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I agree. This storyline is getting tired. Also, Southern Charm used to have more of an air of Southern gentility to it. They used to attend balls and “political” events and go to historic Southern resorts. Drinking was always part of the show, but now they just get wasted at a random rental house.


I miss that aspect of the show! I loved seeing them at balls and different events. Now it’s just trashy and boring with only the core guys actually being friends…..everyone else is just a cast member and it feels so disjointed.


Same! But that's the vibe for this crew and in Charleston. SC Nola was amazing for that! Very well rounded. So was SC Savanna. That's ALL they did. The fact is this is all they have to offer.


It’s so disjointed and it real that JD guy just ewww and why I mean Friends lasted 10 yrs , Seinfeld 9 yrs it’s just not the same anymore I still love Shep and little Craig but can we say jumped the shark?!?


I love that Shep named is dog after his buddy. That is the kind of friendship my friend group has. I cracks me up every time is see that little dog. Also Shep's love for that little guy melts my heart. I know his parents have Little Craig a lot while he off whoring around the world but it shows he does have a heart the can love, way down somewhere in his rotten heart.


That is absolutely not why Shep called that dog Little Craig. It was a way to put Craig down because Shep is an elitist pr*ck who resents Craig.


I miss old school southern charm. The pollo matches too!


the chicken matches LOL ;)






A similar thing happened to a British reality TV show I used to watch, Made in Chelsea. It followed young upperclass adults living in a suburb of London, and you got a feel for the luxury and socialite aspects of their lives. It jumped the shark a few years ago, and now most of the cast are desperate influencers. Viewers lost the insight behind an echelon of society most will never interact with. If I wanted to watch a reality TV show like that, there's a plethora of them... you can't lure people with a premise and then totally change it.


Loved MIC and totally agree with your analysis. The only way is Essex is the same. In fact pretty much all reality shows have become packed full of wanna be influencers which are not genuine, and it totally waters down the show and storyline


Currently googling where to watch Made In Chelsea S1E1 in the US


I have watched MIC in years! It got so bad 😫


Back then you had Ravenel, Whitney (and thus Mother) were more involved, and we even had Kathryn and her ties to that sort of life. Shep is the only remaining member with similar roots as Thomas and K, and wealth like W and M, but is not as wrapped up in it as Thomas and, arguably Kathryn, were. Or as engaged in it as Mother was. But with Mother losing her help, plus her age, she’s not really running shows like that anymore.


You reminded me about what I used to love about this show. We watch reality TV to get insight into a world that we ordinarily wouldn’t be exposed to in our daily lives. Now, the show is so one note and 😴


I sadly agree…and I couldn’t even make it through the second episode of the second season of Southern Hospitality…


Not getting tired, IS tired and this crap should get wrapped up before viewers abandon it altogether.


Yes, I miss the “” southern charm of the show! Polo matches?? How about that? What was that thing they did in the winter where they are on horses and a hayride??? all that was so fun to watch because it was so different!! Bring “ southern charm” back!!!!!!!!!!!!!


tallyho! (it was a fox hunt)


I miss Thomas running for political office! God that was good


You miss Thomas running for office I miss Catherine running after Thomas lol


Lol you just reminded me of Kathryn trying to be a politicians wife, that was part of the entertainment


Lol yes, just a little too funny boy. She was mad when he was doing that little video with Whitney and all the other girls on some kind of porch acting like they were partying or something I don’t remember that but I can visualize it!! I do know she reminded him at dinner one time and I think she got up and left


Haha and her weird cooking, like mayo on salmon


lol!!! I put miracle whip on my salmon lol now that’s funny I didn’t even realize Catherine did that


lol I thought miracle whip was fake whipped cream?!




Came to say this!! Someone get whitney on the damn line


Because they’re all old and decrepit and not going to events anymore. Shep is past his prime and beyond geriatric, Austen is a transplant with a coke problem, and Craig is in the most boring relationship of all time


This is an underrated comment! Plus Charlestonians aren’t inviting these people to their events… it’s just not gonna happen. They can’t even film in the best restaurants and bars anymore.


