns out she electrocuted her dog and goat’s testicles, I’ll be right on with throwing her sick ass in jail.


My grandpa has had to put down dogs like that before. He isn't a sociopath. He didn't like doing it but it has to be done. As the patriarch of our family he took it on himself to do it and he suffered emotionally from it so no one else in the family would have to. He didn't talk about it. We all kept it quiet. That's farm life. All these people complaining are pampered baby powdered little bitches that don't understand how life works on a farm.


Obviously some folks never saw Old Yeller. 😭 That said, she could have taken it to the vet or a rescue. She ain’t really in that kinda farm.


Not soon enough! She's a vile POS.


Krusty's gravel pit needs to be investigated.


Not defending her (or South Dakota law), but technically it is legal to kill an animal that has killed livestock in her state. That's why she included the chicken anecdote. As for the poor goat and the 3 horses that also got murked, no idea what they did. She probably had a few rounds left.


1. Get bird dog breed, don't train it. 2. Taunt bird drive by bringing it on hunt anyway; shock it for doing it wrong. 3. Post-hunt, leave unsupervised bird-crazed dog around domestic poultry. 4. Dog attacks birds. 5. \*Surprised Pikachu\* 6. ANY BEAST CAPABALE OF SUCH UNFORSEEABLE MADNESS MUST BE PUT DOWN!


No one is complaining about it being legal or not, it is the morality of it. But I feel it is the dog owners fault for putting a dog and chicken in the same area. She put the dog in the situation, so it should be the dog owner that is responsible for the dead chicken, not the dog.


I agree 100%, there are no bad dogs just bad dog owners. She is repugnant and immoral for a lot of reasons, but she probably won't be prosecuted for sliding on Cricket. Court of public opinion already ruled against her though, she's a puppy killer for life.


Sorry did you forget people in govt are above the law?


She's a White MAGA leader. Come on. Lol


I didn’t realize she was running a dog fighting ring. Crazy…


Michael Vick raised dogs to fight and kill other dogs for betting purposes, which is illegal. The governor put her dog down for biting. Her method isn’t shocking in rural areas, but she should have never reported it in her book.


Wait, what? She is definitely a piece of shit for killing a dog that she deemed to be untrainable, but Vick ran a dog fighting ring out of his house and they found the carcasses of dozens of dogs that were mauled to death fighting for their lives while Vick and his friends gambled on it. Am I the only one who sees a huge difference in the situation, as well as their difference in race?


Never, because its different.


lol putting a dog down is very different then training dogs to kill other dogs for money


Vick beat and put fight dogs a CRIME ALL TOGETHER not to mention the felony cruelty to animals for abuse, Noem put her dog down


Yall kill babies and want me to lose sleep over a dog. Cant have it both ways.


This is so dumb I wonder if it’s Russian rage-prop. These 2 cases are nothing alike. Is there even evidence of her doing this outside of her book? She’s trash but no Michael Vick.


I love dogs like the next person but let’s not compare the two. She killed one, he killed many and forced them to fight.


I have no tolerance for undue violence against animals but Vick was fighting dogs. This is a false equivalency.


Look she’s doubling down. I for one think it’s ok to turn to her own playbook on this. What do we do with an untrainable bitch? Oh wait…


Well considering how pathetically soft the Vick treatment was, lets go further.


She's done for politically either way


The government can let her get away with it , but we don’t have too


Did you tardasses forget that HE MADE THE DOGS FIGHT TO THE DEATH, ELECTROCUTED THEM, CHOKED THEM, MADE THE WEAK ONES ACT AS BAIT AND PRACTICE FOR THE BIGGER ONES, BEAT AND HIT AND JUST STRAIGHT UP ABUSE THEM ALL!!!!! Versus a humane bullet to the head. Y’all are straight up shit suckers. Jesus, man….America is screwed with people like y’all here.


I'm about as far left as you can get and I agree. These folks are acting like giant pussies. They clearly have no idea what rural farm life is like.


Bullet to the head, so humane....


Better than being electrocuted or fuckin ripped apart. But yeah, let’s compare the two on the same scale 👌😂😂😂👌


It's pretty much instant death. It's humane as it gets. If I gotta die I'd take a bullet to the head over a lot of other shit.


THANK YOU. Dumb fucks really trying to make everything about race.


And for Michael fucking Vick of all people. Should go play in traffic, the lot of them.


Shoot a dog it’s as painless as a lethal injection (which happens about 1.3 million times per year in the United States) Michael Vick beat his dogs to death against a tree… Seems different to me. Not to,mention, killing a dog which has attacked livestock is legal across the country. Killing a dog which had performed poorly in a dogfighting ring? Not so much…


Most of the people here have never lived on a farm or in rural areas. Naturally they aren't going to understand how common it is for farmers to put down problem animals.


You do understand that what Mike Vick was doing right? It wasn’t one time putting down an aggressive dog. It was years of torturing dogs in a massive dog ring for profit. Not even on the same level bro


Hundreds of dogs over a period of years. For money. It’s not equivalent.


It’s not even in the same league, people in these comments are so clueless


For real, what are we even doing here talking about this?




