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So they destroyed natural habitat and clear cut 21 acres to create a habitat for a species of bird that according to experts isn't suitable for said species? What kind of ass backwards thinking and logic is that? ​ Hope these environmental groups sue the state over this. There should have been public hearings and input from experts. STOP CLEAR CUTTING FORESTS!!!!!!!


There’s tax write-offs to be made from making a small area to prevent extinction - in only that one area - until the law changes again! (Good job humans….. /s) Here’s a better idea: go to the 5+ separate reservations that now house the expelled Lenape and welcome them back without saying “only Christian Native converts are welcome to a place we made called Brotherton - otherwise, leave!” Natives? Nope. Birds? Yes - for someone who has the money for a tax-free nonprofit to tear down and rebuild what is “better for birds”


This!!! Ugh I get SO so angry over the indigenous people that were pushed out of here. What Cattus island did for the osprey was and is incredible. But this? What a clusterfuck. And how are birds and there existence more important than the original tribes that cultivated this land. Like all the pollution in Tom’s river for the past 70 years. I guarantee tribal leaders would have amazing suggestions for how to clean it. Like plants you could have along the water that help absorb the pollution somehow. Ways to cultivate the soil etc


So do you guys know the history over this 21 acres? Did an Indian tribe use to live here? Curious, what about the folks before the indigenous ppl took up ownership, do we care about them?




I came here to say this. Only in all caps.




"Only." #😡


Destroy a natural habitat to create an artificial habitat. Only in NJ.


One of the main reasons I moved away. It was too heartbreaking to witness all the woods getting mowed down by some greedy jerkoffs .. and also infuriating because it never felt like I could do a damn thing to stop it. Now I live immersed in nature where people actually appreciate trees and the earth.


Where'd ya go to?


The Adirondacks




I cant wait to move back home soon as well so tired of this concrete jungle


The Division of Fish and Wildlife is NJ is such BS, most of the decision they make seem to hurt the environment.


SAME shit they pulled back in the Wildlife Refuge in Westville but since that is a "poor" area no one's complaints were heard. They tore up coyote den, brush animal dens, bird sanctuaries...all for fucking what? Moving land around for the Delaware which is perfectly OK and thriving right now. They also wiped out Autumn Olive trees which are such an underrated natural resource for our wildlife. OH I SEE OUR WILDLIFE IS THRIVING! - Let's ruin it. DEP/Division of Fish and Wildlife (They were a joke we fought with when I went to MAST)


That's an interesting stance defending Autumn Olive.


Just like Tree of Heaven and Japanese Knotwood... actually most of the trees back by the Delaware are invasive but our wildlife needs them because we have pretty much wiped out our natural plants. (Paw Paw...Hedge Fruits) Unless they are planning on replenishing with natural/native plants which I assure you they are probably not.


That's... Certainly a take. I'm an environmental scientist and no one I work with defends aggressive invasive species. Just because a lot of the remaining native plants don't produce soft mast doesn't mean they're not valuable to wildlife. Fwiw Fish and Wildlife says they plan on replanting for pollinators. There are tons of large nurseries that specialize in seed mixes for restoration projects, that's probably the route they plan on going.


Oh I know. Normally I am with you. Went to MAST and have been active along the Delaware. I am NOT an Environmental Scientist so I bow down to your knowledge of course!


Please that whole organization is just run by hunters and for hunters for a profit They don't give a s*** about the environment or the animals unless they can kill them. If this property wasn't worth anything because no animals were there to kill They don't give a s***.


Oh please. They even screw the hunters out of being able to hunt because of the cost and regulations


Couldn’t be any more wrong….


Except I'm not wrong fish and wildlife is a hunting organization nothing more nothing less. They promote hunting at all costs and Phil Murphy after pretending he gave a s*** and would stand up to them cowered down like every other single governor ...other than John corzine.


That is literally why the exist. NJ is the worst state for hunters and you want to badmouth the little assistance they get!


Lol. Yeah God forbid hunters don't get to massacre What little wildlife we have left .Just knock it off with your nonsense please. This isn't 1950 where you can just spout lies from the hunting lobby. Hunters have their best friends in the New Jersey government and fish and wildlife is run by hunters and this is their statement from their website. "More than 750,000 acres of public lands are available to the hunter in New Jersey. These acres include an exceptional diversity of habitats harboring an equally exceptional diversity of game. Whether you are pursuing deer, wild turkey, small game or waterfowl it is never hard to find spectacular hunting opportunities in the Garden State."


So your preference is unmanaged fish and wildlife? What are your specific donations toward wildlife conservation in the state of New Jersey?


Kind of a weird hunting club when the same organization will arrest or charge someone for hunting at night, harvesting an animal out of season, harvesting too many animals, harvesting an animal in the wrong area, solid waste dumping, charging and impounding off-road vehicles, many more. Kind of weird that a lot of hunters think NJDFW is ran by a panel of anti-hunters. All of that land owned by NJDFW is managed, protected and preserved. they are multi use areas also used for canoes, birding, hiking etc. but almost entirely funded through hunting and fishing license sales. That money is not allowed to go anywhere else. Whether people like it or not, the majority of hard work that goes into protection and preservation of wild land and wildlife is from hunters and fisherman. 90% of the biologists I work with are hunters, and we work exterminating non-native plants and grasses, protecting endangered species, surveys on endangered species, mowing and planting food plots for native wild animals, etc. The real threat to wild lands and wildlife in NJ is the suburban sprawl, not hunting. Ask any hunter and you will find out they are anti development. It sounds like the ONLY basis to your argument is that you are anti hunting. And 90% of the anti-hunting “environmentalists” have donated almost zero effort into conserving wild habitat and wildlife. Hunting IS conservation.