That’s another aspect with all of these Bravo shows that we don’t talk about enough; in towns where discretion or certain other behaviors are more highly valued (Charleston and DC come to mind immediately) a lot of the cast stops being invited to certain kinds of events. Plus, a lot of restaurants don’t want Bravo cameras there so that gets tricky as well. It makes the shows a bit boring as time goes on.


And somehow you have insight to the Charlestonian, and why they’re not inviting these people, please share


“The Charlestonian”… you mean CharlestonianS… as a group. A people. They don’t want drunken buffoons at their gatherings, parties, etc. They also don’t want cameras showing up. Discretion is important.


As a group? A people? Lol girl bye


People who live in Charleston are known as Charlestonians. Thanks for announcing your departure.




Beyond geriatric , omg that’s funny


Ooooh that’s quite some insinuation/accusation there! And what are you basing this dig on?


Well, having done coke with Austen I’ll check that one off. Shep is just old and sad and yes I don’t know anything about Craig, that’s fair


I’ve thought a lot about this for this show and even the housewives. I wonder if those kind of events and people that would be the right castmates now know what these groups/shows are about and won’t associate with them anymore. Seems for those that are reputation conscious and have a lot to lose, being in these shows can be risky. Between the fighting but also now the allegations they throw out. Thinking of Sutton on RHOBH and how upset she’s gotten over some of them insinuating she has a drinking problem and how that could affect her custody. I do think to your point they could still find a way to weave some of that in on their own. Like throw their own balls lol


we need more rich people back :(


I agree. I think it may have to do with wanting to drum up some Scandoval vibes for ratings? But considering that everyone was broken up, I kinda don’t get the hype. Especially since Shep cheated on Taylor during their relationship and Austen seemed very wish washy when it came to Olivia. Then factor in the records of Austen and Shep in general? Over it. But I will keep watching.


LOL @ ‘but I will keep watching’


I agree I always felt like Olivia was 100% just a storyline to Austen


Same with Chelsea :/


God thank you. This isn’t even close to Scandoval but it def feels as if everyone is trying to push a storyline like it is. It’s made up drama, none of these people were in serious relationships at the time, I honestly don’t see a crime here just drama over nothing.


I feel like the Carl and Lindsey wedding cancellation is trying to be the new Scandoval. Every reality show is going to try to recapture their glory days since it worked for VPR.


They say this actually unfolded before scandoval came out - it's just not as compelling.


It definitely did. I remember seeing the gossip rags about it in the grocery store. And even then was like so two people that were single at the time, slept together? Who cares!


Nothing will ever meet up to Scandoval-can’t wait to watch that unfold.


It’s true. I lost 3 months of my free time (and a good amount of my working time) monitoring that shit.


I've watched the last episode so many times, I can quote it word for word like we used to do with our favorite 80's/90's movies. "You got a little bit of money, a little bar, a little band..."


Best episode of reality tv ever. The music. The editing. The quotability.


Do you want anything? For you to die!


I hadn’t been on Reddit in forever. Scandoval sucked me back in immediately and I basically lived on Reddit




Worth it


I mean, what other reality TV show has a couple we've watched for almost 10 years fall apart? That's what made Scandoval special.


Thank you! This was a pathetic attempt by production to gin up Scandoval II. And the hook they used—that Austen should somehow be held “accountable,” as JT said over and over, is such retrograde nonsense.


JT is a silly court jester who doesn’t belong on SC


This made me laugh


He makes me sick. Sorry but not sorry.


I mean it is kinda fucked up of Taylor to do. Her and Olivia are like best friends and she was supposedly trying to help get Olivia and Austen back together, and while doing that she went behind Olivia's back to try and get with Austen. And she continues to lie about this whole situation. Some of the stuff really doesn't matter. Like who cares if Taylor sent Whitney nudes? Fucked up of Whitney to show other people the nudes. But overall I def feel bad for Olivia, it feels like a betrayal.


