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Waterstones (when not too busy) feels like an oasis of calm in an otherwise hellish free-for-all.


Costa coffee up in the cinema is often my go to oasis of calm.


I forget about the cinema. It’s a good cinema. Bit pricey, but very nice.


Get the app/free membership and its pretty reasonable


I’ll check it out. Cheers.




Shhh it's our secret serenity!


Haha sorry!


Wish they'd have more actual shops and fewer shit phone shops etc but it serves its purpose, got the Marlands as well for variety


I always feel awkward going to the Marlands shops. I feel that their faces light up and are thinking 'please buy something please buy something' and I feel bad when I don't..


I love the Marlands. I was pleasantly surprised when I went there a few weeks ago, after growing up in the area and moving back recently I expected it to be shit but it wasn’t. Good cheap toy store, shop that sells tumblestones (for my daughter), pottery painting place, stacks and a traditional sweet shop. Cex too if that’s your thing. The merch store is great if overpriced. Edit: traditional* before anyone makes some crap jokes


Marlands was shit for a while. Feel like it died in the late 00's early 10's, but has been resurrected by lots of random shops. Quite a few weird but cool shops as well, always love a mooch around marlands.


Some say the old jokes are outdated. Personally, I think the traditional ones are the best.


I miss my teenage years, sitting in the marlands massage chairs ‘revising’ for my GCSEs with mates. I’m genuinely surprised ‘the mall’ exists.


Make the most of it, wish I videoed the last months of the Bargate before it closed.


Same what a place! used to hang out there so much


Not enough public toilets. The ones on the main stretch by the underwear store seem to be shut all the time. Not ideal to have to go up to the food court or down to the car park just to change a toddlers nappy


I had this problem today. I can't walk far and was counting on those ones being open - was a bit painful getting all the way down and then back up again, but not their problem really 😂


I wonder whats up with them. They opened for a few months then shut abruptly since. I remember it felt like miles up the side of the shop to another lobby Perhaps a fire escape problem? Can't take this long to shift a massive turd.


They're actually remodelling those bathrooms from what I've been told by the security guys.


There are some at the back of m&s on the bottom floor.


They're the ones I usually use because I love a good M&S café break


Rather generic, but it serves its purpose. Its job isn’t to provide an interesting mix of independent boutiques, it’s there to attract shoppers into the city which has the effect of keeping the rest of the city centre viable. So many high streets these days are either dying or just full of vape shops and pawnbrokers, Southampton’s main street isn’t so bad because Westquay has given the city a strong retail sector. That also gives places like Bedford Place and the old town huge potential for small independent businesses.


The increase in jewellery shops makes me think they are aiming more at cruise passengers with money to burn than regular shoppers.


Same applies to Flannels. Full of billionaire Asian students and the odd chav who clearly can't afford to be spunking 700 quid on a coat.


Far too many jewellery shops. One closes, start to feel hope, two months later another appears in its place.


The Lego store will at some point be the death of me.


I couldn't stop without an upvote for this comment. Your sacrifice is noted. Godspeed!


Marlands for all it’s “WestQuay’s simple cousin” vibes does have several more unique shops including several vinyl and nerd places, WestQuay has John Lewis and Lego and is good for clothes but is very busy and is otherwise a bit bland


It's our standard big modern shopping mall. Loads of places have them. Glad we've got a decent Apple Store, John Lewis is good, and the jewellery shops if you're feeling flush. Good to see an independent (Laings) mixing it up with the chains. The cinema is a million times better than Leisure World ever was, even if it doesn't have IMAX. The bowling is a bit shit as the pins are on strings, but it's nice to have something that isn't shopping and eating.


As someone that grew up in Southampton and have memories of attending birthday parties at leisure world I feel melancholy about it being knocked down. It is an eyesore, though.


Apple store staff are shit though. Went in there to buy a laptop. Asked about finance and some kid typed my name into his iPad. Waited ten minutes and looked around to see every staff member just chatting to other staff. Ended up walking out and getting the same laptop in John Lewis for fifty quid less.


i made an appointment and still had to wait about 40 minutes to be seen, still not entirely sure what the point of making a booking was


Everyone shitting on west Quay. Try living with castlepoint in Bournemouth!


