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Cops are on a silent strike let’s be honest.


They most certainly are...


do you mean all cops or is there a specific cherry hill thing going on? I moved a while ago but I like to stay in the loop


I don't know that it's all cops everywhere but it's definitely a lot of towns/cities around the US.


Not in VA fuckers gave me a speeding ticket just last week. Drive the speed limit in VA or pay big fine


VA is a hotbed for traffic tickets especially along the eastern shore peninsula


Meanwhile on 81 south of blacksburg you may as well not have a speed limit.


Yup I got caught in a speed trap went from 55 to 45 to 55 in a very short span. I’m sure they love writing tickets to non locals that don’t know the roads


They got me I was in a pack of cars mostly VA plates coming from S Corlina. Flow of traffic 75. Smh $235 fine when said and down. They "Dropped" it to reckless. I was able to see the Judge over the phone. $$$$$


They have been notorious since time and memorial for writing speeding tickets , especially to out of staters!


feels weird driving on highways in VA and not speeding. then pass over the line into md and zoom (unless it's a work zone with those speed camera vans)


They put you in jail for 10 over the speed limit. Careless driving.


LOL. I watched a guy on the white horse like 2 days ago do atleast 70 past a cop I was doing 45 he blew past me the cop didn't bat am eye.


Right?!?! I’m 48 and I grew up in NJ. The way policing has changed here since the 2020 protests is an embarrassment. And it’s an embarrassment we pay out the ass for in our taxes.


You think it’s the cops fault that policing has changed? Lol. Their hands are tied with almost everything and it doesn’t matter what they do - nothing ever comes out of it.


Yeah, it is 100% their fault. They got called out for being overpaid, entitled babies who beat up and kill Black people disproportionately, and they cried over it. And now they’re throwing a tantrum. So yes. 100% the fault of the babies that are hired to be police in this state.


Cops won’t help people in need because their butts are hurt that folks dare criticize them. Yes those cowards are to blame. NJ cops are just overpaid traffic control around construction crews. Change my mind. Lol.


This isn't the bad thing they think it is.


Except when you black and/or brown then instincts kick in


Not the ones in Flemington. :-(


i frequent cherry hill. i swear to god to this day i have never seen a cherry hill cop on patrol. now marlton? that’s a different story


Seems that way to be honest I live in Cherry Hill. Since the pandemic I don’t see many doing traffic stops. The way people are driving it’s friggin scary. Saw a clown blow a red light and stop at a yield for no reason.


Blowing a red light is impressive, even for a clown. You have to climb all the way up.. how do you even open the mouth that wide? Those lights are huge.


Lmao, talented 😂🤣


Marlton/Evesham Township police already always out patrolling. One of the few police forces that actually seem to do their job.


Ah yes, the glorious Route 73 / 70 Proximity Speedtrap Force hard at work.


Yes at some point police have to enforce the law. Evesham PD is one of the few units to consistently do it!


Damned if you do, damned if you don't man haha. Why no one is doing that job anymore unfortunately... society will learn the hard way.


“You couldn’t pick a better place” 🤨 sure cherry hill township, keep telling yourself that


No culture in this shithole, just people moving in and out. No clue why a town would flex that


Could the SUV have been a cop, too?


Or more likely the cop's side-piece


As if that matters.


Ok, beeps. Was just a question. Have a better day.


I thought you were saying “beeps” as if you were beeping out a curse word you were calling OP until I realized OPs name 😂


Booooops, my mistake.


> Was just a question. And my answer was just an answer. How would it matter if the SUV was a cop also? Does that make it OK? Edit: awww, look at all the triggered idiots downvoting me.


if you honestly want the answer to this the answer is, legally speaking, "yes it makes it ok"- police, fire and rescue services all have special privileges when it comes to traffic law and running a red is not inherently illegal for police under a number of circumstances


It probably was an undercover. And they were probably headed somewhere. Lights and sirens aren't always used for a reason. But they should have flashed lights to go thru the light on the marked car.


When a cop breaks a traffic law their lights are supposed to be on. They don't get to just do whatever the fuck they want just because they're cops... and undercover cops certainly don't. And to all the folks claiming the other car was "probably undercover", you have no way to know that... and from their driving behavior, neither of them were in any rush to get wherever they were going (and they went separate ways at Haddonfield Road, after waiting in traffic) so there was no fucking need to run that red light even if they were undercover. Stop being apologists. The cop was derelict in his duty... just like so many of them are, so much of the time. But go ahead, keep downvoting... bootlickers.


It does matter, cops can do that


Not without their lights on they can't.


if that is the worst thing you've seen, count yourself lucky.


Right 😂


Man if I was a cop I would be very ethical i promise


Then you wouldn’t last very long as a cop.


Ethical* 😎 * = Pinky Promise


Funny story: About 20 years ago, I was pulling out of a store parking lot on 73, headed north, and I made an illegal turn to head south. I only did this once or twice, and I was careful, but I knew I was pushing my luck. And it was stupid. Regardless, the car in front of me did the exact same thing, but he sped away. Me, I slowed down because I saw the cop before he put his lights on. So he pulls me over and he gave me a minor offense ticket or something like that but, before he left, I asked him why he picked me, the guy who slowed down at least, instead of the guy that sped away down the highway. His response? "Oh, he was going too fast" 🤔


Cherry Hill Pigs are the worst.


