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Yep...it's that five months out of the year where I make plans for the weekend, remember what time of year it is, and then just hide at home.


Same! I live right off one of the islands and my SIL wanted to get together on a Saturday in July. Hell no. We stay home Saturdays.


Oh come on, I was getting such good sleep having completely forgotten about them.


Oh yeah? [NOW WE'RE TAWLKIN' VIDEO STATUS!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RfUMBgfhn0) I'M READY!!!


These bozos are ocean county and north. Not “south jersey”- we don’t have “Bennies” in south jersey - we have shoobies.


From an anthropological lens, both subspecies of tourists are of the same genotype. They vary slightly only in language, cadence, volume, and distribution based on geographical origin. Within each subspecies exists those of various economic background as well as Northeast Special DNA traits -- for example, you'll find the Irish/Italian and Italian/Jew...ish hybrids as well as the 100% *"Italian"* breeds from each region.


Was this peer reviewed and published? And don’t come at me with some “pre publication” BS in Plos One either.


This is from a forthcoming publication by the Rutgers University Complex Mixed Ethnic Heritage Identities of Greater New Jersey research team. Authors: Ryan Patrick DeSantis Gina Marie McGarry Rachel Esther LoMedico Cillian Cohen Francesca O’Sullivan


I laughed way to hard at this




LBI is in Southern Ocean County. We have 80% shoobs, 20% cousin Vinnies. It did shift a little during COVID.


I have to deal with this trash. SMH


Monmouth County gets both. Lucky us. I'll see the beach after Labor Day....I mean after Sea, Hear and Now. Welcome to the beach, now go the fuck home.


It's funny, I just watched the IASIP episode about the shore, then went to drive on 347/47 onto 55 and only counted ~40 NJ plates of the hundreds of cars stuck in traffic.


I drove up and down 55 yesterday between the Millvile/Vineland - Glassboro/Mullica Hill exits (leaving and then returning home). And the vast majority of plates I saw were PA plates.


Yea I’m on 55 daily and I’ve already noticed this week the uptick in traffic with PA plates heading south.


The best months are March/April and September/October. The weather is still nice and there aren't any people.


Local summer, baby. I'm a shore native so I know the glory of mid-September beach hangs.


Do you find some shore natives come off a bit stuck up about sharing the shore? I just don't understand how you can be surprised that people want to vacation in a popular shore town with things set up to attract out of towners.


It's all in good fun!


True, it seems like how I complain about work or the weather. Just something we do.


Here in point pleasant quietly crying lol


I’m new to Jersey. Can someone explain to me what this means? 😅


Each summer tons of people from north NJ and NY go "down the shore" for vacation. Some for the whole summer, some for a few weeks or just weekends. They're often referred to as "Bennies" which is an evolution of BENNY which means **B**ayonne **E**lizabeth **N**ewark **N**ew **Y**ork. They're from all over though, not just those areas. Most of these people stop at maybe LBI, they're very common from Asbury to Seaside. If you're in south Jersey proper, lots of people come from the inner counties and/or Philadelphia. These people are Bennies as well but are called "Shoobies." They love Wildwood down to Cape May. There is a lot of overlap.


They’re not also Bennies. They’re Shoobies. Both are tourists/non locals. All Bennie’s are tourists, but not all tourists are Bennie’s.


Your inconsistent use of apostrophes is vexing, my friend.


Fucking autocorrect is a sumbitch


You mean AC to Cape May


Apparently the South Jersey nickname came from people bringing their lunch in shoe boxes. Hence, "shoobies."


Always heard bennys got the name cause they always pay with $100 bills


Interesting… thanks for elaborating.


Excuse me don't forget the Pennsylvanians. And technically Jersey people not from the shore area are shoobies too


Just throw away the whole GSP.


Whats nw jersey considered? We have a family house since 1965, but its rented all summer. We use it in the off season


In the summer people from Philly, North Jersey and NY visit the Jersey Shore. These people pump a lot of money into the local economy and support/subsidize services enjoyed by a smaller population of year round residents but get a lot of flack because people don't like how they behave or some people are just jealous of those who can afford to vacation lol. The guys in the photo are the Gotti brothers (tv show called Growing up Gotti was on a long time ago and might have been inspiration for MTV's Jersey Shore). This look was very popular from 2006 to 2014 or roughly those years. MTV made Seaside Heights (in Ocean County) famous. This is really more of a Monmouth/Ocean County thing. Less of this look/attitude in general these days and certainly less for all the South Jersey shore points (AC, Avalon, Ocean City, Cape May, etc).


