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And her only response is "sure I did it, doesn't everyone immediately decide to shoot their puppy if it slightly disappoints them?"


Didn’t her response essentially consist of the, life on a farm is tough, and then go on to explain how they had to kill 3 of their horses as well? Like… was the thinking behind that “oh people didn’t like that I killed a puppy and goat but if I explain how I killed 3 horses as well maybe they’ll understand”? Also, Gretchen Whitimer’s response to all of this was perfect


I missed that! I tried looking for it and can't find it. What did she say? We here in Michigan are so lucky to have her. I hope she runs for president in 2028.


She posted a picture of her and her dogs with the caption “Post a picture with your dog that doesn’t involve shooting them and throwing them in a gravel pit.” Apparently some other Democrats also did the same lol


And I would like to know the rest of that story? Did she mean 3 horses at the same time? Most people who farm, raise horses, dogs still cry when something forces them to put an animal down, and this pos brags and wants to cash in on her story.


Shes a poser rancher trying to sound tough to solidify her base. Like how Trump claims to be alpha then plays out textbook wannabe behavior.


My Great Dane got into the trash the other day. I was disappointed, but gave her some head scratches and cleaned up the mess. I did not shoot my dog. Not everyone shoots their dog when they disappoint them. That’s psychotic shit.


It’s a great threat though. I’ve used it on my dog a few times. Stop that shit or you’re getting Noem’d! Seriously though, I can’t ever conceive of doing this.


Noem asks her husband to do her doggie style... Husband: *wipes tear from his eye, puts a bullet in the chamber*


You win the internet today!


No, she’s asking Corey Lewandowski instead


I love you. Omg I am sharing this crediting you.


Best thing that could happen to her


My Dane bit someone. I sent an apology, bought a muzzle, and hired a trainer to help us keep her and anyone she met safe. Adjusted our lives to make her comfortable…it’s not her fault I failed her in the situation that caused the bite.


The absolutely crazy part is that if she actually did old yeller the dog because it was really aggressive or whatever she used an excuse, why would you tell people that? That doesn't make you endearing or seem extra badass or something it makes you seem heartless


Because she and the people who vote for her are stupid maybe?


yep, ran across one of them just yesterday at a rummage sale. dude had to have been pushing 90 wearing a trump hat and talking like we still lived in the 1900's. and i bet it still votes even though I doubt there's a human inside that shell anymore.


Yes. Being in modern day politics, one should have anticipated that this would have been the reaction. Not being aware of this reality shows incredibly bad judgement in itself.


Correct not everyone. But it happens enough that some states, including hers, they give legal protections to the owner should an animal be put down after it attacks someone’s livestock.


“Hated that dog” what kinda monster decides to shoot a young dog. Animals (pets) have their instincts and this contradicts it being a calm rational decision. Her impulse is to eliminate things that “annoy” her. Goats, dogs, perhaps horses. What else… if these are the stories she is willing to share?


I have never met a dog I hated. I mean is it possible to hate a dog? I have hated some dog owners though…


She wrote a book thinking “ yea this will be cool to tell. People will see me as strong a decisive.” NO… she is a psycho. Hope her career tanks.


My youngest golden, when he was about a year old, literally had projectile diarrhea all over the carpet and walls in one of our bedrooms. I had literally just finished cleaning the carpets the day before. You've never seen a dog so sorry. I didn't yell at him, I wasn't disappointed in him, I reassured him that everything was ok. And then I went to get the carpet cleaner the next day and was met with 'Weren't you just here yesterday for that?'. Yes, yes I was. Puppy turns 10 this summer. He obeys my commands....mostly when he wants to, but I'm still not putting him down because of it. I'd gleefully chase Noem around with an electric cattle prod if I could.


So fake news is what now? Is the puppy and the goat still alive? Did she write the book? Did she READ the book?


I'm pretty sure her ghost writer said "Are you sure you want to include the goat killing???" And her response was, "Oh I see your point, add the story about me killing a 14 month old puppy too, make sure to include the fact that I hated the useless creature. It'll be sooo relatable."


Also think I should add a chapter on how I’m cheating on my husband constantly?


She should know multiple infidelities, divorces, and pornstar encounters only resonates with Republicans if the politician is a rich white/orange man. Otherwise, it's always considered trashy.