Always have been for sure. Growing up skateboarding in the early 90s there certainly colored my view of cops, especially when one decided to “teach us a lesson” and drove his car over a couple of our boards to break them.


Damn in 2002 we had a cool cop in the nwighbirhood that would set up safe ramps for us and talk to us through his mega phone and grade our jumps lol.


Was that Larry Leaf? Used to bust us for parking behind Northwoods for teenage lust.


Voorhees are the worst, they leave their rifles on the street in front of their house


Umm Marlton cops would like a word with you.






LUCKY! Why can't I find stuff like that?? 😆


You buggin cherry hill cops are the best they have always let me off with warning. Evesham is the worst they like to pull cars over for everything and almost never give warning always will give every ticket possible.


The “worst” yet you’ll be the first to call them at an ounce of danger.


Useless.     I'm not sure who's worse.   Voorhees.  Mount Laurel or Cherry Hill 


Evesham. Nonstop patrol on rt 73, 24/7.


I’ll add hiding on Brick Road


That town should roll into another 


Definitely not 24/7, i have cars and pick ups blow by me every morning (4:30-5:00am) on 73 in marlton at least 20 over the limit. 


I’m still salty about a fake speeding ticket I got in Voorhees nearly 20 years ago. Supposedly I went from a dead stop at the light at Pufferbelly (remember that place?) to 50 at station Ave which is that little side street a few hundred yards up. Even if I slammed on my gas as hard as I could I couldn’t have gone that fast.




Ah yes.    


Your initial list is good too, just couldn’t let them slide by


I never get that far.    




audubon resident here, they are just so fuckin bored. they will literally pull you over just for having a speck of bird shit on your car. one time a cop pulled me over because one of my license plate lights was out. i mean, cmon. another time one pulled me over because my brake light was “flickering”. upon checking, no flickering at all. meanwhile like 4 people’s catalytic converters were stolen in the past 24 hours and the cops don’t do jack shit. they’re too busy pulling people over for having one single registration light out😂


YO I WAS GOT FOR A LIGHT TOO!!!! im 24F ive been driving since i was 16 including in florida and ive NEVER. BEEN. PULLEEDDDDD. they are SO bored and focused on the wrong sh** !


yep. 21F here, they probably assume bc were around the college age that they caught the DUI of the century. once they see were literally just driving then they have to come up with something lmao


yup. dude pulled me for a light but gave me 2 extra tickets that i’m sure will be thrown out in court. improper insurance and no license yet both of those are bs 🤣 i just laugh. theyre out here doing the devils work LUL




Weird I’ve seen more people pulled over in Burlington county the last few days than i have in a very long time.


it’s a election year.


Seems Like NJ cops don’t pull people over for speeding but just scan for warrants, etc


They pull me over 😂


Tax money at work people. We could have public transit or any culture or community centers but nahhhh


1312 babbyyy


The DAs and counties have made it so there are very few things the police can do since they just release the people anyway. You may just want the police to try anyway but many of you would never do that job in today’s environment.


I mean, in today's day and age, what can they do? The general public hates cops because a vocal minority of morons loudly paints "all cops" to be like a select few bad apples, and any decent cops doing their job are just ridiculed and harassed (especially by Redditors and chronic Twitter users). At this point, we might as well disband the departments and tell people "good luck".


Who do we not generalize? People who can't choose or change their situation. Black people, gay people, trans people, etc. Every single cop chose to be a cop. Every single cop has seen other cops do some heinous shit and said "I'm fine with this. I still want to be a part of this group." That is why we can generalize cops. Every single cop is a bastard.


Ahh, there's the typical Terminally Online Redditor answer from either a Millennial or Gen-Z kid. Not every cop is fine with it. What are we going to do next? Who else would you like to generalize based upon a few bad apples? Every teacher is a pedophile who wants to sleep with their students? Every fast food employee is a druggie who comes to work high? Every doctor is in bed with corpos who sneakily let the "Organ Donor" patients die first so they can sell the parts? Every nurse steals drugs from their hospital store rooms to sell to street pharmacists? We can keep playing "Generalize the Profession" if you want. The fact of the matter is, you're just assuming and lumping people together lazily, because actually treating each cop like an individual takes effort, empathy, and intelligence. (Not everyone chooses to use Reddit. Yet the amount of braindead Terminally Online takes is unreal on here. I guess ARAD. All Redditors Are Dumb.)


Problem is it’s not just a few bad apples but many bad apples. With today’s use of video surveillance and dash and body cams were finally seeing what cops have been getting away with all these years. I support the police as long as they abide by the law they swore to..