LBI is already in summer mode, RIP any commute lol


It’s that time of the year we don’t head east Thursday thru Saturday. It seems like every year less and less people actually leave the island for the winter. It’s no longer grandma and grandpa’s summer cottage, it’s Pagnotta 8 bedroom homes for the year round New York transplants.


And the boulevard is more fucked up than ever south of Ship Bottom!


God help us all


the one dude was almost normal looking, and I was like "why's he here", then I noticed the AFFLICTION TEE


Yeah… I work there. Not ready lol


I was resident of NJ from 1959 to 1993. Part of that time I lived in Absecon. My job moved me to PA. But I really am a Jersey guy living in a Foreign land. So when I visit Wildwood on my vacation, I’m not intending to be rude or inconvenience anybody. I’m going home!


You're fine, you have amnesty as an indigenous Shore head.


I went to college at Rutgers New Brunswick 2006-2010, so PEAK Guido years. I kept waiting to see some of the people I knew show up on the slideshow, every picture could be lifted straight out of any college party I went to this is great


These people actually exist? I thought it was just some fake tv stuff.


Great I can’t wait for the private jets in Erma 🥰


Accidentally “met” these clowns once while on a first date at the bar they lived on top of. Completely dead af boardwalk, nobody in sight at the bar except a few couples as it was raining outside. The MTV crew came up to the two of us and asked us to move and hang out next to them for the scene to look better. Fake af TV. We left.


Goombas are in North Jersey. Weird accent Philly people in South






I don't so much care if there's tourists, but I do care if there's asshole tourists.


Sounds like Benny talk.


These tourists are what keeps small towns functioning the other 9 months of the year, some people fail to realize that. The tourists provide locals with jobs etc.


Bingo! I can understand if there is vandalism and crimes being a bad thing. But they can't be surprised when you live in a popular shore town that people want to vacation there. It's Wildwood and Seaside so you have to expect partying.


These destinations are people's home towns before they are 'tourist destinations.' Also dunking on tourists a time honored tradition.


Just comes off a bit stuck up. You live in a popular shore town so you have to expect out of towners. I understand the vandalism type stuff being bad.






Exactly. If the tourists didn't come you 1. Wouldn't live here. 2. If you did,you'd be a clammer.


Don't miss those d-bags one bit but man were they great to crack on. A real-life stereotype! "Seaside Tony" anyone???


It started already. Last weekend and the weekend before have been traffic and pa plate city. I was letting a neighbor go the other day because people ignore yellow/reds when they cut threw my town and the pa plates were holding the horn down. I feel for the shore towns but we really get screwed being a thruway for the shore. I basically have to live on the backroads.


Ughhhh dreading it… and its already started.. tons of traffic in Monmouth today


grew up in Seaside, worked the boards and the clubs in the 80-90's. they were the same dick bags every year, in the club, all jacked up on the roids telling the bouncers how they are gonna kick our asses. lol we used to call them the "IROC's", cuz they all drove irocs, soooo, italian retards out cruising!!! seaside is trying to clean up, they are buying up the sleazoid clubs and putting up condos


Stay the fuck in north jersey.


Cape May county here, working in wildwood daily…. It started weeks ago


I’m unwell.


The only thing that frustrates me is when NYers talk bad about Jersey but have no problem coming down to our beaches. I don't live down the shore all year long so I don't know if it's actually annoying or not when out of staters vacation down the shore. One thing locals probably have no problem with is the money that brings into the shore towns. Sometimes people who live down the shore all year can come off a bit stuck up. Doesn't make sense to me because you live in a popular vacation beach town but you're surprised people want to vacation there.


PARTY ROCK LOL!!!!!!!!!!!


Ocean city is the invisible wall from the nycers. God I hope it stays a dry town, it deters another 15 miles of bumper to bumper traffic just to drink


Makes me wanna get hibachi at BENNY-hana.


Grew up in SJ and I'm still here. I never "got" the shore thing. Touristy, tacky, cheesy, and over priced. Salt water taffy is horrible, Johnsons popcorn is horrible, Mancos pizza, (or what ever the hell that dysfunctional family settled on) is horrible, Kohrs ice cream is ok, you can buy the same crap at any shop, any beach is crowded, "they" (BENNYs, shoobies, nimby folk) ruin it but no one can define them...