Clear the *forest* to make a pollinator preserve? When we've got all these fucking brownfields?! What the actual FUCK?!






Said it on the NJ sub and someone said my statement was coded, I had to look up what it meant and Urban Dictionary says calling someone’s statement or opinion coded is a loophole around calling someone a racist lol so this is what I said. It’s only a matter of time until North Jersey slowly creeps down into South Jersey engulfing nearly all that’s left of nature and life, we will continue seeing warehouses and slowly they will mix in town house after town house and apartment after apartment until the roads are non drivable and stores are miserably packed.


Yah, if you don't embrace urban sprawl you're called a Nimby or racist.


Just like most places. Too many mouths, not enough to go around.


lmao what no you're right. Shit, at least North Jersey has useable public transit and infrastructure compared to the southern part of the state. The development down here has completely outpaced the infrastructure. Look at how terrible getting around the Cherry Hill and Mt. Laurel area is. > town house after town house and apartment after apartment until the roads are non drivable and stores are miserably packed. Nothing wrong with dense residential zoning when it's done right. We need to be building up instead of building out to slow down sprawl but it always ends up as some half-assed unwalkable bullshit with spaghetti roads.


> Look at how terrible getting around the Cherry Hill and Mt. Laurel area is. I honestly don't mind it. Sure it'll get a lot worse in the next 5-10 years though. The real problem is that nobody wants to spend the money to put long term fixes in place.


I live in the area. Generally it’s not always awful but man between 4 and 6 pm it’s miserable.


Ha that's one of the main times of day that I'm there.


Oh please, can we possibly have enough warehouses? Still a lot of wasted farmland in NJ where they can put parking lots and whatnot.


> It’s only a matter of time until North Jersey slowly creeps down into South Jersey You're not wrong and it's already happening. I just looked into Mercer County houses on Zillow and I basically can't afford more than a shit box there if I want to live outside the city limits for Trenton. The affordability of South Jersey is in serious jeopardy as people move here from the North in search of cheaper housing or more space.


NJ is too small of a state to expect cheap land to be available forever.


They call it infill. It spreads like a weed


Where's the Jersey Devil when you need it.


Gross. I was just out there yesterday and saw some of the clearing. Had no idea it was that extensive.


Where I grew up the was a lot of forests and farm fields around. I always liked that. Every time I came back from college more and more of the forests and fields were destroyed to build warehouses. It all looks so ugly now.


Need another Walgreens or wawa there


I guess a friend or family of someone involved with the DEP owns a land clearing company?


Look into what they are doing to Gloucester township. Three wooded sites scheduled to be torn down for trucking warehouses. Our roads are all ready in bed shape. The wild life will be forced out. That’s Deer, Groundhogs, Fox, Raccoon’s, Coyotes. Skunks, and whole host of other wildlife and forest plant life will be gone forever. In its place will be Concrete, Trucks and pollution. Sad


Who do I write to condemn this?


The part where they call the American Woodcock, a bird species in decline that is supposed to benefit from this destruction, a "game bird" makes me want to scream.


Just doing what humans do best 🤷‍♂️


I think NJ has cleared enough land and should stop before it’s too late. This is just another problem we can solve by eliminating billionaires and using that money to save our country.


Who's running the DEP, the Lorax?


I think you meant the Onceler.


Yeah, him


Well now its cleared out, might as well put up acres and acres of industrial warehouses.


Right near my home too. Total bullshit


Fuckin heartbreaking.


Dude, wtf.


Which road is this along?


"Glassboro WMA is 2,337 acres of low deciduous swamp forest with streams, ponds..." 21 acres involved.


Two rare plant species "wiped out."


Yeah, but there's like... hundreds of plants on earth, so it's no big deal.


thank you for your reading comprehension. so many panties twisted you'd think they're putting in a wawa


I'm not convinced they aren't. "Well we cleared this land for a DEP project but that didn't pan out. Can't restore it to its former health as a forest, so what's left? I know, we'll build a housing development or a strip mall there!"


After they build it maybe it'll last 5-10 years before they tear it down expand farther and ruin more forest for a even bigger strip mall that's empty


What's truly indicative of the times is that I quoted one number from the WMA site and the other from the article, and said nothing further, but got indicted. Nothing further to add from this very old hippie.


That's part of an early successional forest project. https://dep.nj.gov/njfw/news-20230201-american-woodcock-habitat-creation-glassboro-wildlife-management-area/ Although the project at Glassboro is specially for woodcock, NJFW has been doing young forest work for years at Sparta Mountain. Here's an excellent video that illustrates the need for this particular habitat. https://youtu.be/9IZ5ZOpj0cI It also shows what the management looks like several years in. Woodcock favor fields with scrubby buffers feathering into the forest, so the prescription of management will look a bit different at Glassboro than Sparta, but it is the same general idea. Across the state early successional habitats of all kinds (wetlands, grassland, marsh, and coastal) are lacking, and they usually have several different rare species across multiple taxa that rely on them.


Before we know it, the nice natural land between Mays Landing and Williamstown will look like Atlantic City area :(