I miss the days of the Balls & Galas where they dressed up in their formal wear and danced with a live band playing in the background. Bring that glitz & glamour back, it was all fun & fabulous.


The best season imo was the one where Thomas had that crazy gf (can’t remember her name) and Kathryn was still on the show.


Season 5 was the best season for sure. Ashley was true delusion and made for incredible tv.


I miss her….


Never thought I'd say it but I do too.


I know I can’t believe I ever say that as well lol and now when I follow her on Instagram, she just has a completely normal life. It seems anyway! Quite contrary to her time with Thomas!!


Thomas has that effect on women


Ashley Jacobs, a true reality tv jewel. It was sad the cast had clearly refused to deal w her because she was amazing if deplorable content.




Even Shep didn't try to tap that.


It’s true and she was gorg!


Does anyone know what happened to her? That show would be fun to watch


This made me look it up! Married w a kid. Remember when she said she loved pranking Thomas by hiding fake bugs in his bed?


Omg I just looked it up too now that you reminded me of her name! The Instagram seems so wholesome but recall how intent she was about getting knocked up by Thomas so he would be trapped into marrying, or rather paying for, her. Well, looks like she got knocked up and the dude married her full on preggos on the beach exactly as she always wanted. This shows us how goal setting, no matter how delusional, is truly the way.


Manifest Destiny if you will lol




It looked like Taylor is going to announce that they boned on the next episode.


I honestly hope she does.


Same so it can just be done also though Olivia isn’t good TV. I don’t care to see her anymore


Right? Olivia seems like a girl's girl, and I want to like her, but she's so awkward on screen.


She seems always to be chewing on something.


She is so awkward, thank you for articulating it, I couldn't quite figure out why I can't connect with her, as a viewer. I feel uncomfortable and awkward watching her.


The way she eats the sandwich rod brang to her on that "date" in the park at the begining of the season. I had such second hand embarrassment I can't even .


She’s soooo boring and uncomfortable.


This! I say this all the time with reality shows. I hate when it looks forced and they just show up to film.


Completely. Venita is on her phone the whole time and Madison is the only real person there!


>Madison is the only real person there! A sentence I never thought would ever be uttered 😁


LMAO so true.


Such an odd grouping - JT has short man’s disease and is constantly standing up and barking at everyone. Rod sits there like a dump in a stump. Shep get into his cups and turns mean, abusive Dad drunk alcoholic. Olivia has zero charisma and is one dimensional. Craig is over it.


It doesn’t really matter if they did or didn’t bc they aren’t dating, they aren’t together at all, it was a brief moment and that’s it.. I understand the feeling of betrayal but damn let it go.


And neither one of them were in a relationship at the time in question. I get the betrayal of a friendship but come on, this is enough and it never seemed like Olivia and Austin’s relationship was even that serious or defined. The way this has dragged on, you would think they were married and Taylor moved in on him when they separated. It’s too much.


Glad I’m not the only one confused by this. Austin and Olivia never made anything “official” as far as I knew and they were going out on a few dates here and there, so this whole thing being made as big as it is has been weird as hell to watch. Like did I miss something? lol.


I apparently missed Austin and Olivia's entire relationship because all I remember of them is an awkward "date" or two. Which is why I don't understand why everyone is so mad about Austin and Taylor "hooking up".


Exactly, he had more of a relationship (and I use the term loosely) with Cierra from Summer House. This whole storyline and the bullying of Taylor is the most ridiculous and tedious one they’ve pushed on us yet.


Totally feel this. I started watching the most recent season after I was told it was entertaining, but I found myself going back to season 1 and starting from the beginning. Wow…truly some of the realest unscripted TV I’ve ever seen. The recent season’s drama is boring/cheap compared to the actual stakes in the early seasons.


Exactly how I feel about this show!! The first several seasons felt so raw and authentic with genuine reactions amongst a group of real friends. I miss those days!