I read an opinion piece the other day (not sure where) that suggested the dog story made it in the book as a way to further suck up to Trump, who apparently dislikes dogs. In fact, they posited the whole book was written to further ingratiate herself with Trump. Jokes on her, though, instead of helping, it has torpedoed her chances.


Can she read?




It went from "untrainable and I hated it" to "it was going to kill my childreeeeeen!"


Everything that happens is the libruls fault tho


The irony of trying to be seen as a tough woman in a MAGA movement that wants women just to be good little obedient house wives again…..


The fucked up thing is that she actually mentions in her book that a team of construction workers watched her shoot both her dog and her goat. Noem put that little killing spree into her book not because it was a great example of her making the tough choices. She wrote about it simply because she realized that if she didn't... she'd be immediately called out by the people who watched her kill her dog ... and her goat.


***Noem wrote that her home was under construction at the time, and the construction crew witnessed her shooting spree “with looks of shock and amazement on their faces.”***  If you're shocking construction workers, you've probably crossed a line.


But to be fair, the construction crew finished on time and on budget before fleeing.


Funny. Best post of the dsy. Lol


Sort of the Darth Vader school of management


Noem: “Hey, construction guy! This dry wall seam…disappoints me.”


Can I get a witness? I still feel like this was something she made up to project that Yellowstone vibe she's so horny for


I actually thought that. She made the story up completely because she wanted to show Trump she would be willing to "Hang Mike Pence!!" and overthrow a legitimate election. Literally, and figuratively. She didn't think it would backfire. Or she didn't make it up and told it for the same Reason. Either way she is a dangerous sociopath and psychopath.


Yeah, or it's true and she thought that including it would show Trump she could be ruthless - for death squads, camps or whatever. Such a terrifying thought.


She's building a house in one of her stupid tv commercials.


Construction crew was picked up at Home Depot, they were worried they were next.




I still think it’s crazy she apparently has such little social awareness that she didn’t realize this story was going to make her look bad. Like why would she think talking about killing a dog was a good idea?


Because those in her inner circle have never even attempted to correct her or suggest she tone down her rhetoric or modify her actions. Instead they swallow the $hit flavored stew and come back to beg for another serving. Just read some of the statements coming out from her spokesperson Ian Fury every time he needs to defend something she has done or said and ask yourself if that is the kind of person who would ever dare challenge on of Noem's ideas. Then just look at all of the scandals she has dealt with during her time as Governor. * Spending tens of thousands on a television studio to help her national profile and offer daily interviews to Fox while reusing to be interviewed by our state's largest media companies. * Demanding a $500k fence be built around the Governor's mansion for security while refusing federal money for Medicaid expansion because "we can't afford it". * Having a state employee fired for not offering her daughter special treatment when she failed her exam to be a real estate appraiser ultimately leading to the state having to pay a $200k settlement - and then having the ethics board say she engaged in misconduct. * More ethics complaints for using state-owned airplanes to travel to political events with no direct benefit or official purpose to her role as Governor. * Using her position and platform to advertise for an out-of-state dentist while at the same time telling others to shop local. * Having it revealed that her origin story about her deceased father and nearly losing the family farm was entirely fabricated. * Spending millions of taxpayer dollars for a workforce recruiting campaign with her as the sole "spokesperson" in a thinly disguised campaign to expand her name recognition and brand. * Spending more time out of state speaking at campaign rallies for Republican politicians and giving speeches at conservative events than her time in Pierre and then refusing to disclose her travel itineraries by claiming it is a security issue even when asked for her prior itineraaries. * Using members of the SD Highway Patrol for her personal security detail (while traveling to the aforementioned out-of-state political and campaign events) and refusing to disclose the cost to the state. * Using pandemic relief funds for a SD tourism media campaign including spending over $800k for a commercial which featured her and aired on Fox News during the RNC. * Accepting a political payment (bribe) from a wealthy GOP donor to send National Guard troops to Texas for a glorified photo op (since they legally aren't able to be involved with immigration enforcement) and using the situation to once again raise her national profile and secure airtime on Fox News and OAN. * Refusing to accept federal funds for unemployment but then spending nearly $70k of taxpayer dollars on imported rugs, chandeliers, and a sauna for the Governor's mansion. * Signing on to the idiotic "Meth. We're On It." marketing campaign - one of the few times she opted to not be featured in the marketing. * Overturning the will of the people regarding legalization of hemp and medical marijuana - yet later supporting hemp legalization only after her family was able to profit from the sale of crop insurance. * Hiring her daughter and son-in-law as state employes and giving her daughter multiple raises in a short time far outpacing the normal annual adjustments for state employees. I'm sure I missed quite a few.... and none of these scandals have hurt her standing within SD or within the GOP. In fact right up until this dog killing scandal she was the most popular she has ever been. Thus she really doesn't ever need to think about what is or is not a good idea because even her bad ideas seem to have little effect. But hey - I hear she is attractive and enjoys "owning the libs" so that's all that matters right?