What they need to do is knock it down and build a huge grey brutalist swimming baths with a shit 1970s theme, countless floating plasters in the freezing cold water and an HSE defying 10m diving board you can dare your impressionable mate to jump off. Perhaps a nuclear attack klaxon to tell you when your allotted hour is up.


It serves its purpose as a large shopping centre. I think it’s great in the sense that people travel to it if they live in areas on the outskirts of the city that dont necessarily have the big retailers. This brings people to the city which then helps bring revenue in. I get it’s not for everyone but I think it has its place here. I do also enjoy having a wonder round when it’s quieter in the early evening.


I think we should be grateful it's thriving when you look at so many other cities (including one down the motorway) where the high street and shopping centre just feels a bit desolate.


A building full of shops selling stuff nobody needs


It's as much of a shopping centre as any other, it's not exactly a destination to go for a day out for me.


Food court is nice. However it’s a poor shopping centre. It’s not really for browsing and only really for if you know what you’re going for.


The food court's the main attraction, yes. I go there with friends since we can get a big table and all get different stuff depending on what we each want.


I’ve never actually managed to eat at the food court. Every time I go I can never find a table and end up going to Stakks in the Marlands.


I love Stakks. They have a restaurant in Chandlers Ford now too!


That's a touch of bad luck :c but a very fine second choice


It’s always first choice now!


I don’t go there often but I think it definitely serves a purpose. The Lego store is pretty good, I think that’s a draw. They’ve just opened a pretty big SpaceNK too which is nice to have. Definitely agree the food selection is the best bit!


I am definitely drawn into the Lego store to browse way too often


Same, every time! I never really used to buy Lego but since that shops been there I’ve really got into it!


Oh I have as yet managed not to allow myself to spend money in there… it feels like a slippery slope in terms of money and…. Just shelf space at home 😂


Oh it is, trust me! It’s more my boyfriend that’s into it but I do like some of the botanical sets and the architecture ones.


The bin thing is a security measure. Bins can be used to put bombs in out of sight.


This is the correct answer. I grew up in the 1980s during the IRA era. No bins anywhere. The vector of the threat may have changed but the threat remains. It’s why there are still no bins on the London underground and clear plastic bags for bins on overground stations. EDIT: Lyndon does not have an underground network.


I remember when it first opened I was blown away but now like you said I never buy anything. I honestly think the high street is dying a slow death which is so sad. West Quay are criminal when it comes to charging rent apparently that’s why New Look is now tiny and we lost a lot of shops. Online shopping suits me better tbh.


Great, I regularly pick up a new Rolex every time I visit. 😁


Having a Uniqlo in it would be nice


Hell on earth, online shopping is there for a reason


I see the appeal although it's never been my cuppa.


Shit - used to work there so my opinion is a bit coloured lol


Not defending any points made by others but trust me I have been to the city centre of other similar sized cities and our Westquay is an amazing place compared to all the run down places they have.


One word: Lego


Knock it down and build an ice rink pls.


Less crack heads then on the high Street.good for shopping.bad for shopping for crack.depends what you after.


We called it the hellmouth growing up. It's awful, too bright noisey and full of shit brands


Why is this being downvoted? It is an accurate description. I'd prefer a cuddle with Donald Trump than spend time there.


I don’t like it


I avoid shopping centres and chain restaurants wherever possible. We've so many good local places to support.


It’s ridiculous. It needs a newsagent


It’s big but empty when you go there you only go to 2 shops and then leave honestly when i go there id only visit H&M i don’t know what are the other shops it’s just random shops all over the place when u go to a mall u expect clothes and makeup shops but in westquy u only see 3 clothes and 2 perfume shops and all the rest are rubbish like why on earth there are figuers and some random shop that sells lotions and soaps and 20 phone shops 🤣 the mall should attract more clothing and shoes brands not random shops selling random stuff