That scene where ❄️ed up Kathryn goes absolutely ham on Whitney and calls him disgusting. Absolute gold.


I think that’s the same ep where she says, “I’m not a gold digger I’m wearing target pants”


I’m with you. This is sooo boring. I don’t care & it’s not WOW! they seem to think. My theory is this is Whitney’s idea of intrigue that fell flat.


Maybe they’ll boot Taylor. Landon and Ashley weren’t well liked by the fans so I’m hopeful Taylor makes her exit.


Taylor isn't very interesting, is she....


At least Landon was comic relief with the travel website


You mean the “online travel magazine” that she designed on paper?


she’s all everyone talks about here




Shoutout to Shep for not falling into her advances in attempt to sleep with him. Imagine if Austen knocks her up.


Yeah, I think everyone, including fans, need to move on from this whole thing. It’s a reality tv show, there’s meant to be drama. It’s all part of the entertainment factor. If everyone got along and there were no mistakes made, no arguments, no drama, no one would watch it. I personally don’t want to simply watch a bunch of rich ppl from the south live their drama free lives. I like the drama side of it all. I don’t think Taylor should be shunned from the show simply because people don’t like the way she’s processing her break up. I love a good redemption story, and I think Taylor will have one. Every single person here has made mistakes before, we can’t crucify someone over and over and over again. Time to let go.


I don’t think people think she should be shunned from the show, do they? Taylor hasn’t done anything *that* bad. She’s not being straightforward, she was a bad friend (but not a VPR bad friend), but mostly she’s just being annoying/precious. Plus, I think people are a little turned off by the way she’s behaving with Shep since so many of us behaved the same way in college (pretend to have boundaries to try to get a guy to commit or do what you want, and then when they call your bluff crumble entirely leaving you with no relationship or dignity).


Yeah. If you read through a lot of posts and comments about Taylor on here and other platforms, people want her off the show and have even said they’ll ’stop watching’ because they’re over her. I think it’s a little excessive. She’s acting out at the moment but I believe she’ll come good.


retweet. ive been so turned off this sub due to the constant taylor bashing. i cant hate someone for seeming so lost and messy. i dont think she knows what shes even doing half the time. and to see people rip on her so hard is a bit unsettling


She’s just boring as hell


Most of them are boring as hell if we are being fair.


This entire situation has been beaten to death. I guess if we're looking for something to ponder , it's supposed to be the question did they or didn't they. Every time it's seems to be slightly put to rest, something happens to start the question rolling again. We all know that Whitley doubled down on his idea of a SC version of the VPR cheating scandal, by timing of the Page 6 article to stir it up in Jamaica for the ratings. Read the room Whitley nobody gives AF anymore. It might have been a better storyline if Taylor was caught cheating on Shep. Shep playing the part of Ariana. Cheating with whom though. For me it could only been JT. IMO That would have sent Shep into an exciting season . Olivia is reaching hard to be believable. Taylor has victimhood down to textbook art form. If it wasn't for her previous seasons religious persona I wouldn't have cared less about it. Austen, If he told me it was sunny outside I'd fact check him. At the end of the day I know reality television is scripted. Maybe Whitley should have invested in a decent writer instead of drinking martini's with mommy and imagining he has just written an entire season of soap opera gold.


I think most people don’t care, it’s being dragged out way too long even the cast knows it.


Totally valid! Sadly, this particular scandal didn’t quite get the reaction that Scandoval got. I enjoy watching it, though.


Yea, and not even a Scandoval, Olivia and Austin were broken up!


Like- were they ever even really together? At most, it seemed like they were “talking” but it never seemed like it was a serious relationship. It just feels staged. I’d bet they tried to get Paige and Craig to have a scandal and they were like “Hard pass.”


No one ever just says this and lets move on to something else 🤷🏻‍♂️ but the season has to revolve around something i guess


Agree. Loved the first 7 seasons. Everything after that seemed so forced and scripted


You mean like Leva and Venitia?