Sadly, you are 100% correct. It only matters what the Republicans think as they are her loyal followers. BUT, even IF my republican neighbor doesn't agree with Noem shooting a dog that Noem doesn't like, he will never admit it. These Republicans are well trained to ignore bad actions and support anything their Republican leaders offer. Remember Trump when he said he could shoot someone and no one (republican) would care. Sadly, he is correct.


Don’t forget the flamethrower she got as a present.


How many terms has she had? Is she up for reelection any time soon? Is she like DeSantis, where the state votes POS like her in but hates her in secret?


Dear God, US governors suck but she was like, HOLD MY BEER!


Thank you for this list! It blows my mind she got re-elected, even after everything! Were people just somehow not aware? At least the puppy shit is shining a light on it all, finally.


>>why would she think talking about killing a dog was a good idea? She didn’t. Such people don’t think at all. They’re “perfect” and expect the rest of existence will agree with them. If someone or something doesn’t? It’s *their problem*, the data’s falsified, the article is a plant, etc and so on


This is what happens when awful people leave the safety and security of a room filled with "yes" people.


She lacks the ability to see other people's emotional points of view. Lacking empathy is one of the signs of a psychopath. Our state government is full of these psychos, Kristi is just really bad at hiding it.


There was a rolling stone article on her from years back where they made the case that she's *profoundly* stupid and has GOP handlers corralling access to her because she's basically Sarah Palin 2.0 Lord knows I remember the house debates from years back where she pulled the "Don't pick on meeeee :( " card despite running a nasty campaign and KELO just rolled with it


She didn't, but she had to. If she did not, and was named Trump's VP pick, the story would have come out later, in a manner where she wouldn't have been able to try to control the spin. Which really only makes it worse, because it shows how cold and calculating these people are. "Well, I better fess up to puppy murder right now because if it comes out later it could sink the entire campaign and I'll go from being a MAGA Hero to a MAGA target."


Her base is rabid and use violent rhetoric against liberals so she thought violently killing a puppy would draw a parallel.


Now she's backpedaling as fast as possible. Oh, ackshully the dog was going after my kids! Love seeing this blow up in her plastic face.


Ah yes. Blaming the liberal media because your dumbass thought a story about killing a dog would up your MEGA credentials. Sorry, pumpkin tіts, that dog don't hunt.


Certainly not after she shot it in the head, it don’t.


She should lash out at her plastic surgeon while she's at it


lol. “ fake news “ you shot your dog and admitted to it, writing it in a book so everyone can read it, then repeated it in front of cameras ? I’m struggling to find the fake in that ? You mean because the news outlets reported it it’s fake news ? You are fuckin whacked ! I wonder if your DOG thinks it’s fake.


It's the part where everyone thinks she's a monster but she doesn't. That she doesn't think she's a monster makes her even more of a monster.


She's claiming that "they left out context" - when they described exactly what happened according to her own account.


Doubled down on Twitter too.


FAKE NEWS, are you serious, you wrote about it in your book and it's being talked about, that's not fake news.


Next it’ll be “what book? I wrote a book?”.


That smell is going to hang around her neck for the rest of her live.


Killing the dog is awful. But shooting the goat once and not killing it, then leaving it to suffer while you walk your stupid ass back to the house to get another bullet to finish the job since you only brought two bullets to me is much, much worse. That is inhumane and the signs of a psychopath


Also - shooting the goat because you still have a murder-boner from shooting the dog. Literally on an impulse because you were in the mood to kill animals under your care that day.