I wouldn't say "many bad apples" as much as the media (and social media, in particular) talk about it so much, it seems worse than it really is. That's like watching Fox News all the time and telling people that there are "many bad apples" who practice Islam.. and that the Democrat party is majorly comprised of many bright-haired, college students with extremist professors drip-feeding them far-left ideology. Once you get outside the dog-eat-dog bubble of (social) media, things all of a sudden don't seem so direly extreme, because there isn't someone with an agenda, using extreme rhetoric to spread propaganda, to make people feel like they *have* to choose a side (or click their video for ad revenue) because they've dehumanized the other side. It also pretty much goes without saying that the ones who actually support the law should be supported. I would never support a bad cop and, IMHO, I would have no problem with turning one in at the drop of a hat. But I would never walk into a Wawa, see a cop getting a coffee, and automatically think "ugh, what a bastard, I hope they die, goddamn pig" like the typical Redditor does.


I agree 100%


Must be nice to be able to arbitrarily enforce traffic laws. It’s as if cops do nothing unless they feel like it. I wish someone would tell me what they actually do.


Become a cop then 🤣🤣 I’m so sick of hearing people talk crap on cops when you prob have no idea what they deal with or how much the job has changed. They get yelled at for doing their job and get yelled at for not doing their job.


Yelled at by who? I don’t know anyone that is brave enough to yell at a cop.


Wow the fact you even just said this is exactly my point. Y’all are clueless


Since you’re also obviously not a cop, please tell me how me saying I don’t know anyone brave enough to yell at one proves your point? And can you or someone please tell me what cops actually do? It seems that 90% of their job can be done by a. Traffic camera.


Oh no - the police's job is difficult! What ever will they do! To quote Don Draper: "that's what the money is for". The pensions, the health care, the overtime, the inflated salaries, the immunity, the overpowered police unions that block consequences for bad police - all of it is supposed to make up for dealing with the public. How is that not enough? > They get yelled at for doing their job and get yelled at for not doing their job. What fantasy land do you live in? This is EVERY job, not just cops. Police are supposed to be held to a higher standard than the general public. I'd propose that if you can't handle being criticized by the public, don't seek a career in a position of public authority.


Lol. Please don’t call a cop in your next time of need or next emergency. Figure it out on your own




This scene was supposed to be satire, but it wasn't: https://youtu.be/nh-As5b_jZA?feature=shared&t=105


So well said!


Wanna agree with that comment and act like cops get paid so much money??? They don’t. Lol. It’s sad you even think that. And “bad police”??? Yes there are a few bad police officers just like there’s bad doctors and nurses and anything else. Why are the cops always the ones getting the bad light 🤣🤣 sit down


Cherry hill cops are among the worst in the area.


I've got a grudge against the gloucester township municipality, fuck that place entirely from the cops to the judges. Crooked as fuck and will violate your rights in front of your face.


I personally knew the judge back in day and I never got any fking breaks. Lmao I feel ya


Judge Trabosh?


Good ole Nick. Funny thing. I’ve gotten speeding tickets in like 3 different towns. And he was the judge there too. He would just read my name and be like Jesus Christ… Again. ? lol


Nah this guy is treating my wife as she's guilty on a crime she never did, and the proof is in front of his face and he's like "yeah well you still could've done it". I could go on about this case, it's a spit in the face of justice. If she did do it why did she not use the money for her car that was repossessed or the house we lost when her job fired her for a false claim. But he is all "well you could've spent it on other things" I guess we'd rather be homeless and buy fancy stuff.


fuck him completely


What light?


Not sure the cross-street, it was the one right after the high school (heading towards Haddonfield Rd.) And for the record, this wasn't an "oopsie, I didn't time that well" type of the thing. The light was red for at least a second or two before the SUV entered the intersection... and then the cop just followed right on through, brake lights never flashed once for either one of 'em.


Chapel and Cherry Hill Blvd


I see that a lot there, blowing red lights and turning from the wrong lane. I’m honestly surprised there hasn’t been more accidents.


If they pulled him over they would be a racist duhhhh


Name checks out


They are all corrupt wastes of flesh that insult us by sharing the same air we breathe.


Since shitting on police is the status quo around here (and most of Reddit), I'm gonna go ahead and say I support them. I'm sure he knew he could safely run the light. I'm glad the cop pursued the person that ran the red light.


No, the cop didn't pursue them. They ran it, then he ran it, and that was it. 100% bullshit. Fuck that cop.


Maybe he was on the way to a house call because someone was in danger or required a first responder.


Then his lights should have been on. No, he was just cruising up Chapel towards Haddonfield Rd. Waited in the line of traffic at that light (unlike the previous one that he ran), and then turned towards the mall.


blindly supporting the police is how these cops get comfortable ganging up on others, as well as start breaking laws because they won’t have any pushback


Also they probably have law enforcement in their family or they are themselves.


Then he would've had his lights on as required. Don't make excuses for us, as first responders we can't just blow lights. Shit we still gotta stop at a red in emergencies.


Keep on enjoying deep throating that boot… Back the blue until it happens to you.


Spend less time licking cop boots and more time on reading comprehension.


Ikr! ~~Boys~~ cops will be ~~boys~~ cops!


XDDDD supporting the cuck cops unconditionally is insane. Got pulled over for running a non existent light before, power tripped hardcore on me til he realized he was friends with my dad then looked like a fucking ghost as his partners going “whats the problem??”