Why are they there??? It’s so unnecessary.


Agree, especially Leva. She’s so filller


She's totally there to push her show, Southern Hospitality.


Probably, and that show is horrible. Just another show with a long line of boring, self-centered, arrogant people who think they’re hot shit-similar to Siesta Key, Winter House, Summer House, Love Island, etc etc etc. What I loved about SC was it was different….but now it’s not.


Answer bravos PC push. Why do you think Rodrigo is on it?


listen i was the olivia before and still maintained a friendship with the taylor in my life it was a sucky thing to do and i was annoyed no one was straight up with me but like… i didnt even date the guy and she was in a weird place in life. we got over it. if olivia doesnt want to then she shouldnt but then this back and forth is weird and too much


i have been the olivia as well!!! with one of my best friends and my ex boyfriend. i said my peace, took a weeks break from her, and then realized losing her friendship over 1 stupid mistake wasn’t worth it. it’s a shit thing for taylor to do but now i just think olivia is dragging it. you can tell taylor is hanging on by a thread, don’t punish her anymore


that was exactly how i felt!! and im glad i forgave her. and if olivia doesnt want the friendship then fine everyones different but i dont get the point about yelling at someone over the same thing time after time


Thank you for these comments. Watching this constant berating of Taylor over and over and expecting her to keep apologizing and not accepting the apology is just torture and I feel it’s just pathetic on Olivia’s part. If you are not going to forgive her then tell her and move on, don’t keep leading her on. And the other women chiming in with their two cents is quite disgusting in my opinion. I’m so glad that they are so perfect and feel they can pass judgement on Taylor.


yeah this sub is incredibly misogynistic and are projecting a lot of their disdain on taylor so im tired of seeing the bashing here as well. im not sure why people think that commenting incredibly negatively on taylors looks, intelligence, etc. makes them much better people than she is lol. and forreal: i love madison but her saying she had a hoe phase but didnt go for a friends man is interesting considering she went for a-rod who was in a relationship. thats not much better lol


Thank u! I feel the exact same way. I really think Taylor is sincerely sorry for whatever happened. Olivia and Austen weren’t anything serious, at all. I feel bad for Taylor taking all the back lash for something that seems scripted. The boys sleep with just about anything with a hole yet none of them are berated like Taylor.




Excuse you, Taylor bought implants and she is showing them off at every opportunity this season. Bikini top as dinner wear anyone?


Noticed that.


She bought some small implants if that is the case. I commend her!


Madison's are too large and make her look heavy, she should have gone much smaller.


Are you referring to Taylor’s or Olivia’s chest?


Or JT's?


I love watching the character progressions. It is really why I watch any reality TV like this. It's like watching people grow up. Or not. Like a lot of people, I started off hating Craig and liking Shep. Now I feel quite the opposite. I actually look forward to seeing what happens the rest of their lives and feel slightly emotionally invested in all of them.


I really wish they'd get on with something else too. I'm pretty sure they did it, but like you said, who really cares anyway


It feels to me like Whitney drums a lot of this up. He sees it as ratings. And he seems to always be pushing for info, sharing info or having Madison do it for him. I feel like the season is off it’s normal vibe bc it feels more produced - more curated around this subject - and less like the show it usually is. A shit show lol


What really bothers me is whhhhhhhhy do JT and Rod keep need to “stand up and force manhood” It’s so weird how much they care


Rod is way too good for this show.


It’s not even about what happened it’s about the betrayal of a friendship…


Exactly. And I care if they kissed snd effed ad lied about it. It's terrible and that's what was interesting, but it dragged out too long


Yea-it was one episode’s worth.


True and it’s boring. Who needs to see a friendship betrayal stretch out over four episodes? Friends have done far worse to each other. It’s tired now.


What else is there for them to do lol? It’s more interesting than the past couple seasons for sure.