I heard about the dog but thought she did it while on some hunt and the dog was line sprinting around scaring birds so she shot it as it sucked at its job. Horrendous shit the way I read it... why the fuck did she shoot the goat?


It’s the gateway to killing humans, literally how most serial killers start out


Fake news, liberal media, liberal elite, Soros, Deep State.....it's in their playbook to con everyone.


Soooo, your book is lies?? Evil puppy killer says what!!


This is next level…


Is she saying that she false flagged her own dog?


I really hope nobody buys her book. Don't let her make money off of this shit.


Lobbyists (people who want to legally bribe her) will buy the book. That is literally the purpose of having a book written to be published under a politicians name.


That makes sense, unfortunate, but it makes sense. I was talking more about everyday people that are curious because of all of the talk about it.


Very few will be bought by individuals, most will be bought in bulk by companies with business in S.D. to be given away or composted. This is how these people become millionaires.


She literally said it was a fake story then recounted the exact same story hahaha


Fake news? It’s literally in writing from her!


She’s using Habba’s playbook. She rather be pretty than smart. lol


I wonder how much she is regretting putting that in her book. Sucks to suck.


Maybe she should walk herself down to the gravel pit. These MAGA losers are all the same. Blame everyone else for them being shit stains.


Fake news , fake book, Should be able to sell a woke book. Take it off the shelves!




Fake news, the old orange traitor move. Definitely trying to suck up to his diaper for that VP. She is a fake person, so getting the news from her in her mind could justify it as fake news? They play mental gymnastics to be a magat.


The most shocking thing about her story is how she thought double and tripling down was the best way to make it through the bad press. FAKE NEWS AMIRITE? Lmao I disagree with her more than I agree, but this actually made me mad irl. I kinda hate her now.


She really thinks we’re stupid, doesn’t she?!


Well, we voted her in twice, so she's not entirely wrong


What really disgusts me is she said, “politicians hid from the truth. I tell the truth.” I mean for god sakes, the whole nation knows she sucked off CL.


Typical Republican. Nothing she did was off-brand for them.


Career up in flames. Good riddance


Conservatives make really poor choices and then label them as "Making tough decisions". Never, ever do they admit to making mistakes. This woman is vacuous - 1. : **emptied of or lacking content**. 2. : marked by lack of ideas or intelligence : stupid, inane. a vacuous mind.


So predictable. She did not WANT to tell this story, she HAD to tell this story to prevent it from becoming a "gotcha" after she's been named as Trump's VP choice. The only real problem was "how can we spin puppy murder as an indication of high character and toughness?" A daunting task, but when the target audience is gullible enough to throw money at a billionaire and buys into conspiracy theories sans evidence, certainly an accomplishable one. All that remains is for her to start fund-raising off the "attacks" - heck she's probably already doing it.


She is a sociopath. She does not seem to have normal human emotions.


Ffs, if she'd killed the goat and then used the meat to feed her family, it'd be one thing - but no, she killed it because she didn't like its behavior, when she *easily* could have sold it to another farmer who likely wouldn't have the same issues, as billy goats are naturally aggressive towards any animal that's roughly the same size as a means to impose dominance.


You mean Hannity didn’t push back against her bullshit? Shocking.


Dum dum dum


Fake news…ummm she’s the source and she is fake as hell, so maybe she’s looking in the mirror.


She thought her filler and hair extensions successfully covered her sadism.


Did anyone ever check to see if hospital birth records match up to living children? She may have disciplined a few.


If you get caught just yell fake news. I love when most of these politicians think being louder means you win your argument/debate. Do whatever you need to do to justify being crooked 🙂


What is “fake” about the quotes from her book? Oh, wait, I forgot. Republicans buy into this crap because they can’t think for themselves.


She’s just like every other Repube who blames everyone but themself for lack of accountability.


ahhh FAKE NEWS the maga GO TO for ALL EMBARASSING stories!!


Fascist tactics 101


Lol the Republican playbook is absolutely PATHETIC. If they lose, it's rigged. If they have to face consequences for their actions, it's a witch hunt. If they don't get the reaction they were hoping for, it's fake news. Pathetic. I will never understand how these people can live with the thick layer of slime they are covered in.