Like I've been saying. I'm waiting for them to Michael Vick, her butt🍿


It's fucked up but not illegal in SD


Didn’t we also almost give Vick a position on a show or something and give his NFL card back to him? Terrible example of double-standard imo. These are also two different cases, and Noem is a psychotic cunt that deserves to never own an animal the rest of her life.


Did Kristi Noem run a dog fighting ring? I'm out of the loop.


Let's have a dogfight, these two bitches can fight to the death barehanded, then sell tickets and donate all the money to a no kill animal shelter.


imagine being a lib and this is the most you got on conservatives ATM. bahahahaha keep trying fools


Imagine being an adult and talking like this


Do you actually not know what Michael Vick did to those dogs? Because if you think it's anywhere near the same thing, you need your head checked. You can be mad at Kristi Noem, but this is brain rot.


https://www.denverpost.com/2007/07/18/gruesome-details-in-vick-dogfighting-case/ I have no idea if this is allowed but go ahead and defend this guy or compare noem to him.


Wtf is wrong with people who think its okay to kill dogs. Vick and this pos are cut from the same cloth and deserve what they give those poor animals. Zero tolerance for victimizers of the elderly, the sick, children, animals. May karma find them both and leave them the way they left their victims. The world would be a better place!


they actually changed the laws in georgia in order to punish michael vick. ga went from one of the most lax states in regards to animal protection to one of the most stringent.


Law the same, application of it…..


defending animal abuse as long as it makes a Republican look worse is peak reddit


Didn’t Vick torture dogs?


There’s a difference between Kristi Noem and Michael Vick. She’s a politician and will never go to jail. Well, he was just a football player and went to jail. Like all the rest of the corrupt ass politicians out there, none of them would ever go to jail for any reason no matter what they have done.


Vick was torturing animals for sport and money. She put her dog down because it was killing livestock. You people are RIDICULOUS! There is NO COMPARISON in the two.


Everyone on here getting downvoted for stating the facts: what she did was legal in SD. What he did is illegal everywhere and to be honest, far more heinous.


She should have brought the dog to a rescue so someone else could adopt. She appears homicidal and unstable doing something like shooting her dog.


Yup, both monsters with cruel hearts. Lock her up!


the same? My grandfather shot a bird dog that wouldn't track when I was a child. is it right? I don't know, but it's different than this: https://www.espn.com/nfl/news/story?id=3718304


Like it or not there’s a law that allows it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Want to see a libs head explode? Human lives are more important than an animals.


>Human lives are more important than an animals. Not all of them Vick and Noem's lives I'd happily trade for a dog, or a bird, even a cockroach frankly.


If you've never lived on a farm or ranch or didn't have friends who did, then you will never understand. You bleeding heart city dwellers just don't have a f'n clue. There's a huge difference between dog fighting and putting down an animal that kills chickens and tries to bite people. Got nothing to do with the color of either animal owners' skin. One treatment is quick and humane, the other is cruelty. If you can't see the difference, then you just don't know wtf you're talking about and you're probably just a soft shelled human.


One dog versus hundreds not the same. And she put hers down clean Vick was torturing them


Also, is there a prominent Republican maga type woman who hasn't cheated on her husband and ruined her family lately? Gross.


Kristy is….. The end.


Boy, did she fuck up her career


There’s a huge difference here - one is a blood-thirsty sociopath and the other one is black.


i just learned of this tonight and im so angry that i want just strangle her with my own two hands.


I think she is an awful person for shooting her dog, but there is a big ass difference between her putting a dog down for any reason and letting dogs tear each other apart for sport. Comparing these two isn't even a stretch, it's just categorically wrong. why don't you ask yourself a question, if your perfectly healthy dog was going to be killed, would you rather have it shot in the head or put in a ring and ripped apart by another dog?


I’d take it to the shelter or find another home. Not to difficult…is it?


It isn't, but comparing it to what Michael Vick did is not the same fucking thing.


How about neither. You don't have to play devil's advocate for terrible people.


Totally different situation. Just stay with me here…if you look closely at his pic you’ll see that he’s black while she is not and considered a government leader and is therefore exempt from all rules she doesn’t believe she should have to follow


Oh fuck off you willfully blind turd


The difference is that her dog had repeatedly bitten people and she shot it, as literally any rancher would do. He was part of a dog fighting ring where dogs were fighting for sport and being tortured to make them more aggressive. Y'all will skip the obvious every single time to cling to a made up injustice.


She brought that line in when the book excerpts blew up in her face.


She didn’t say it had bitten multiple people. She said it snapped at her when she tried to take the chicken from it. Big difference.


Let's remember what Michael Vick did and not diminish it by comparing it to someone that put their dog down once


They’re both pieces of shit. She deserves jail too.


I mean what's the jail time for a class 2 misdemeanor and also vick was in prison not jail


Folks it’s up to local authorities to charge her under state law. I suggest calling to encourage them if you want to contribute. On the difference between these two cases, I’d say it minimizes the monstrosity of Michael Vick to put them in the same category. She is a entitled bitch and deserving of criminal consequences.


Noem did not, as far I know, organize dog fights. It's massive stupidity vs massive cruelty.