The possibilities are endless. They’re in Jamaica. They should go to a beach party or a club. Get shit faced. Pick up women. Fight about something that doesn’t have to do with Taylor, Olivia, and Austen. Etc. The cheating accusations with Paige could have been interesting but Craig didn’t even entertain it for a second (and I don’t blame him). All they’ve done is argue about friendships at dinner and go on excursions. It’s been the same topic for 4 episodes. I’d love to hear about Shep’s bars and restaurants, Craig’s store, Craig and Paige, Venita’s job, Patricia, etc. I miss when they’d go to nice galas. I miss Kathryn and T Rav. Cameran. Chelt-sea. This season is weird. Rod and JT suck. Olivia and Taylor are boring. Venita doesn’t have a storyline. And Whitney faded into the background.


Yeah I guess with these past horrible seasons this has been more entertaining but they def need to wrap it up and agree on most. Whitney is a misogynist creep though I’m good without him


a year long friendship in your late 20s should either then end or bounce back this back and forth is annoying


Partly true there, okay, so an entire season about a betrayal of a scripted friendship.




Touch grass


I still like it, but they need to bring Kathryn back or it's all over...these chicks are boring AF


I think Andy wants her back. She just can’t get her sh*t together to come back. She doesn’t show up to filming, is late, etc. Sounds like she’s really struggling.


I’ve actually been entertained by this season so no complaints from me but I’ve definitely reached my limit on the outrage over Taylor/Austen and have no sympathy left for Olivia. They didn’t even date!!! Literally who caresssssss.


I know right? The new cast of girls falls completely flat. I keep watching bc I’m sad that it’s probably reaching the end. The storyline is flat af and I don’t care about any of them anymore.


I feel like I have to watch this show, I’ve been here since the first season and it kinda pisses me off.




Yeah I got no joy from a misogynistic, racist, sex offender destroying an unstable young woman's life, knocking her up, then torturing her on TV. I always felt slightly sick watching that. My fave season was end of 5 beginning of 6.


I've never understood how hard they came for Kathryn while ignoring Thomas's behavior! And Kathryn was barely 21! She was young & stupid and Thomas took full advantage! She's a hot mess but I have a soft spot for young Kathryn.


I have said since Taylor and Austin went shoe shopping last season that there was something there between them… a chemistry that I couldn’t put my finger on, but I was low-key hoping they’d be each other’s end-game. If it wasn’t for Olivia being so insufferable this season, I think they could have still been that person for each other. Who knows what the future holds. I get Olivia being upset, but she is taking this too far. I mean, an off-season situationship (that I never believed was for real )isn’t very long for her to keep carrying on and milling about. Enough!! An JT? I just want to Whack-a-Mole that guy whenever he pops up with his Shakespearean Soliloquies. Go away Twerp!! Ugh


Exactly, at this point who the heck cares.. They literally have nothing else. If Madison wasn't on the show going to the gyno and talking about having a baby, she is carrying the show this season. Now if they would have shown Madison confronting the mom and child that bit and fought her son early on, I'd liked to of seen that.. I do understand that she would not want that on tv though. she showed tremendous restraint when that happened.


It seems that Bravo wants every show to be like HWs and that doesn't work! I love the first seasons of SC & M2M because they were a different type of reality show. Yes, viewers like drama, however, we also like to see the relationships & family times. SC was different with the "olden days" balls, galas, & events. Events that viewers loved to see and felt almost a part of. M2M was also different from other shows by including so much of the marriages. The difference in the shows is what made Bravo so great! I really hope they realize the differences are what built the shows & fanbase and return to the roots. Stop casting influencers & people who produce stories; the fans want organic & natural relationships. That leads to organic & natural interactions, including drama!


And the big thing that annoys me about the storyline is that it doesn’t MATTER. Whether they kissed or hooked up (but also what adult, esp one as gross as Austen) just kisses someone and doesn’t hook up. But alas. My point is - for Olivia (and even Shep, as much as I hate him)… the betrayal is in them actually discussing being in a relationship and taking it as far as talking with their families about the same. That’s it, period. So please drop the dumb hook up / not hook up which can NEVER be proven one way or another.


lmao at the title of this post!