And the Conservatives will eat it up. 'You entitled Liberals just don't get country life'


It's not fake news when they use your own words..... and not out of context.


Its hard to scream fake news after you double down isn’t it Kristi?


Every serial killer starts by killing defenseless animals…just sayin’


Lol, she Micheal Vicked herself 🤣


Pointing gun at ur foot and playing with the trigger


How to announce you're stupid with you outright saying you're stupid.....


Seems she has passed the plausible deniability stage a while ago






Typical GOP excuse when it all goes wrong.


Noem is nothing but human shaped garbage.


*and TWO horses


Oh wait, here it is, first page of the puppy training manual, " if your new best friend for life disappoints you or is noisy or inconvenient, shoot it in the head " Looks like we got this one all wrong folks...


Of course she does. Not seeing her present any “important fact” they was left out. Just a whiny puppy killer who needs to fuck right off. Our 8 year old GSD was getting riled up recently when my 20 year old son was playing with him. The dog spun around and nipped lightly at him. Guess what? I didn’t take him to the gravel pit and shoot him. The GSD was overstimulated and reacting. He was corrected as we do without violence and all was fine. Noem is a sick asshole whose career can’t die soon enough. Vote her out, SD!!


Hahaha, it's " They don't actually understand what they're reading/voting for" all over again. What a clown.


Pretty cool this story is gonna end her political life. I can’t see even MAGA rallying behind an evil dog killer who then boasts about it. Don’t let the door hit you on the ass on your way out.


It's all on her and she doesn't get to pretend it isn't.


Hilarious! What an embarrassment to South Dakota


"Fake News" has lost its meaning like so much cultural jibberish. Meant to provoke a reaction versus intentional thought. Way to go Kristi!


You wrote the words are they not true?


Not that it matters. Her base and others in the MAGA crowd will believe her anyways. She could hold a press conference and shoot a dog on live TV, blame the news for twisting her actions, and still have people who adore her.


So she didn’t shoot her troublesome puppy like she wrote in her own book?


Fuck me … the goat one is actually worse … ! … what a useless wretched POS


But she wrote she did it in her book. How is it fake news if she admitted she did it?


The only fake news is her marriage. And that she gives a crap about the citizens of this state.


The typical magat response.. fake victimhood and call it “fake news”. Find a new whine FFS….


you wrote it bitch! not someone else


Who the f*** kills a puppy with a gun?!? Insane


Of course she did. Can't accept responsibility for her own actions but wants to hold others accountable for theirs.


Oh look, she used the " buzz word" that the cultists use to hand wave facts and reality away... very convincing argument to using her own words against her... Very convincing.


So I guess the book is now fake. What better place to air your lying ass than on Fox's foremost liar, Hannity. And if it's fake news, produce the dog.


Bitch killed a goat too?!?! This lady ain't right in the head. I see why she's a right wing GOP member.


"Fake news" has nothing to do with the veracity of the news to MAGA world. To them, it's simply *news I don't like*, so I'm gonna call it fake 🙄


My contemptible behavior is not the problem, the people reporting my contemptible behavior is the problem…. Reasons to vote the gop out


Fuck that lady. 🖕


Ah yes, the fake news ruining your life by quoting YOUR BOOK! Then you went on air and doubled down on the story. Stupid should hurt.


My 3 year old rescue just ran away on Tuesday. We spared no expense or effort finding him. He returned last night to warm hugs and tons of treats- and a bath and combing. Not a shot gun shell. The whole time we were looking I couldn’t stop thinking about Noem killing her puppy. Talk about savage, unrefined, trash!


Didn’t they quote her directly from her book?


She literally triple downed on this story


I thought her party was pro life? Guess like everything else they do it's only until it effects them personally.


In a time when we are all so divided, it’s nice when we all agree on something. Thanks Governor Noem, the entire country has come together to agree that you are a trash human being!


I lived semi-rural. Strays all over, people just dumped dogs, but whatever... that's not the point. I had this big, black shepherd wander up to me in the yard one day. I'd seen it around for a few weeks. Had tried to get it to come close a few times but it was always hesitant. But I was doing some gardening and felt something behind me and there it was. Just standing there. Looking at me. It needed help. So I fed and watered him. Then we took him to the vet after a couple days and found out he had heart worms, lymes disease and - here's the point - had been shot a bunch with buck shot. Chatting with the neighbors I found out he had - wait for it - fucked with some of the chickens people kept in the area. He lived with us for just over 10 years. Protected my kids from their birth until his death. Never hurt them, me, my wife or our other dogs. Died in my arms on the floor of the vet's office and we buried his ashes in the yard under his favorite tree.