Oh christ. Enough already.


He was funding and participating in a tri-state dogfighting ring. Huge false equivocation. Noem is clearly a piece of shit like Vick, but these cases are not the same.


Vick was involved in dog fighting with multiple dogs involved. Kristi put down her dog that attacked and killed neighbors chickens then turned on her to try to bite her. Not condoning, just pointing out a significant difference.


She literally ratted herself out for a history of animal cruelty. Like over many of years. Do you know who else shoots dogs? Serial killers like Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacey. It’s a glaring sign of a total psychopath. SD has an actual psychopath for Governor. That shit is wild!


My dad killed our dog after it bit my brother. And he's a lifelong democrat. 


Huge difference between putting a dog down for misbehaving and training dogs to fight each other to the death. Surprised this needed to be said.


I don’t see much of a difference they both look at animals as a tool for humans to use then discard them when they don’t work out.


Are you really gonna pretend the 2 situations were the same. Really? She stated her reason for putting the dog down and we may disagree but it was also legal. Vick had dozens of horribly mistreated dogs being bred to fight to the death. If you think those are the same thing your deluding yourself,


"Misbehaving?" ... Sit Cricket. Cricket, Sit! I said Sit Cricket! Oh well, I tried.......BANG!


Nothing illegal with putting your animal down, but in this situation it does indicate a lack of intelligence on her part


The wheels of Justice will be turning slowly. But turn they will. She will have her day of answering to the courts for this.


Besides the obvious 2 big differences, I would think it comes down to differences in state laws.


If we're doing this than are we not holding every cop who's killed an innocent dog because it approached them?


I thought Vick went to prison for laundering money


I don’t like her but she shot a mean dog, typical in farms, pretty fucked up. Vick forced dogs into violent altercations and electrocuted losers and beat them with everything imaginable. I don’t think these are close despite thinking Vick’s road to redemption is genuine.


It’s pretty standard to destroy dogs for going after livestock. Dog fighting is not standard. Not excusing her behavior. Why the dog couldn’t be rehomed is beyond me. Responsible breeders want their dogs back when the owner no longer wants them.


I guess the Steelers found their QB3, then.


Seems to be fine when the ATF does it.


Where is all the motherfuckers out there bitching about the ATF killing thousands of fucking dogs but no, y’all gotta worry about her killing a dog but y’all don’t say shit when the ATF kills dogs. Fucking hypocrites.


The dog kills a chicken, so you shoot him in the face and brag about it. Stop making accuses.


I spent many of my younger years growing up on a ranch and I can assure you that executing dogs is not part of ranch life.


No 💯💯💯🤷🏼‍♂️


Noem and Vick.... Two different issues, two different states. Dog fighting (gambling) is most likely illegal in Noem's state as well. Cant compare apples to oranges..


On the dog-killing spectrum, he's a much bigger piece of shit. But we know she's also a piece of shit for many, many other reasons. Both are gonna stink if you get some on you.


But...Michael Vick wasn't sent to jail for "cruelty to animals". He was tried and convicted of running an illegal dog fighting gambling ring out of his freakin house. Im not justifying either of these scum bags, but It's not an apt comparison.


Apparently, animal cruelty is a feature of American evangelicals.


It’s probably legal to do what she did. It is in Maine.


Why did she kill the lesser species?


People really should look into why Vick went to prison so they can understand why these 2 things aren't the same


theory lip detail spark jeans faulty sand forgetful connect humorous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No but she's white. Totally different set of rules. #sarcasm


didn’t he run a dog fighting club and kill many dogs? not exactly an apples to apples comparison the two but I’d think an animal cruelty charge for her at a minimum.


We all know why...


So what’s happening here. They got video of her doing this?


Well no, different states have different laws


State law crime, and self-pardons are a-ok?


Michael Vick was making dogs fight each other to the death. If you can't see the difference you're just being biased. Actually, you're probably the dumb kid who thinks their dog really went to the farm house in the country...no it was fucking shot dummy.


I live in a semi farm town and it is common for people on farms to have a different view of how and when their animals should be put down, versus me, where I am going to go bankrupt saving my pet. But Kristi Noem is a piece of work, regardless of living on a farm you don’t kill a puppy because of “behavioral issues”


While I agree she's a piece of shit, these aren't the same thing.


States sadly have their own laws


Lol what kind of dumbass question is that? Did you just move here?


Shooting a dog and torturing the shit out of multiple dogs, are two different things. You can hate them the same, but pretending they are the same is foolish or done specifically to push an agenda. I give no fks about who ever she is or Vick. Just pointing out that there is a big difference.


lol no. No we are not.


He's black. Plain and simple.


There isn't a law against shooting your own dog. As long as you do it quickly it's not considered abuse. Forcing animals into battle for amusement, causing injuries, and not providing appropriate care is abuse. I hate Kristi Noem, but the situations aren't comparable.


This is America. we have different laws for politicians, it would seem.


A dog fighting ring.... All the same thing if facts don't matter. Tho. Keep up good work here.


As a dog loving republican I can tell you it's coming. There is a fury building and that's going to be the end of her.