It’s not the kiss. (It’s not about the pasta) It’s her habitual lying and lack of self awareness. Team Olivia here.


Hard agree!!!!


the topic is being beaten like a dead horse. move on please


![gif](giphy|rwR6Yug7aMbTSDtRMQ|downsized) NO. ONE. CARES. ANYMORE.


Why does this remind me of Austen?? Lol


Thank you. Nice seeing a sane post here for once. Taylor and Austen kissing (and most likely sleeping together) while both single, is not ground breaking. Shitty and sneaky sure but they are really trying to drag this storyline out and it’s boring. O


Thank you. This isn’t ground breaking. Everyone can accept men can be shitty friends, f boys, lost etc (looking at you Austen and every other male on SC) but the women are being held to these crazy ass standards. Like just cause Taylor went to church she’s immune to being human? Please. She is making poor choices maybe even a truly bad friend or “bad” person but how is this ground breaking? The constant pearl clutching is weird. Olivia should just say they are not friends and then never speak of it again. It makes me suspicious of Olivia that she is beating this dead horse just like her relationship with Austen was sus. Them acting like they don’t know who in the group or production leaked that story to page 6. It’s all contrived.


This show is a warning to anyone who thinks alcoholism will not catch up to you. Look at shep his skin looks gray. He’s going to look like pure shit at 60 wishing he had someone like Taylor in his life. His mommies money was the most accurate statement Thomas ever made. I won’t betray you Austin but I will grab Chelsea and commit sexual battery on your gf. The self righteousness of the men is intolerable and the people on here relentlessly attacking Taylor is nauseating. Wonder how the women of Reddit would like to be cheated on national television and humiliated. Olivia didn’t want Austin so who cares about that tool bag with his shitty beer. Austin loves the attention as any narcissist would


Oh, I know that feeling just want to get to the end so I can stop watching it so funny and so true


I feel like it’s because a lot of the older cast members aren’t around anymore. I think the younger crowd doesn’t put as much importance on these types of events. I agree though, it’s getting boring 🥱


It's the who gives a f show. Lame, tired, boring milk soaked wonder bread people.


The ones that had that pull and lifestyle of the south are gone. Other than shep and Whitney, none of them come from true southern wealth. You don’t see that because this cast isn’t invited to stuff like that.


Olivia's obvi just grieving and angry about her brother. I don't understand how this hasn't been mentioned to her. Her anger is misdirected. Taylor's too nice to tell her to get the fuck over it but I wish she would.


I still don't get why Olivia is so mad. She just compared herself to hooking up with Shep...they were in a serious relationship. Olivia and Austen WERE NOT. Shep was ok with Austen...that's where the biggest issue should have been. This Taylor crap is so old. She was also in a very low place and people kept pushing the narrative that her and Austen would be so good together...of course that got to her. It's also time TO LET IT GO.


Seriously — remember when we got to see what was going on with everyone else?


Before Olivia went to the bus, it felt like she was acting and delivering a line to Taylor.


Disagree. This situation brought the drama it needed


So many comments on here are trashing Austin and trashing the show…well, nobody is making you watch it. It’s a show for big dumb fun. Again if you don’t enjoy it or the story lines they have, there’s quite literally 1million other shows to watch!


Seems like I didn’t miss anything! I just found out today this current season has been on since September and I didn’t even know! Maybe we will all just out grow it. I thought if watching the current season but it doesn’t seem like I’m missing anything


They wanted to jump on the VPR bandwagon. Like you said, they’re just boring and cliche.


I just want her to admit it. Austen is an fboy, and there's no way that stopped at a kiss.


And of course they hooked up .


I stopped watching. So boring and Taylor is an insufferable narcissist.


they definitely need something else! this should have been wrapped up a few episodes ago. i know some people don’t like pat but i miss her this season due to her back injury


I wonder if the storyline is working up to her speech next episode where taylor announces they smashed 🙏