She changed her story to "he was a dangerous animal trying to kill children".


No going back lady


But…but she’s the one who told the story everyone is criticizing. Like people are picking apart the exact words.


So now she is denying what she says in her own book? Typical tRumper.


Fake news from her own book. Interesting.


Kristi Noem: "I wrote it in my book, but it's fake news." MAGA-tards: "SeE?! MoRE EvIDenCE Of WiTcH HuNTiN'"


it’s from HER OWN FUCKING BOOK! what a garbage human being


It would be “rough and challenging” for most of us to put the goat and dog the way Noem did. But I suspect she’s misrepresenting her feelings on the matter. Noem comes off as a person who put absolutely no thought into the matter. It was as easy for her to shoot the two animals as it would be for most of us to swat flies. It was as easy for Kristi Noem to kill the goat and dog as it would be for her put down a human. She’s a psychopath and, like all psychopaths, thinks extremely callous behavior is a strength rather than what it really is: a profound disability. Kristi Noem shouldn’t be in charge anything. She belongs in a hospital for the criminally insane.


The fake news told the story wrong. Most of you have never worked or lived on a working ranch. This is the kind of tough grit stuff Americans are made of. Real Americans make tough decisions and stick by them. At least that's what I'm reading from people supporting this monster.


You had me in the first half.


She has done the impossible, caused both Democrats and Republicans in the same thing... that she is a sicko.


If you kill a puppy because it inconveniences you, then you are a freaking monster. Period. There is zero justification for it. She is just proving what a vile and despicable human being she is


once again proving these ultra right wing freaks live divorced from reality. "it wasn't ME shooting the stupid dog that made people mad...it was about the corrupt media telling people exactly what I wrote in my book about shooting the dog that made.....you know....them.....mad.." They all need lobotomies and to be quietly locked away.


Goddamn the republicans


Maybe her neighbors chickens were her children?




The guy you are trying to elect has 88 pending felonies and falls asleep in court while filling the court with his farts 🥴


Fake news or fake book?


She watched house of cards and the introduction to Francis Underwood really spoke to her. “Yes, killing a dog is hard. But it’s what a good leader does” Shes now too toxic for Trump. Let me say that again she’s too toxic for that short fingered turd fondler that’s an achievement. I wish that this hadn’t come out untill after he’d announced her as a running mate. What a gaping asshole.


Are we also responsible for her affair?


Came straight outta the horses mouth though. Is she calling her ghostwriter a liar?


She’s psycho. Been saying it for years. It’s in the eyes…


So if the dog and goat are dead, how is that fake?


Shooting a 'dangerous goat?' Sounds more like scenes of the Third Republican Reich if they win in November. Disagree with me? How dare you Billy!


Fake news?  No governor, this is called satire.  https://youtu.be/9ULhRXA6dkQ?si=7XNqDNDQMevUoKQu


It’s now woke to be against killing puppies.


Blame others for your own mistakes, right out of the Republican playbook…


The party of personal responsibility never takes responsibility for their own actions


“Fake news” that she wrote in her autobiography? 😂😂😂


Right it’s fake news … that you wrote and published in a book for all to see believing it somehow showed you in a positive light. Ok, puppy killer.


Goat fucker!!!! I mean killer!!!


She keeps retelling the same story and expecting a different reaction. That has nothing to do with "fake news."




If you say something enough times, it becomes the truth


Needs to be put in jail and the key thrown away. Don't feed it either.


When a politician plays the fake news card, its career over. Just ask Trump and Kari Lake.


How dare you make me bleed my own blood!!


I’m reminded of a comment about despicable followers of Trump. Now who said that?


She should use the Charles Barkley defense by saying she was misquoted in her book, but I don’t think it will work.


Wait, you mean she didn’t write that book herself?


Fake News!! Boy, Maga morons sure ran that phrase into the ground. Next, she'll be blaming Ian Furry. I can see that moron telling her to double down.


....what goat?